No news good news?



As you noticed, the news are a bit slow lately. Why is that i hear you ask? :)

Simple technical reason, we are finishing the "news system" on our homesite and need it operational in order to give you more information.
This "news system" should be up and working by the end of the week and we have many things to say, so...

...stay tuned :cool:


Heaven forbid you actually have to add a news entry manually to the main page


Originally posted by Kemor
As you noticed, the news are a bit slow lately. Why is that i hear you ask? :)
This "news system" should be up and working by the end of the week and we have many things to say, so...
...stay tuned :cool:

Yeah fantastic idea would have been better to have posted it on announcements the DAoC forums on no wait you shut them down.
Still we have to wait for you to implement the news site!!!!
Sorry for being a stick in the mud but would it not have been better to have had this up and running before you turned off the forums????

this makes me :puke:

Brannor McThife

Um...Ditty...not taking up the "I luv GOA" stance...but thinking logically here...
They never PLANNED the news thing to be implemented after/before the forum death. AND if they did, well, end of week = beginning of May = End of April = date set for closing of forums...but, well, the forums were executed early due to the excessive flames.

Ever think, that the reason the forums closed is because some people couldn't control their complaining? Nothing wrong with complaining...just some people didn't know when to SHUT THE F*CK UP and use the friggin' RightNow tool.

Sorry. But after a week's contemplation, I blame the playerbase (obviously not the civil ones among you) as much as I do GOA for the DAOC Forums' death.

Just my opinion... (flame/ignore/agree)



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Um...Ditty...not taking up the "I luv GOA" stance...but thinking logically here...
They never PLANNED the news thing to be implemented after/before the forum death.

Just my opinion... (flame/ignore/agree)


I think that I would have to disagree with you there Brannor I do have the greatest respect for GOA/Mythic they are supplying a fantastic game and support service (Shock horror)

Yes I have used Right now and yes it did work for me I did get useful reply that sorted out my problem (score one for the monkeys :D)

But come on it appears to me that the left hand is not talking to the right hand at GOA making a business decision like that would have taken some high lvl meetings.

Ok so thinking logically and reading the stuff above, you are right (god dam it) it does appear being end of week beginning of may situation, that they did intended to have a transitional period but as you have said the people did super flame the forums to death, still nevermind
At least they are getting there.........


Have to agree with Brannor here.. as I always watched the old official forums (I'm not exactly the largest poster(spammer)) I sometime actually got sick of all the idiot that kept flaming with no reason or they just hadn't read the faqs properly.. The playerbase prekilled the old forums as Brannor said...

This time I'm going to wait and see if they actually can keep an ETA and if they do hooray GOA, that's a step in the rigth direction and a big applause to Kemor to atleast try to give an ETA..

Somehow I think people have become to fixated on blaming GOA for everything (don't shoot me just for this, I have also had some problems with GOA) but they keep on blaming for things that isn't real matters, give them a break and be patient.. (to the extent that it's possible to be patient)

<sits back and waits for flames>


> I blame the playerbase

In a sense that GOA is better off without the forums, of course.

It still is our loss tho. Been on these barry forums here for a week or so.. And I truly regret but they ain't shaping up too well.

The RvR forum here.. if ever, then a long time will it be, until it gets to the same stage we had on GOA forums. Quite sad.

Ottar, Skald


Ok ladies and gentleman, I'm going to slip into my pointy moderator shoes here for a brief second, before quickly slipping them off again and leaving them where I found them (/loc some strange legs and feet protruding from an oddly placed house)

Fair enough, feelings and flames are always going to run high when it comes to all things GOA, old forum and many other issues related. We here at Barrysworld actively encourage you to purge those hepped up emotions and liberate your inner bitch. Freedom of expression and all that. But what is, in my opinion, unfair, is to take Kemor as the personification of all things evil and address all rants towards him. Don't shoot the messenger springs to mind :) You'll give the poor guy a complex. We're trying hard to find him an asbestos suit to wade through the forums in, but until then I think it's only fair to give him a little niceness every now and then. Some of you seem to take this stance, some don't, so this is pre-emptive as much as anything.

