Night-shade spec headache



Okies, know that it has been asked more than a few times on this board but i think the questions im asking are much more specific.

okies, currently im thinking of 2 possible specs which i think is feasible, throw in a +11 for sc and i auto-train stealth to lvl 48 which gives 12 levels of stealth or 77 bonus points :

Spec A
Stealth 36
CD 21
CS 44
Pierce 39
Poison 36

Spec B
Stealth 36
CD 6
CS 44
Pierce 44
Poison 36

Basically i kept Stealth and Poison to 36 since wif +11 to both it yields 50 by RR4 which is more easily achievable than RR5. CS goes to 44 after some thought as the stun chain seems pretty impressive (thx Fionnal)

First question is issit worth the points to bring Pierce to 44 instead of 39. 44 gives the second last move for the pierce stun chain. 39 is good since it gives final move for the "no-brainer" anytime style.

Second Question is whether the extra stun chain from pierce is worth it, difference btw 6 and 21 cd, plus the +11 to both, is about 7.5% more chance of swinging both off-hand and a relatively useless CD style.

Last question is the damage modifier from 44+11+RR and 39+11+RR makes an appreciable difference in the overall damage output, including the damage on the CS styles. As far as i know, anything in excess of 50 goes into the probability of landing critical hits, which as good as it is, are relatively unpredictable.

Any input on either question would be appreciated.

Lvl 31 NS Wooddie


High wpn skill never hurts, in 17k I´ll have 1k wpn skill unbuffed, but I can tell ya for sure than dragon spider isn´t as good as hammy.


44 pierce minimum, and maybe go for a RR5/RR6 spec as RR4 is very easy to get, so drop stealth/env to 35 maybe :)


atleast aim for RR 5 spec, so u got something 2 play for :)
My current spec is as follows.
Pierce 41+14
CS 44+14
CD 20+14
Venom 35+14
Stealth 35+14

Worx werry good, but thinking of respecing 2 Blades... any opinions ? got a 49 nurture bot btw ;)


Originally posted by minau
atleast aim for RR 5 spec, so u got something 2 play for :)
My current spec is as follows.
Pierce 41+14
CS 44+14
CD 20+14
Venom 35+14
Stealth 35+14

Worx werry good, but thinking of respecing 2 Blades... any opinions ? got a 49 nurture bot btw ;)

I luuv u dec u gimp :D


Aye, 44 pierce, 39 CS would be better imo,
Also go 35 env/stealth, you will get rr5 someday anyway and counting on a respecstone is a bit of a longshot.

(Edit) Going 44 CS just for the Rib Separation is a bit of a waste as i hardely ever get to use it, compared to the higher weaponskill you will get from going 44 pierce thats ALWAYS on.
My 2c.


Originally posted by woodsy
okies, currently im thinking of 2 possible specs which i think is feasible, throw in a +11 for sc and i auto-train stealth to lvl 48 which gives 12 levels of stealth or 77 bonus points

Autotrain stealth to lvl 48? That totally eliminates bg's, and rvr (until 48 ofc). I know it won't matter much in PVE, since you rarely stealth there anyways.... but still.

Is that feasible?



thx for all the input guys. as for the feasible parts, well all i can say is that wif all that shadow zerg and buffbotted infils out there, think ill do more good trying to to hit 50 straight up wif some points to spare rather than end up as canned lurikeen.

not really sure about most shades out there but melee specced shade hold their own against mobs.


You seem to quite well informed about ns specs from the 2 options you've given. Both will make a good nightshade. Personally I prefer the 44 cs, 39 pierce option. This is the way I spec'd. I like following up diamondback with the 3 move cs evade chain. I like the 3rd move very much and very very rarely fail to execute the chain at the 3rd move. I also find 39+11+RR in pierce gives me a great base damage and rate of success with hits, etc. I wouldn't go above 39 pierce IF speccing 44 in cs, as this will require lowering CD and I think CD is extremely useful. Same with CS, e.g. if you go 44 pierce, don't go above 39 in CS at the cost of CD. It's only really an case of which to put 39 in and which to put 44 in (cs or pierce) and there's ns's who will say one is better than the other. Why not get to 50 with cs and pierce at 39, the rest at your end spec and then watch the logs from your fights and see where you think you could use the extra 5 points after a few weeks or so?


dont spec 44 CS.

