No prize for BWTFPrem, errm wtf?


old.Dr Octogon

BW have lovely servers, at least offer one as a prize you tight fisted cunts.

1.Yes i know you've only just been taken over , and are strapped for cash

2.Yes, other league don't offer prizes

3.No this is not good enough


Having this topic in here does not do much, we provide the league for BarrysWorld and have no power to offer a server without their backing, which I can not in any way guarantee or even suggest we'll get.
Clans joined up fully in the knowledge (quick look round the site reveals) there aint a prize on offer, atm anyway.


Hmmmm, Could you not have worded your question a bit better Dr O? Was there any need for that?
Other leagues do offer prizes!
Surely you read the complete remit of this league before joining. If so why ask for the availability of prizes at this stage of the proceedings?


I think it was a gag fellas?..... I laughed anyhow :)

I only read the thread cos it had "tight" "fisted" and "cunts" in the same post :/


I wonder what the other leagues are that offer prizes? ;p



Well, I know for a fact that the TGSLUK offers server ports as prizes for the winners and runner up!


With our current project to upgrade our bookable servers for all game types the suggestion to offer ports as league prizes becomes pretty much irrelevant.

Private servers are hugely expensive and are rather unfair to the clans who are either online for fun/less serious competitive play or cant afford to rent a port. Most servers are not used 24/7 so theres hardly a need for a clan to have a server available all the time.

For the same cost of providing one port as a bookable server, we could probably accomodate up to around 20 different clans practicing during the week whereas a private port is 1 'owner' clan and perhaps some affiliated clans.


With our current project to upgrade our bookable servers for all game types the suggestion to offer ports as league prizes becomes pretty much irrelevant.

- last i heard was Utumno saying how he is aiming for a book a server 60 seconds before you need it......


He means book in advance between 60 seconds and 2 weeks. At the moment its between 24 hours and 2 weeks.

If a booking fails to start the slot is lost because the booking system doesnt currently support instant starts/restarts due to its reliance on batch copying of scripts and configs.

old.TGC Snow

err, i read the rules for TGSLUK, and it isn't as amazing as it sounds - (correct me if i'm wrong) but it appears that u only get these ports during the close-season.... which isn't particularly long


Better than a poke in the eye and a kick on the shins though ;)


Dear oh dear what happended to the game we love, TFC? This league is meant to be fun, you sound like you have to go through hell to play in this league to help you qualify for a prize. Next thing you will be saying is that clan leaders have to pay their members wages and players who swap clans have to be transfered for money.


Ohhh what I wouldnt give for a kick in the shins and a poke in the lucky lucky bastard!

TFC is for fun is it? Ring has been promising us back pay for ages now. Is he lieing to me you think? Will [TGC] actually be interested if I go free-agent? Hell, who wouldnt be interested?

/me runs off to check his current contract


TGC Snow:- The TGSLUK will (for next season) have 4 ports. 2 for the league to run on, and 2 dedicated prize ports. Winners of the prize ports will keep the ports for aslong as they continue to win the league. IE, you defend your prize. A nice carrot to dangle and a nice reward for those who put in the effort to show and play! So if you win a port you will keep it until someone else wins the league.

Speccy:- That is utter plap! All the time the winners port is not used the clan that won the port would open it to the public or loan it to other clans for matches etc (well, most would :)).

How can you go on about a cost of a port? Free and UNFUNDED GSP's can and do offer ports (damn good ones too), so with your new found financial backing can you not even compete with these GSP's?...Someone else pulling the strings now?

(prolly get this thread deleted as I dared to question the mighty BW :))

No dis intended to BW. I/we entered this league knowing that there are no prizes and have no problems with that. Seeing as though someone started this thread I just thought I would give you my penny worth...Long live Free speech!!!!


I'm in discussion with Viruz currently as to what would be a suitable prize (if any). Should be an announcement next week, but issues such as cheating and the like to come into account. For example we wouldn't give away a big prize for a CS League, for obvious reasons.

With regards to the points about servers/ports it is something we are looking into. It is however unlikely to take place. Giving out ports is an expensive thing to do (yes really), and you'll find that usually the ports donated as prizes from other leagues are of poor quality or hard to manage or keep up to date. Some of these organisations have also always thrown money at competitions to make up for other things such as poor server performance and network quality, we do not intend to do this but only add value to what is an allready strong league.

I think the idea of having 1/2 of the dedicated BWTFCL ports for prizes though is stupid. Think of all the clans which will miss out on the ability to play games because they simply don't know the top clans who win the premiership.

As Speccy says a managed booking system of 1 port would be much more productive in general for clans than simply giving a port to a clan to manage themselves.

I am however not ruling it out, more will be known this time next week. It is however unlikely there will be a prize for this season, as i would prefer all prizes to be declared before a season starts, not during it.

[This message has been edited by bigfoot (edited 08 July 2000).]


I have the solution for all those people wanting a prize... why don't they pay an entrance fee roflmao. The league is supposed to be fun and somewhere for clans to get together and have some sort of organised match system. Winning your games and performing well should be enough of a prize for you :b

Sure some leagues do offer prizes, servers etc, but most don't. I for one would be happy with an animated gif thingy stating that you'd won BWTFCL Division whatever.


ok, i wasn't gonna mention but bigfoot says it all, we are looking at possibilities and will see what we can offer
it is v complicated process due to the number of leagues BWs do, loads of UT and Q3 ones and Tribes, even a "catch the chicken" league, and of course they do a csl
u can't offer some prizes to some leagues cos it won't work and it all gets complicated as if 1 league gets a prize other leagues will want it and then the combined cost is £10 million and BW go out of business and bigfoot gets executed

we don't want this to happen

old.[RA]Ring Peace

Please please please dont have a prize for winning this league. It will ruin it imo.