Unless Kemor is deeply masochistic, I'm sure he derives no pleasure from being the verbal punchbag of the masses, so please feel free to rant away but give the guy a little break by directing it into the nuetral rather than personal tense? Its a little thing but makes a huge difference, I'm sure.

*slips out of shiny red Mod shoes*

Carry on :)


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Sorry. But after a week's contemplation, I blame the playerbase (obviously not the civil ones among you) as much as I do GOA for the DAOC Forums' death.

Just my opinion... (flame/ignore/agree)


God, Brannor, this must be one of your stupidest posts (imho). What did they expect? For people to thank them and let their only and primary mean of communication be taken away peacefully? Also, saying that flaming killed forums faster only proves that the main reason for killing them was indeed publicaly expressing unsatisfaction with GOAs services. Also, saying that everyone was just flaming is not fair. There were 2, maybe 3 guys that spammed and spoiled forums for everyone, a big majority of people were very civilized and calm. The petitions and letters sent to Mythic are really nice proof of that. Of course there were some (I repeat: SOME) strong words, but you cannot control whole community and expect them to abide by your rules.

Anyway, I must say that these new forums are not half that bad and I actually enjoy them, just missing some of older guys. But blaming community for shutting down forums is just plain rude!

Also about Kemor: I have great respect for that guy and am pretty sure he was not the one who pulled those decissions. From his actions and posts it is clearly shown that he actually cares and I thank god for having such nice GM (after my experiences with GMs in UO). He is just unfortunate to be the only visible representative of GOA and people often address him like he was GOA himself.


Kemor a GM... LOL GM would imply some form of in-game support...


Maybe you should of got the new news system working before shutting down the old forums?:twak: :twak: :twak:


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
All that is left...driftwood...

What was, is no more.

Just thought I'd let you all know what they changed the link to.


goddamn, you reminded me of a song!

<sings travis>

floating in the sun
dum dum dum... :eek:

<cries> :(


well I hope it's worth the waiting Kemor, as long as you don't have to enter it manually in html pages :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
...not taking up the "I luv GOA" stance...but ...

Just my opinion... (flame/ignore/agree)


Brannor not sure if you ever mentioned this on the official boards but do you work for GOA? :p


What's wrong with posting news on the official site? Is it really that hard to press the enter button a couple times and type in what's happening with the game? Not really...

The forums shouldn't have closed before these alledged new news announcement tools were finished, they shouldn't even have announced the closing before they finished those tools.

No news just seems like nothings happening to the game, patches, whatever... Are we still one month from 1.48? Or maybe two? People want to know what's happening, this is what caused the flaming to begin with, no news = bad news...

Quemine / Caeron ~ Bringing healing to new levels in Midgard


Gah now I have driftwood going through my head now too :p


<sings (out of tune of course I'm a merc not a bard)>
You're driftwood,
floating under water,
breaking into pieces

Just driftwood,
hollow and of no use
Waterfalls will find you, bind you, grind you

hrm sounds like the DAoC community :)
(least if we keep setting up new boards)
Me I've found some reeds to stick in - all green n stuff.


Playerbase :puke: crap brannor.

All the players ever asked for;
Patch us to US level, week or so behind
Some events in game
Some GM support in game

GOA said yes ... then failed to deliver. Closing the boards... stupid. There are already a LOT of DAoC players killing time here waiting for shadowbane, i suspect the number went up significantly after the board closure.

Kinda feel for Kemor tho, moved to france, contracted on what must have seemed to be a dream job (unless he worked MMORPG support before: ) then to be dumped in the firing line between GOA and the players as this scenario plays out. Don't envy him tbh.

Anyways, least i dont get whined at about my sig here!

Brannor McThife

At least have the guts to say that it was me that picked on you for your signature Hatchet. :rolleyes:

And, now, that I'm not a mod, I'll speak freely about you.

