No RP for rezzing :(



Well, it looks likge GOA screwed us again.

last patch they had the RP for rezzing listed as a bug because it was going in one patch early.

Now it is STILL not working. But hey, I dont see them bothering to fix it.

Real nice that they drop everything to fix any tiny thing that helps the players, but fukk off anything that screws us over.


from the patchnotes

- Healing-type classes will now receive Realm Points for resurrecting a friendly player. Please note that you will not get Realm Points for resurrecting someone if they did not "give" Realm Points when they were killed. Also please note that the number of RPs you can get from one resurrection is capped at 2x the RPs that you yourself are worth.

are you sure the person that died gave RP? :)

on top of that, if you bothered to read the news (yes I know, those letters are difficult, but at least try...) then you'll see they'll put through an emergincy patch (both server and client side) somewhere next week. maybe your rezzing problem is magically fixed after that.


well i can say its borked atm


Reaver styles dont animate

Friars Style Stunning Wrath is bugged version (not that i am complaining as it mean i got a stunn on Friars Friend)

Animists just generally dont make sense :) not sure if its a bugg tho :D


my reavers styles animate! (she is thrust tho :p )


You need to ress in battle... Once the battle is over and you can use MCL or FA the timer for getting rps for someone is also over. I got a nice 270 rps for a full ress :)


people like Glendower should be banned from these boards.

Discusting attitude. And to think that its only a game eh?

More people make themselves looks silly by not reading patch notes properly.


Rezzed at least 10 ppl during the battle the albs lost at bledmeer, not a sausage.


takes 15 mins after a death before yer worth RP again... for killing or ressing.

(it's not the same as the ress sick timer)


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Rezzed at least 10 ppl during the battle the albs lost at bledmeer, not a sausage.

ya thanks for the rezz :) i was the ickle blue kobbie hunter that died whilst porting though the gates... sorry about no rp's


I ressed 3 or 4 people using my cheap Shaman ghetto ress, and still have not received a point.

I am now thinking of getting 15 mend just for the better ress - if the ghetto ress is never going to give rps!


the ghetto one gives RP, just not as much as the real ones.


I rezzed a couple of guys who gave RP when they died with a 30% rezz but I didn't get any RP. And at the same time me (lvl37) and a zerker(38) killed a con purple alb and got less that 50 RP. Something wrong with the whole system that night...


Pussies like kan who just tolerate crap service without calling anyone to account deserve what they get.

Take your attitude and shove it, bucko.

Read the patch notes yourself, retard...doesn't say anything about any timers or such on a dead realmate as to when they need to be ressed to get your RPs...just that they had to "give" them upon death.

To the rest of you posting reasonable inquiry into tests... Yes, I tried using different characters in different realms with different levels of res before I posted here (hoping some outcry may spur the monkeys at GOA to call Mythic for a fix). All the deaths qualified for RPs under the new patch notes. One was within 2 minutes of death in RvR, so no joy there, either.

It is just fooked up thanks to GOA trying to screw us last patch and taking it out when it worked fine. Now they need to get in and fix it.


You can really feel the love, in this post.


Shouldn't ressing in RvR be about helping your realm, not RPs?. Sure, RPs are a nice bonus, but it's no big deal... or wait, nevermind. Who cares about your realm, right?.



I forgot about the points for resing until seeing this thread. I do remember seeing in a Sanya's grab bag that sometimes they dont show unless you zone, relog. Has anyone tried this?


Originally posted by mirieth
You can really feel the love, in this post.


Shouldn't ressing in RvR be about helping your realm, not RPs?. Sure, RPs are a nice bonus, but it's no big deal... or wait, nevermind. Who cares about your realm, right?.


Healers deserve to get RP like any other class. RP are the reward for fighting for your realm.

Cavex ElSaviour

Originally posted by old.Glendower
Well, it looks likge GOA screwed us again.

last patch they had the RP for rezzing listed as a bug because it was going in one patch early.

Now it is STILL not working. But hey, I dont see them bothering to fix it.

Real nice that they drop everything to fix any tiny thing that helps the players, but fukk off anything that screws us over.

mummy, and then that ewul GoA took my ice cream and and and....

Oh comon. GoA doesnt create the game. Mythic does. if its bugged GoA can fix it up to a cartain degree. GoA already said some elements are still bugged and they will try to fix it. Why cry over GoA? except for rightnow they do a good job imho.


Boy, you must not pay much attention to how things are done at GOA... I have been watching these bunglers since beta, and this is typical of the quality of their business endeavors.

They take the code given them by Mythic and then tinker with it, both in translation, and to suit themselves as to timeliness (ala the last patch changes which included the RP for ressing and the XP for killing enemies, but they decided to remove those features). I and many others are of the opinion that the monkeys need to just apply the patches to the English servers as given and be done.

So what they do instead of just applying the code as given is change it, and therein screw it up.

Aside from that, they are never on time, and they tend to botch just about anything they do. Thank goodness Mythic usually holds there hand through the troubles or nothing would ever work.

And yes, I tried ressing and zoning, logging in and out etc.

It just plain dont work, and it is supposed to. Simple as that.


GOA do us pretty well 90% of the time. The last time something like this happened was about 6 months ago. Between then and now the patches have all been out when they said they would, I dont think I've ever been turned away by a server being offline or anything that makes me doubt GOAs capabilities.

So what If they messed up this time, give em a break. We all make mistakes, apart from you apparently...


apart from the registration pages not being able to cope with the demand - they've not 'screwed up' since the 1.45 patch.

If you really hate the service so much Glendower - go back to the US.

[edit]Last Patch[/edit]
They got a BUGGED version of a patch which included a half-baked RP-for-ressing system. They'll have discussed it with Mythic who will have fixed it and send a patch over.

Now if you'd posted this as a 'hrm not getting RP for ressing - anyone else got problems'

and not

"FFS!!! GOA!! SUX! I WANT MY RP!!!!!11111!"
then you might have got some sensible comment, some testing by players and then there'd be some reason for someone from GOA to come here and read it - as it is I'd sure not want to fix that bug after reading the crap spewed by some in this thread.

Edit: added in a note for clarity :)


Nice on Flim, couldn't agree more.

Go back to US Glen.

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