Remember back to the TA v BA match, if there was a prize do you think that would have just disappeared as easily. Everyone knew when they joined there was no prize on offer so don't change it now.

One other thing is I'm assuning the prize would go to the winner of the Prem and I would imagine that most if not all have there own servers anyway.

We have had some excellent matches so far in BWTFCL, thinking we are going to play some llama clan only to find out its a decent Euro clan - thanks for an excellent match MPK.

BWTFCL is a good league with awesome servers, leave it the way it is. Oh yeah except kick out all clans that are in WP leagues :p


All noted and understood!
You will suprised at how many clans start to play and turn up if you have a carrot to dangle! Fact of life. If you rely on good will and team spirit then you will be disapointed, hence the current situation with "no shows" and "yet to play", human nature I am affraid.
I am not bothered if there is a prize or not. Whats ticks me off is clans entering into something they either cant start or finnish!


the one thing i notice in the email discussion on bw leagues prizes is that no one wants to give out prizes just for the winners, this may mean give to winners of other pools, one league (tribes i think) wants to give prizes for "best suicide" etc
we will get back to u.....


If prizes are taken up, I think I'll reccomend to my clanmembers that VIT withdraws from the league.

This "carrot" will most likely make teams worse losers, arguments and flames will increase etc.

Why should we want to attract clans that are only in it for the prizes? We want to play some decent TFC with decent teams who are in it for the fun.



"Please please please dont have a prize for winning this league. It will ruin it imo."

Well said RP.

"If prizes are taken up, I think I'll reccomend to my clanmembers that VIT withdraws from the league."

I think we know how VIT feel.

ViRuZ, Please listen to the views of the participating clans. I think it is quite clear that most clans DO NOT wish the BWTFCL to offer prizes to winners.

If you view it as an "incentive" to clans to turn up for matches then look at the flip side. Once a clan loses a few matches, and its chances of winning are gone, why should they bother turning up any more. If theyre intention was to win that new server port, or whatever, once they are out of the running they bail out.

Quit hammering on about Prizes, ya greddy sons of biatches! 24/7 clan servers get used 5 or 6 times a week by the clan that 0wns it. They may loan it 2 or 3 times a week. The rest of the time its sits empty with a password on it or rapidly fills up with baaa baaa bleeters playing sniper if its open play.


Rebel Alliance


Any prizes will be introduced for *next* seasons of leagues not this current one.

It will also be down to the leagues in question whether they opt for prizes. Even if they say no, i can't see the harm in giving away a trophy or whatever to those clans who do win divisions, at least you then have something material to show for 3 months of trying hard.


I am not sure that The DOnutfamily will take part of a professional league.

What happened to: "For love of the game" ?


I think people might be missing the point, the whole attempt by BW is not aiming at giving big prizes for winning, small ones possible, but prizes for other feats as well.....
we will see :)
don't flame b4 u know wot is being offered.....then i will do the usual vote of leaders for reaction


Believe you me i have neither the funds or the intention to create a professional league.

A professional league to me indicates one which people can actually make a living from. This should never happen online due to the vagaries of connects, cheating issues and so on.

We're not going to flood the league with prizes, if indeed there is prizes at all, but what we do want to do is keep the league competitive and a rewarding experience for clans involved. Yes, a perecentage of clans seek nothing other than the thrill of being involved in a competitive arena. For others there is a desire to have a goal to strive for, with something to show for their efforts over a 2/3 month season.

At the end of the day the option for prizes will be a league to league basis. What we are saying is that if you want prizes we can now provide them. If you don't want prizes, let Viruz know. It may be that prizes are only suited to the higher divisions for example.

old.[RA]Ring Peace

Soz for jumping to conclusions but I was just a bit worried.

One thing to think about is having a bookable clan server. I know there are others about but Morat are full up most of the time and NG are pretty cack. It would help the lesser clans more, ie ones without there own server and as we all know BW servers kick ass.

Just an idea!


As far as i know Bookable TFC/CS servers are on the menu for when our new server management software (and other stuff) comes into place. This is currently ETA late July i think, perhaps sooner perhaps later.

Our current bookable QW/Q2 system proved very popular in its time (indeed it still is) as it was unique then in the way it worked. The only reason it was not carried onto other games was a lack of resources (to code new software and to buy/host servers for the bookables), now that has been solved its one of the key areas we are working on bringing up to scratch.


Well ok if you think giving out ports is a bad idea... there are still plenty of incentives to keep clans interested in any league.

Don't expect me to tell you what they are ;p but there are certainly more than 2 ways of keeping clans interested :)

With BWTFCL I think the name in itself is enough of an incentive - BW usually equates to quality and a guaranteed good game so any league with the BW name should in theory match those specs and offer clans a decent game. Whether u think BWTFCL does.. is upto you :)

If you are driven by the need to win prizes and other stuff... then leagues like the TGSLUK would be more suitable.. otherwise stick with the name you normally should be able to trust... BW.

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