old.TGC Snow

the way BA have been dealt with seems to be to me, an outsider, a complete fuck-up. If TA were gonna leave the league coz of HWGs surely they woulda left TFC altogether? you're hardly gonna have one league where more hwguys play, are ya?

i think if BA accept TF1.5, they're the type of clan this league needs... coz (no offence) TA seem pretty unhappy about this patch (nothign wrong with that, it's their opinion).

But rules are rules, and i think [UESC]Si made some =major= mistakes last UKTFCL season, and i wouldn't like to see similar mistakes being made by BWTFCL admins.

Don't let the power get to your head, because if u do, you will no longer have that power.


Hmmm... this really leads me to say the same thing, as our admin, last night, against [8th] was not even capable of PAUSING the game when half of the [8th] team got disconnected (and as we (XL) agreed to PAUSE the game, to let them come back).

This resulted in a poor XL team, really toooo kind, completely f*cked off, because we had got their flag far out of the FR at the moment where they got disco (and BEFORE they got disco, yes), BUT as the admin couldn't manage to get the game PAUSED, we lost this benefit when the game went on, after 3-4 minutes of FALSE pausing (where their flag, obviously, returned to base).

However, this is sooooo easy to PAUSE a game:

rcon pausable 1
pause (and 'pause' again to unpause)

Oh God... so hard to remember...

XL were too kind, in this game. We should NOT have stopped playing, but we're like that, we prefer a plain game against a complete team.

Or this rule has to be CHANGED, ASAP.

"when a team loses more than 2 players, both teams either choose to continue the game, or to PAUSE it, and to PAUSE it CORRECTLY, with this damn PAUSE command, which freezes everything, so that the game can go on, when the disco players come back, in the same strict conditions it was BEFORE".


You will NOT take XL in this sh*t situation once more! Believe me.


Is it just me or can anyone else not see that you should take very little advantage you can get?

DSHa try and make sure that each attacker can and will be able to cover for any dropped defenders. It is all part of the nature of online gaming.

What are you gonna do next? If somone has really bad lag make one of your team put on some fake lag?
It's a competition not a series of friendly games. I know that it's "good" sportsmanship but it makes the game a mockery in my opinion if you have to drop your own players or pause due to the othe teams unstable connections or pure bad luck.



Well obviously dropping is not a problem when it is only 1 or perhaps even 2 drops but when half the team drops, every clan should be so fair to wait until they return...and remember before you drop you can have been locked for up to 10-20 sec.

We play against BIA last night and I must say what a bad game! We had two multi drops of 4 people and both times they use it to grab the that fair? They didn't even have the flag when we dropped.

On the first map we had the bad pleasure of an ADMIN who wasn't even suppose to be there..and insisted on it even though we told him to get lost and leave us..cause we where on top of the settings...he even had the nerve to write server say messages under the match!!! When we had our multi drop we told the admin to pause the game since we had him in there we might as well use him..but he didn't resulting in a 10-0 lead for BIA on 2fort!!! Your second cap was ok but I seriously doubt that you would have gotten it if we hadn't been behind!

I the break between the 2 maps we find out that the admin watching us wasn't even PS admin!!
Now sort of the same thing happens on CO2..we get in front with 10-0 and boom a multidrop 4 of us are gone..we ask BIA to stand still until we reconnect since they did't have the flag at that point we saw no reason to pause it if they would just stop for the 30sec-1min it would take us to reconnect..but to my supprise I get in to the server and see our flag moving out in the yard!!!! once again we got f*cked!

I seriously hope that BIA find some more fair play for their next matches cause this was very BAD..perhaps you would have won anyway but this way wasn't very fair!

And for the NON PS admins..stay the hell out of the server unless you are invited by both teams!



I think the problem here is that certain clans assume that the "decent" thing will be done if a mass drop occurs.

Why don't you have some contigency measures just in case the "decent" thing isn't done if you drop like flies.

At least that way you can still put up some sort of a fight.


erm... Ronaldo we are not talking about one bloke being disconnected or lagging... although they had one (Nevyn) that obviously had connections problems during 10 minutes or so...

