No reply from GOA over my deleted account!



Ohh this is getting wearing.
what are these prats at? i spend alot of money into this game and i did not scam/cheat/abuse anyone and i get my acc deleted.
2 days down the line im sitting here wondering will i ever see my little fat headed shade. Or is this a hint from Goa that we dont want you to play with us anymore.

Well if that is the case. The game is crap Etc Etc.

Try get a proper job you twats.


maybe explain more about your situation than a random spew of words?

rightnow seems to be runnin slow i asked something last monday and still no answer so maybe theyre on hols?


Well let me see.
Last time i got my account banned because i was told i was "scamming" which annoyed me ofc. So i sent numerous letters to Goa to ask what the hell happened and they were so unhelpfull.

About 2 months ago i got my account back i dont know how but i was happy to get it.

Now recently i canceled my subscription and i wanted to give someone in the game my money etc. I tried to log on and i was told to contact customer support.

I went to the sub pages and i read that my acc was deleted.

On hearing this i sent a mail to GOA saying i will be seeking legal aid because this is Breach of consumer rights.

And i always act hard when it comes to consumer rights.

If you think im wrong by all means tell me.

But i know im not.



sounds like they spilt some onion soup into one of their keyboards and randomly deleted accounts, unlucky they got your yours :(


Legal action? Spend thousands of pounds/euros just coz GOA deleted your acc? lol.

Sucks that GOA deleted it, but threatening a big company with legal action is a bit stupid, unless you are very wealthy. And at the end of the day, GOA can close your account with or without reason if they so desire. Although they should refund the remaining subscription to you, which I know they dont do.


GOa dont act like a big company , very sloppy CS , and implemnting patches and the like , if they where not the only company doing this for Daoc they woulld of went bust along time ago



taking them to court is a bit much

tbh i cant see why the would delete the account for absolutely no reason and not send you a email even goa aint that shite


we have no legal rights wrt out chars :/



This Dark Age of Camelot account "erooney", has been terminated, because of "Repeated scamming".

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

i have no played my account much since the new passwords came out. And noone has my details.

Now this is getting a little strange. they are saying im scamming which im as clear as day i amnt and also what about my money?

I sent a reply back asking for all my money back that i invested into the game as the way this is being looked at is totaly wrong.

Please tell me what you think and im only looking for your support no more.



Well the crux of the matter is if you have been scamming or not.

I suggest you ask them what scamming you are accused of. I doubt they would ban someone without looking at logs, though knowing GOA any type of cockup is possible.

For you to get baned through scamming im guessing several people reported you, along with date/time of accused 'scam'. This information would be in their records and I think they should do you the courtesy of telling you exactly what you are accused of.

p.s. Write them a nice mail, not one with FFS etc in it. Ask them politely without losing your temper or being rude in any way. Imagine if you recieved the mail and if you would throw it in the bin or answer it...


ahh thanks dude.
thats sounds a bit better than me flaming em all the time!


Considering that this game is based on time, and time is a modern currency, I for example get paid hourly, I think a legal case is a completely viable thing.

People have spent a great deal of time, and therefore money, building their char's up, the character, although digital, is still tangible data that occupies physical space which makes it = to any other product. It's like receiving a packet of broken biscuits, it's your right to get them swapped out.

and if something falls in the woods but nobody is there to hear it, it doesn't make a noise...


you click on the coc and accept their eula ... we have NO rights with our chars .. end of story


Originally posted by old.Nol
and if something falls in the woods but nobody is there to hear it, it doesn't make a noise...

Are you implying we take the whole GOA staff into the woods and brutally murder them? ;)

Originally posted by iluvatur
you click on the coc and accept their eula ... we have NO rights with our chars .. end of story

Yes, legally we are paying to use their characters and yes we did agree to this, however if he is wrongly and without proper evidence being accused of 'scamming' and as such isnt being given the time he has paid for to play 'their' character then he is entitled to at least seek that money back. At minimum he deserves an explanation as to why he wont be recieving the service he has paid for.


Originally posted by old.Nol
the character, although digital, is still tangible data that occupies physical space which makes it = to any other product. It's like receiving a packet of broken biscuits, it's your right to get them swapped out.

The trouble is that that tangiable data is not the product we bought. That sits on a server and backups somewhere, and all that information is not owned by us. We just bought the rights to play the game.

