No way



Eheh sas, them up and down tactics you talk about wouldn't happen on a public server, it would take you ages to travel the map, and would probaly result in you being flanked from behind. It does work, but in CS not a chance, and with in general the CS maps becoming less tactical, and more rush and fire, there would be little point. Anyway even if you could find somebody good enough to move with you, it would only be usefull on a couple of maps, as most are too small now. Maps like jail and Iraq tactics like that were great, many a time did i stay back while my team moved forward down the long paths in CS_iraq, and cover fire from back and high postions as a T on the best map ever Jail:). It's a great idea, but requires all of the team to work, 2 or 3 squads covering 3 arc's of fire all moving in perfection, iv'e been there done that:) in real life at stanta and at hythe in the village, i just wish i could do the same in CS it would be fun, the other team wouldn't stand a chance if you could find 10 or so people to pull it off:)


You're wrong, actually. Two players playing intelligently together, who know each other's movements, are very difficult to play against and can easily clear an enemy team of 'individuals'. Three players playing together are basically unstoppable. That is probably more true on a public server than a clan game, because the enemy is more likely to be reacting in a disorganised fashion.


Have to agree with you there Stu- - by their very nature, Public Servers are chaotic, and if you spend a little time suggesting a bit of order, the sensible ones on your team will follow your lead whilst on the other team they'll continue to run around like headless chickens.

Happened to me the other day - cs_docks, we were getting hammered as the CTs. Two of my clan members were on the other side, and they were having mass ownage from on high with their assault weapons.

I suggested that three of us go via the water and the other three cause a noise at the choke point but don't advance, covering the sewer entrance and generally making a big racket.

Over several rounds (because they weren't working as a team and adapting) we spanked them from behind after sneaking into the building by the T docks, and even after that we managed a majority of wins...


Ok fair enough, but i can only base what i say from public servers, i don't play clan games and i doubt i ever will, i just play from time to time for a little fun. I try on pubs not to run with my team because in general they get in the way and half my rounds end up smacking into the back of them, i hang back and take my chances. I know it's not very team like but iv'e more of a chance of taking out the nme by myself than joining the rush from the start. At most choke points i get hammerd in the head and lose 80% if i get lucky and don't die. I still belive though the mod is being made less and less towards good team play and more, all rush to the choke points. The guy that wrote CS_arab streets said himself, that he was told to take out the 3rd entrance, thus pushing everybody through only two points. It's take your pick, i only play CS because there's nothing better atm, soon hopefully with greats like tribes 2 and tf2 coming are way that will change, but for now CS makes people happy:)


The reason peeps don't play too well on public server's is

1. Chaotic as hell
2. Peeps don't like to take orders
3. Some peeps even if your showing them don't really know all the tricks on the lever (Eg. Italy)

It's best to get a m8 and try to help each other but on some maps you can work on your own (Eg. Italy 30 kills 5 deaths :) ) it's all how good and how you play.


Your missing the point i don't buddy up because most of the time the other guy steps in the way, it's got nothing to do with how i perform, the last time i played italy, in one of the rounds i took the last 7 players on the other team out by myself, pimping it abit here but my score was in the 50's with only 7 deaths:eek: I avoid the chaos by either running round the back fast or stay back from the main charge. I just prefer the underdog thing:) it reminds me of my 2 or 3v1's games in quake2:)


Yes Kurt - it's true - I yearn for the kind of tactical movement cs_backalley gives, rather than the stupid rushing tactics of de_dust. Despite my example, the majority of public play is chaotic, but with a little work you can change this.

However, I want a more stealthy, sneaky game where tactics play their part.


You can still rush, and be tactical. In fact, dust is a perfect example. I've lost count of the times that, simply by disrupting my rhythm a little bit, I've taken out 3 or 4 stupid people who insist on doing the same thing every map, usually following the path of least resistance.

The only downside is that as soon as I find something new/original/clever to do on a map, and get a few kills, every other flid on my team tries to do it next round :/


Yeah for sure i wish for a more tactical team play element, i don't don't just mean the maps like cs_assault where most of the t's park there ass. The only way i ever play that map is on the ct side, because it's one of the few maps that i do shout up for a big all go in together, or we get slaughterd, a few nice distractions with a little smoke at the front, 2 in the vent 1 or 2 through the door and the rest through the front, it's unstopable if you all time it right:) One thing though i would like to see them bring back the escape maps, they were the best maps for true team work, in general they were large maps with many ways in or out, and required the whole team in many cases to escape. The only thing bad about them was breaking into the weps stash at the start, if you had idiots on your team it was CT rush city:(


my 2 cents

on assualt ct's usually lose cos everyone goes 1 at a time, meaning a rather nice turkey shoot for the terror's


Very true ED, although assault can be amusing if there is a group of CT's on the roof (at least 2) who each have a FB and HE grenade. Also, if there is an iota of co-ordination involved, then the CT's can cause a severe headache by attacking 3 entry points at once (again, mucho grenado is needed).

However, as Kurt has already pointed out, this rarely happens on pub servers.


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