You're a power hungry dictator that cannot accept that he isn't god and is not always right. Gawd, your attitude to other people in Hibernia is one of the things I REALLY don't miss. You treated everyone I saw interact with you, like they knew nothing, as if you'd written the code for the game yourself. I really, REALLY, don't care how much you may or may not know about the game. Your attitude revulses me.

To summarise you, in my view, and that of many good people I know/knew in Hibernia. You are an arrogant prick.

That said, there are many good people in your regime - I mean - guild. Maybe things have changed in your guild since I was last in Hibbieville. But my oath, I was neutral towards you till I saw you in action. Acting like Treibh was YOURS, and anyone wanting to kill there was intruding on "your turf".

Woody, if you read this, have Nazgul and NP flatten this cretin a few times, and send me the screenies.

Thanks. ;)



For what it's worth (not much, I know ;)) my view of how the 'official' boards went...

In part, Brannor is right that a big reason the old GOA official boards went was the way the 'playerbase' used, or misused, them..... huge number of posts repeating the same questions
or problems were no help to anyone, badly (if at all) thought out rants about why GOA, some other player, some other guild, or some ISP were wrong/incompetent/ (insert obscenity of choice) / whatever added NOTHING to the community. Must have been very strange for GOA knowing that the vast majority of their customers were just going about playing the game apparently happily (I regularly see 17-18,000 players online - but how many of those folks ever posted to the boards?), but the bulk of the folks who actually went on the boards to say anything were less well pleased.

But...... in setting up the official forums, I think GOA spectacularly underestimated what they were letting themselves in for. The only 'official' forums for a MMORPG that I know well are the OSI ones for Ultima Online, which are very heavily moderated and tightly controlled (to the point where many of their customers do not use them as they disagree with the policies OSI apply there). Regardless of whether they are right or wrong, the only reason those boards stay, and are in fact pretty heavily used, is that those moderator policies cut out the garbage that otherwise tends to be posted in such huge amounts that it destroys any practical use that the forum might have had.

My view is that GOA needed many more moderators, a strict set of rules, and complete implementation of those rules, for their forums to have had a realistic chance of survival - and it seemed to me that those were all lacking (not necessarily the fault of the mods who were there, I suspect they simply could not keep the thing on the tracks!).

It's all well and good people ranting about 'free speech' and the right to post whatever they wanted to on the GOA boards as they were 'paying customers' - and there were plenty of those sort of posts! There is no such thing as 'free speech' using somebody else's facilities, whether it's their bulletin boards, newspapers, radio or TV stations. You are absolutely free to say what you want using your OWN resources, that's what 'freedom of speech' really means - not that anyone has a right to use someone else's resources to say whatever they might want to.... if they agree to carry your message, that's up to them. You have absolutely no right to demand that they do so. GOA are paid by us to run the game - and I know opinions vary about how well they did, and do, that particular job, but this piece of rambling is about the forums, the performance of GOA would be best in another thread... ;)

The way the forums were closed was not at all good - no real notice, no consultation, away they went... I can see why GOA decided to pull the plug on them, they were doing their reputation lots of harm for almost no constructive results. Sadly though, flawed though they were, they were the only attempt GOA made to creating a 'community' for players, and I think
they let themselves, and us, down very badly indeed by failing to support that 'community'.

Yes, it's a hard thing to do, yes it takes a lot of effort, and you are sure to be unpopular with a lot of people no matter what you do - but that does not mean you should not make a well thought out and properly resourced attempt. GOA didn't, and I think less of them as a result.



Go take a peek at the Anarchy Online Community Forums.

Flames, criticism, bug reports, information about what's happening etc, lots of well thought out information, RVR, events etc etc etc.

I cannot see for the life of me why Mythic or GOA don't put some effort into official forums, rather than closing them down because they don't like people telling that they SUCK!

Come on they're just sticking their heads in the sand.

See no evil hear no evil, GOA are in a period of self denial. AS they obviously believe that they're doing a good job contrary to the belief of a significant proportion of the playerbase.