On the log of the match we can see [8th]AciD101 [8th]Miro [8th]Laddie [8th]DoC and [8th]NEVYN that were being disconnected / reconnected / disconnected... in 2 minutes time

Quoting one of them :
"[8th]AciD101 says: routers going down"

this is why we stopped... I've heard that DONut got massive disconnections as well. So should have we continued to play ??? Apparently Scandinavia had a major cut yesterday evening linking to UK at least.

And if you want to know the full story their flag was out at sniper nest but for some reasons it was never put back as well as we did not get 4 minutes more at the end of the war even if it was agreed (the admin did not know how to the commands to do it apparently).

We concluded that if the game could have been paused the flag would have never come back in their flag room their def would never have the time to be reorganized and so on...

A decision was made to validate both yesterday wars.

OK as a consequence XL will now refuse to play with an admin as we know the commands and as I can't figure out where it is useful.



just forgot to say ours was NOT a premiership ref as well...



Alexia I take your point to an extent.

Routers/servers going down is one thing but 2 or 3 peeps lagging out and disconnecting should really juyst be dealt with.

We are all busy people with more to do than extend games lengths on the BWTFCL matches and pausing etc.

Just out of curiosity is there an actual rule on this? Or is it a case of it's my ball and your not playing syndrome a la BA and HW guys?

I am rambling but you get the jist :E



The fact the admin that was in the XL 8th game was one team asked for an admin and Taz offered.....

The situation that is arrising though is that we will get fixtures done and allocate a ref for each match, as far as possible.

The ref will probably be expected to pause the match for a few minutes if players drop in that quantity, we are trying to sort it out.


"The ref will probably be expected to pause the match for a few minutes if players drop in that quantity, we are trying to sort it out."

Yes please.

6 or 7 matches played in the PS and it have allready happened twice!


It seems to me this is all caused by one quiet weird rule.

The rule states that the match should start with the same agreed number of players, but say you agreed 8v8 but the opposition only had 6 the match can still go ahead!

Is it just me or does make a farce out of playing the clan match in the first place. There are probably very honest reasons why at the last minute or during the match a clan lose's players. I think everyone agrees if its only 1 player you just carry on, but 2 or more and it becomes a complete and utter joke, you may as well be playing on a public. The clan with the most players will go all out attack and the clan short of players will have to defend, is this really a clan match then??

I am not sure about the pause issue, maybe the opposing side has to keep the teams within 1 player is a better option or if the team that has dropped players lose's more then 1 then the map is voided and that map only replayed at a later date.

Who ever decided on this rule is ruining what seems to me a good league its a stupid and pointless rule that I made my views known to an admin last night.

I was asked to merc for a clan (that shall remain nameless as will their opponents) I joined the server and the teams where 6v3, I thought they where just waiting for me and 2 others to join, but to my horror it was the second map and they where playing the match, why because the rules said so.

If an admin reads this plse change this rule and quickly as to me alot of clans are gonna use it to get victorys/draws where they wouldnt have.


I agree whole-heartedly with Cheffy's post - its a shame that you cant rely on all Clans to play in a fair manner. Can we have a fair play award next season like FIFA have for footy tournaments? Perhaps the fairest clan can have a spanking new server from BW and ADSL subscriptions for all its members :)

The Rebel Alliance


A good idea, then i can take all the ADSL connections and servers and shuff them right back up xs's cocky little ass



I must say I totally agree with xs and so with Cheffy...
We definitely can't rely on clan fair play or maybe some of them think they must follow the rules...
As being French we made the revolution (yeah !!! 14th of july is a holyday now :D)... and it is in our culture that rules are made for... being improved :)
Tssssss we are following them of course... until a certain extent :p
Can you find something for season 2 ? It would be just great IMHO (and maybe needed as well unfortunately)



yeah, i do agree with cheffy i have to say

but as i have put on a stop on rule changes (following alexia or someone from VIT's comments - i forget) it won't happen til season 2

however: it WILL happen at for season2 or something to sort the situation out.
mebbe at the end of the season a mass meeting of leaders to comment on wot was right and wot was wrong.....

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