Ph33r! :D
O old.Gombur Glodson Guest Jul 26, 2003 Thread starter #2 Heh funny, but why Nolby Pride? [Edit] Ok thats damn catchy, Daft Punk rocks ;o
M mirieth Guest Jul 26, 2003 Thread starter #3 "Faster, stronger, better"? <insert ego a few lines ago>
T tieris Guest Jul 27, 2003 Thread starter #6 Nolby pride? ? surely the screen would be filled with about 40 hibs claiming to be 1fg?
S Shike Guest Jul 27, 2003 Thread starter #7 Originally posted by tieris Nolby pride? ? surely the screen would be filled with about 40 hibs claiming to be 1fg? Click to expand... Or 8 Albs with 20 stealthers around that cant be seen doin the same thing?
Originally posted by tieris Nolby pride? ? surely the screen would be filled with about 40 hibs claiming to be 1fg? Click to expand... Or 8 Albs with 20 stealthers around that cant be seen doin the same thing?