God forbid they should do a customer satisfaction survey. LOL .. the results from that would be hilarious.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Um...Ditty...not taking up the "I luv GOA" stance...but thinking logically here...
They never PLANNED the news thing to be implemented after/before the forum death. AND if they did, well, end of week = beginning of May = End of April = date set for closing of forums...but, well, the forums were executed early due to the excessive flames.

Ever think, that the reason the forums closed is because some people couldn't control their complaining? Nothing wrong with complaining...just some people didn't know when to SHUT THE F*CK UP and use the friggin' RightNow tool.

Sorry. But after a week's contemplation, I blame the playerbase (obviously not the civil ones among you) as much as I do GOA for the DAOC Forums' death.

Just my opinion... (flame/ignore/agree)

I must totally agree on this.... they had to close the forums. There was NO POINT to keep them up till the end of April since you couldn't post any decent thread there without have it drowned with "F*** YOU GOA YOU F****** SUCK" threads....
I think it was a good decision to close them earlier even though the news tool was not ready then yet.
I really don't understand why people had to just pack the forums with zillions of anti-GOA threads. What were they going to help? As if they even wanted to look at those pathetic threads at that stage knowing what they would contain.
What does it matter if a forum is closed anyway, although now people are split across various forums... but still. The point is to play the game, so play it.
Even before the announcement of closing the forums half the post were just rants and complaints... of course there were useful and interesting threads aswell, somewhere in the midst of that jungle of threads that make me :sick:
Oh well, anyhoo.


I think we should stand behind and support the people and game we love even through times of trouble!


flame this flame that flame the other, same old song and dance

most things i liked about the old forums are slowly taking shape on this one (ie the exc rp forum), and the only thing i dislike is the lack of siggies :( :( after all the time i put into them :( and id just done a pair for tylar (Treehugging Level 50, pic of him huggin a tree), and alderian (forgotten caption, had him laying down with a dragon walking away), and of course my own :(

*sigh* well im just gonna put mine here for the sake of it :D



Closing the Forums was good ? Well I am sorry but have to agree as well. It is as well fine if they take some time for their newstools or whatever else. It must be said here thought that the German Announcemenrs (while the Forums were still active) and the German site now, are more active than the Englísh version. Do the have more staff? Do we count less because we are fewer people? Ohh well.
@Kemor: Nice work and keep it up. We will be around to see what you guys cook up there :)
@Hatchet: OMG you still roam the world :mad:
@Brannor: Could not agree more :)


i thought goa was supossed toi be busy translating the patches not pissing about with new website stuff .. im sur a hella lot of people would be more happy with goa if they took there finger out of there ass and got some stuff done . they seem slow as hell . why they hell cant they just translate the patches and give them to us as they translate them instead of takin an eternity translating them all !!

as for forums closing visit forums of online games and evrysingle one of em will have flames . both aimed at the company designer and other players its a comunnity thing everybody flames everybody . if anybody here can honestly ay gao havent deserved any flames at all then they are stupid . all game companys get flamed :) just that goa seem to be worse than most . try playing diablo 2 :) goa are angels compared to them :p

what most people forget it that we are paying GOOD money to play this game and we expect to get good sevice and value for money . they way goa are going about things is not making everybody happy in what they are spending there hard earned money and time on ..


Originally posted by Organ-Grinder
... they seem slow as hell . why they hell cant they just translate the patches and give them to us as they translate them instead of takin an eternity translating them all !!

Well, a Mod on the german GOA forums explained once why it takes so long. It's not just the patch they have to translate. Apparently Mythic changed the database structure during some of the following patches, so that means they have to translate and test everything in the whole game again, since the strings are now shaped differently and stored in other tables etc.


Originally posted by Zhildrua

Well, a Mod on the german GOA forums explained once why it takes so long. It's not just the patch they have to translate. Apparently Mythic changed the database structure during some of the following patches, so that means they have to translate and test everything in the whole game again, since the strings are now shaped differently and stored in other tables etc.
Just like a thought, it's not as simple as people might think... I mean otherwise it wouldn't take as long. Oh well, just be patient ya'll.

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