39 is enough.

As a general rule anything you PA (tanks aside) will die with 39 CS is you land both parts. The 44 isnt needed.

The difference betweem tough shades and week ones are the ones that have a good CD spec to imo.


in fact I would go

stealth 30
poke 44
cd 28
env 33
cs 34



Peirce 42
Env 34
CS 44
Stealth 37
CD 12

did a little auto train, cant remember how much


Re: Re: Night-shade spec headache

Originally posted by JKLLN
Autotrain stealth to lvl 48? That totally eliminates bg's, and rvr (until 48 ofc). I know it won't matter much in PVE, since you rarely stealth there anyways.... but still.

Is that feasible?


if you want to autotrain to 48 how about a template like

50 weap
39 cs
12 cd (all 77 autotrained points here)
35 stealth
33 envenom (last debuff at rr4, lifebane at rr6)

at least if you are making a bladeshade this is worth looking at :)


Originally posted by mac_kraakebolle
if you want to autotrain to 48 how about a template like

50 weap
39 cs
12 cd (all 77 autotrained points here)
35 stealth
33 envenom (last debuff at rr4, lifebane at rr6)

at least if you are making a bladeshade this is worth looking at :)

tastey :)


im gonna respec to

33 stealth
25 cd
35 cs
50 knife
31 env


33 stealth
18 cd
45 knife
45 cs
31 env


Originally posted by mac_kraakebolle
if you want to autotrain to 48 how about a template like

50 weap
39 cs
12 cd (all 77 autotrained points here)
35 stealth
33 envenom (last debuff at rr4, lifebane at rr6)

at least if you are making a bladeshade this is worth looking at :)

Thats lifebane at RR7 with 33 env base not?



Am I the only one that gonna gimp my shade? C'mooooon pls let there be another gimp out there!!!

33 stealth
21 CS
50 Piercing
33 Envenom
35 CD (might be little higher due to autotraining in stealth to lvl 24)

BACKUP!! BACKUP!! Gimpshade needs BACKUP!!!


I'm gonna gimp mine too!

Plans are either:

Stealth 39
CD 25
CS 34
Pierce 44
Envenom 33

OR, possibly a spec I'm starting to prefer....

S 33
CD 22
CS 34
P 50
Env 33


hmm having said that, I intend on taking my ranger to:

Stealth 20
CD 16
Pierce 44
RB 33
PF 46

So I guess I'm not the best one to ask about speccs :)


Path 46 is of gimp.

Unless u solo with no buffbot but then

No BB is of gimp.

Either way bad spec


The best spec is the one which suits you and your play style best. Go with whatever you want imo :)


Path 46 gimp?

Maybe, i dunno....I love my dmg add too much to settle for the 7.whatever when i could have a 9.whatever dps one .....hence the rather large pierce skill....just wish I could squeeze some more into CD but oh well, all i need now is a freindly passing Enchantment specced chanter to cast dmg add on me and I'm away :)


heres my respecc :))))))))))))))))))

am rrk 7

33 stealth
33 cd
33 knife
33 env
44 cs


*** Sly's Shade guide ver. 1.0 ***

Most of these spec WILL work ... since youre all gonna get buffs ..

But in my experience ..
Pierce > blades .. on the basis of .. 2 things ..

1> Styles on pierce line ...
2> Str/con Debuff feks blade users up

In the end of the day it's all about the player ...

Now .. as for specs ..

the best thing to do by FAR .. would be to get a couple of respec stones for each RR that your going to get from RR3 +
or ..
just spec in advance and bare the pains for a few hundred k rps..

First off
Autotrain Stealth> this allows u to get a few more points into CD

44 CS
44 Pierce
36 Venom
36 Stealth
rest CD - like 15 ~ 20 can't recall the exact amount.( catacombs is down )

now for RA's ...

Since your using Ra's to get up to speed with other assains ...
These are the RA's u will need to compete with other assasins from the word GO!! ..

1) Purge - Essential .. stun / mezz / Dragonfang / Dots / Debuffs - Shade's worst enemies !!