They have the packet of biscuits, we bought the right to look at them, no guarantee they arent broken ;)


Ignore the Chars for one sec, i think the fact that you paid money for the game rather than the chars could be brought forward, you being unable to use the product as the CD key is blocked too. this could be a violation as there is no CoC in whichever shop you buy it in, nothing to click yes or no as you hand over your money


well a week down the road and all i get from GOA is a letter telling me my account has been deleted for a repeat of scamming.
which i know i didnt do. So i resend another mail asking them what "scam" have i done and i still have not received a mail back.

I talked to a friend of mine who is a solicitor and i was told i would be able to seek this further if i wished.

He said i could because they didnt specify what i did or when or to who. i didnt receive any information on what happened.

So in my best interest im not bothered over the character im more interested in all the time and money i put into the game!


Any COC or contract is worth nothing if it breaches your basic rights as a consumer - follow it up IMO sue em nah hire a hacker to wipe the servers - much cheaper too ;)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by BlitheringIdiot
Are you implying we take the whole GOA staff into the woods and brutally murder them? ;)

~laughs~ :D


Originally posted by Cap'n Sissyfoo
~laughs~ :D

hmm interesting idea, is there any 3rd world countries that allows "honour murders?"


Originally posted by Demolay
Any COC or contract is worth nothing if it breaches your basic rights as a consumer - follow it up IMO sue em nah hire a hacker to wipe the servers - much cheaper too ;)
and ruin it for everyone else in the process?



hehe Ruin it for everyone else?
Well that would be part of it yes... because loosing customers is not what goa want.

So if you get in the way you will get hurt..

im not a heartless person but when my consumer rights have been taken i will persue the issue.


the whole point of the matter is that you have no rights as you aggreed to having none

When you go into certain shops they have "rules" on the wall hidfden somewhere and once you buy a good from that shop you have agreed to the rules, regardless of wether or not you read them

As for taking time to be money, it would be quashed out of court if you attempted to do this. being out of the game has not prevented you to work or gain an income with your time

As for being able to say i didnt agree to anything when i bought the game, thats also bolloxs as when you install teh game it asks if you agree, at that point if you do not then you take the game back and get a refund

it sux but thats life


Originally posted by lurilove
well a week down the road and all i get from GOA is a letter telling me my account has been deleted for a repeat of scamming.
which i know i didnt do. So i resend another mail asking them what "scam" have i done and i still have not received a mail back.

I talked to a friend of mine who is a solicitor and i was told i would be able to seek this further if i wished.

He said i could because they didnt specify what i did or when or to who. i didnt receive any information on what happened.

So in my best interest im not bothered over the character im more interested in all the time and money i put into the game!

Read the CoC you accept every time you enter the game, they reserve the right to terminate your account for practically whatever reason they see fit.

Seems that as far as GOA are concerned they have closed the issue and arent responding to you because it is not worth their while. Your email is prolly on the ignore list now anyway.

It sucks sure, but sueing them is folly, and believing that this will achieve anything is rediculous. Did you tell your solicitor friend about the CoC you accepted?

I'm more interested in the email you recieved from GOA "Repeated Scamming" was the quote you gave, the meaning of repeated being more than once, meaning they have obviously been watching you, caught you in the act several times and terminated your account.

I fail to see any other reason for GOA to terminate your account other than that they have irrefutable proof that you are indeed a "repeated scammer", why would they terminate your account otherwise? It is in their interests to keep your subscription running as it is income for them, and a company like GOA arent known for doing anything that they dont absolutely have to do.

However, i do agree with most of what you say, i DO believe that you are due an explanation AND AT THE VERY LEAST a chance to put across you side of events (assuming they are using the logs as evidence) and clear your name (assuming you havent done anything wrong and this is just a misunderstanding or an error on their part). The way GOA have handled this is very unprofessional, but being unprofessional is not a crime, and poor common coutesy is not a sueable offence as far as i know (although maybe it should be).


Ok can someone clarify what is scamming in a game?

Also some things that people said about the CoC is not totally true. For GOA to terminate the agreement between themselves and the customer, GOA MUST give an explaination why they have for legal reasons. Possibly scamming is a good enough reason, but what the hell does it mean? :)


Thats the real question isnt it, my understanding of the "scamming" in a DAoC context would be theft of some kind, a "scam" being akin to a confidence trick.

Very strange phrase for a company to use imo.


No matter what the reason i was not contacted about it.
After me pursuing the matter they say to me i was scamming Again. I as one do not know what i was suposedly caught scamming but as a big company i see they are denying my rights as a customer as they failed to tell me what i did before the account was deleted.

I also think it unfair of them to put me on there ignore list as i need this cleared up.


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