No more blowing people up for me..



Just specced out of my wubly, huggable "mega-death-multirocket-sprayer-of-doom-blaster-ultra-kill-weapon" as I was feeling a little overpowered at times, am now a sniper.

Wanna take bets on how long it will last before I feel the need to be charging in front of my own soldiers line of fire to blow the enemies feet up again? :p

Still, anyway.. ideal setups for sniper if you will?

How many rounds? 30?
Armour? Re-inf? I guess so because I'll probably need a..
Back-up weapon? Shotgun? I'm TR so will probably stick with Cycler.
Implants? I'm BR15 so only got 2 to choose from, is the range thing ok? it doesn't use stamina and is on all the time which seems ok.. worth bothering with DL as it practically blinds you? adv targetting for seeing peeps health?
Health kits? 2-3?

gifv oober snip0r set-ups plzplzplzzz. kkthxbye


Send Siven a PM, he's one of the best snipers I've ever ever seen in any game.


I have to agree with Xtro about siven.


Godammit can ANYONE give some advice that *isn't* "go speak to someone else"? puuhhhlease



Ok ok easy advice:

Have a sniper duel VS siven, if you beat him your good enough to beat most :)


ok i'll try ... but i am not know for my conventional aproach to things

# of rounds : 3-4 packs

implants : range thing *12 zoom is fun adv targeting is a good one aswell, lets you pick off injured targets :)

I would get a Mosq, to get to higher ground fast and easy

sniper isnt verry defensive ... sitting there with a x12 zoom kinde makes you an easy target for stealthers or any atacks from rear/side so i wouldnt worry about backup weapon to much,


Originally posted by Sibanac
ok i'll try ... but i am not know for my conventional aproach to things

# of rounds : 3-4 packs

implants : range thing *12 zoom is fun adv targeting is a good one aswell, lets you pick off injured targets :)

I would get a Mosq, to get to higher ground fast and easy

sniper isnt verry defensive ... sitting there with a x12 zoom kinde makes you an easy target for stealthers or any atacks from rear/side so i wouldnt worry about backup weapon to much,

4 rounds minimum imo

Range implant is a waste, much more useful to get DLV, shield, HP regen or the snipers real friend ADV targetting instead. 8x zoom is more than enuff imo.

A backup pistol is essential, cant stress that enough, as a sniper i regularly get jumped on by cloakers, 90% of the time i win thanks to my trusty pistol and DLV :)

As for Vehicles, this has been done before and having tried many options, i must agree with DMW's post (some may remember this discussion) that the AMS is the best choice.

Minimum 2 health packs, if you get shot by another sniper, jam a health pack then hit HP regen and shield while you run for cover.

As for advanced tactics, cant be giving away all my secrets now can i :)


whos siven

i dont see how a sniper can be.. good.... how do you mean good? being able to shoot people? or not getting killed or what? sniping is just... sniping, its pretty easy.. dont see how someone can really excel at it.


Sniping someone is indeed easy. Staying alive after you've done it isn't so easy. That's the difference between a good sniper and an average one.

When I first started sniping I died most times on a 1:1 ratio. I'm now often getting that up to 5:1 or higher because I'm learning where to take up position and how to stay alive. A good sniper would stay alive much longer than I do, so I've got a long way to go.

I like the range implant, sometimes that 12x range means you can achieve kills without any fear of being spotted. The Advanced Targetting is useful too, allows you to spot injured enemies.


i think im a good sniper then, i mean i've survived long enough to get around 40 kills last night, and i wasnt even in a squad. was just circling this VS base (under attack from TR), even when they found out where i was i got away alive and carried on sniping.

the only reason i died was coz i had to get into the base i was circling to get ammo, when i did i met heavy resistence in form of 25 MAXes and got owned.

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