No shows



I think some clans might not be taking "no shows" seriously and double book or just don't giv a s***

Maybe you should look into something to prevent this ?

I personally would give it 3 no shows in a row and remove them

I'm hearing to much about clans double booking in this league



Hey all i cant start up my own form so im usin this 1 LMAO:clap: sorry moon lol well on bwtfcl i started and all that shit but i cant add members y?:( if its broke i will look like this:upyours: or this:puke: so if u can help me reply on this form


Do you know what an irc channel is dazzy ?

Also wouldnt it have been a good idea to add your members before the season started ?

Also as you feel this is the help thread lets hope you consider showing up for your next match only to find the other team is playing another match in a different league, not taking this 1 seriously and letting down your clan, well then u might want help in sorting that little problem to ?

It makes you feel like :
:upyours: :upyours: :upyours: :upyours: :upyours: :upyours:



All I can say is Moon is talking sense here. The amount of no shows is unbareable.

Oh, and I think Moon just started this thread to beat my near 2000 viewings on my post called - Div 3 and the problems that come with -.

Am I right Moony?


bah humbug, I'll get admins to report to me if a clans done 3 no shows so I can give them a big kicking in the general direction of the NGUKTFCL

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:



Fair enuff...........

How about WPTFCL? Looks like they are going down too......


Does amaze me why on earth they join the league if they are just going to idle, but three no-shows seems fair enough for a kick up the botty :)


Let me use eH as an arguement against this

Now we were drafted in unexpectedly..
We were even 1 member short of the actual minimum!

However, since we've been put in the squad has added a couple more guys, but even then as a completely new clan to the league its obviously gonna take a couple of weeks till we get sorted properly.

We no showed our first match, obviously id blame our team captain for it, but it didnt matter, at that point we were still short of guys.

That is why someone like me is now in charge of organising matches :)

But anyhow, i think this really does present a very very strong arguement FOR bringing back the 6 a side minimum in the 3rd division.

Having 6 players does not benefit a team in any way if the other still has 8....And this would seriously decrease the number of no shows (and those times say when 8 dont show up).

I can understand how frustrating a no show can be for a clan thats taken their own time to show up, but surely decreasing the minimum number of players to 6 again (Just in div3...) would make things run a lot smoother in the 3rd division....

You can see im making the effort :rolleyes:


Sorry but I have to disagree with the 6 man minimum team,as most tactics are planned for 8 vs 8 then to find you suddenly have to drop 2 players to even the teams and change tactics at the last minute is a right pain in the arse.
This happened so much in uktfcl last season with my previous clan that I had 2 set of tactics but it became the norm to play 6 vs 6 in div 3.
Stick with 8 players it's better.


I was thinking more about it being possible to play 6 v 8.
Theres no denying that there would be no advantage for the team with 6, whilst decreasing the number of no shows still....

I never actually meant 6 v 6 being mandatory.
For that would be unfair on most of the more organized clans :rolleyes:


yeah I see what you are saying mate it may help with the no-shows, but any decent clan would idle the extra 2 players and make it a 6 vs 6,this also leads to problems for clan leaders because they then have to pick 2 members to idle.


The only ways around that problem are either telling a team to turn up with 8 or have a no show recorded, or play 6v8, although as you said playing 6v8 will normally result in two idling members. Saying that forcing teams to turn up with 8 can in some cases put some teams at a disadvantage who are suffering general problems...

And I think you should send the duff teams to NGUKTFCL, much more of a punishment for the team ;).



Yeh I can understand personally that its hard for some teams that are starting up, ome may loose a member or 2 that could lead to problems or some members may go awol on ya which is anoying after a leaders spend his time trying to get things sorted

Division 3 seems to be the starting clans division and maybe being softer on them and accepting some genuin reasons for not meeting requirements is an idea but really some obviously just don't care and these are the ones that really mess things up for every one .

I don't know if playing an 8 man team v a 6 man team is really putting the clan to test as you'l always get the clans that'l say "you only won because we had 6" and it'l never end .

I consider a real no show as no more than 1 or 2 people showing and you know this clan had no chance of getting the team together, maybe when a clan has 1 member missing the odd time its just bad luck and not a case of them not putting in the effort .

But at the end of the day total no shows where no one shows up are really annoying and shouldn't in my opinion be acceptable

If clans can make a 6 or even 5 I dont see this is as a serious problem just a clan having problems with members and I personally wouldn't kick them in the butt to hard

And Nessie your wrong :p


About making players idle, im saying that there really wouldnt be any need to do so. And any clan who actually resorted to the "we only had 6" excuse would deserve to actually be booted out of the league.

But good to see you kinda see where im coming from :p
*Waits for an admin to read this thread.


the sites down but I thought it was 7 man minimum team

8 vs 7 aint that bad..


Yeh, i actually only realised a couple of days ago 7 was allowed, but is there any particular reason why a clan couldnt play with 6?(not to its benefit :p )


Well 1 reason I can see against this is your less likely to give a good challenge to the oposing team and thats what thier likely to be looking for .


While we are on the subject, I see SCW got another default win this week. :)


Yep, HTS turned up with 4 people last night. They weren't as abusive as prior clan nme's which was good tho.

We had 11 players who could have played ffs.

DIV 3 TEAMS PLZ GET URSELF ORGANISED. It's not that hard a task!!!!!


Indeed it isnt

To make sure this sort of shinanigans dont happen in eH members, i drafted in another 5 members this week.

So now with a squad of 12, as the newest clan in the league (its true its true), we should set a good example :rolleyes:


After our first match

Yeh i was right :)
10 people showed up, just a shame our first game was a controversial one.

A lot of my members claimed that in our match with OB (where we got thrashed, we were expectin to lose, but thats not the point) there was a lot of suspicious shiz going on...

Apparently wall cheats were bein used, our lvl 3 sgs easily destroyed by a nail gun, our spies somehow being spotted more easily than you would think humanly possible and more dodgy dealings youd expect from l337 hax0rs.

Its not about being a bad loser, we woulda lost anyhow, its just the fact that they seem to have cheated and the also French ref let them get away with it. Just check the match report to see how ridiculous it is.

"racist comments"- OB were talkin in main in French, obviously using French insults, and one eH member said "speak English on an English server".

*Smells a TFC version of Hugh Dallas.
Otherwise im lookin forward to playin the other "straight" clans.


level 3 sg's are easily taken down by a nail gun, and experienced players can spot spies very easily , i very much doubt cheating was used , if it was im sure the ref would have spotted something and reported it


I know there's some kind of bug now that makes spy's appear as scouts carrying rocket launchers so when I see one of these running into my base and I'm playing defence I shoot the sh*t outa him

You might find your playing against a load of scripts tho and this really sux, you don't stand a chance with some of these in use now and it could make you think thier cheating

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