2) Mopain 2 ~ 3 - Alot of people don't even have Mopain... ( ever wonder why your'e constantly getting hit for 200 + by infils and SBS ? Mopain 3 ~ 4 .. ** pre-req is Augmented Dex 2 **

3) Avoid Pain - The Ra that makes the difference... 15 min retimer 10% physcal dmg absorb for 60 seconds per lvl of AP - AP 2 is a good start .. **pre-req Augmented Con 3 **

4) Duelist Reflexes - Now heres an interesting one ... 1 points into DR = 6 points into CD .. heh so try get DR 2 asap. Since you can get 40+ Cd fairly quickly .. and swinging both hands makes a HUGE difference .

5) Toughness - More Hp never hurt anyone .. Tough 2 is good value for points spent .. But not Essential

6) Avoidance of Magic - Upping your Magic resists does 2 things .. You instantly have a higher chance to resists DD / Mezzes / Stuns/ Dots / Deubffs .. AND All DOTS / Debuffs / effects that land on you .. are negated by your magic resits .. ie. with 32% body resist .. lifebane ticks for around 45 / tic .. etc .. 119 str/con debuff only debuffs for 65% of that value etc. - Really a nice to have RA ..

7) FUN to have's ... Viper - Very expensive 14 points .. ouch !! but really fun every 30 mins .. not worth it imo.

8) See Hidden .. if you wanna gimp yourself at low RR .. this is the best was to do it .. Nice Ra .. IF you had the spec points ..

9) Nice to have - Wild Arcana - Another Great RA ...Excellent !!! When it randomly goes off .. All your dots / debufs have a chance to crit .. Nice Ra .. but not good for performing well at low RR .. look at it post RR6 maybe.

All and all an excellent RA stack that shades have .. RR6 + shades are very tough to kill ..

Now !! lets look at RR5L2 RA's .. ** my suggestion **

Aug Con 3
Aug Dex 2
Toughness 1
Master of Pain 2
Duelist Reflex 2
Avoid Pain 2


Ok well .. there's like one million SC templates out there .. Templates are mainly based on what good jewlry and how much money you have .. ... If you're looking at doing your SC .. some essential bits ..

Cap your Melee resists
Cap your Body resist
Cap your Matter resist
Cap you Spirit resist

Those are pretty important .. if you're planning on the solo shade approach.

If you're planning on group RVR .. try and get all your resists as high as possible ...

Alchemy !! NB !!!!
Just a few words on this ...
You're a Nightshade ..!! Remember this .. you DON'T have IP !! thus u need to minimize the amount of damage you take !!.. Full reactive Health buffers .. Ablatives .. excllent.. but very pricey .. 300 ~ 350 g / armor pierce ..

Weapons .. i go with Dot since it stacks with your envenom DoT.

If you can get hold of some Galladoria Tinctures .. ie. 11 dps dmg add , End heal , HP heal .. those are great for your vest ..( since it gets hit often ) but these are Rare , few , and VERY expensive ..

Lastly .. Weapon Setup .. What should you be using ...

According to most people out there .. Swing speed is based on mainhand + offhand / 2 or something like that ...

So having two weapons of equal speed u dont really gain an advantage from what is called " the haste" effect.

Using a slow mainhand .. and very fast offhand allows you to swing your mainhand at a accelerated rate when both weapons swing .. ie..

2.5 spd offhand , 3.5 spdd mainhand = ( 2.5 + 3.5 )/ 2 = 3.0

so whenever both hands swing .. im hitting with a 3.5 spd weapons dmg .. at 3.0 spd..

Thats all i have time for atm .. i hope this helps and lessens the amount of questions u had re: shades.


Good guide, not sure about haste effect with fast offhand tho.

And purge saves my life everytime i use it so get it asap.


Personally I see the role of the ns is to hit hard and fast and then disappear. As such, I think all alchemy should be all dots, not any of this heal reactive type stuff. Also, WA is very good imo and see hidden for a low rank ns allows them much more opportunity to clock up much needed rp's against lesser stealthers, enabling you to rise rr much quicker.
Also, regarding weps ...... slower wep for PA, then switch to 2 fast weps. I dont think it mentions this. Also dont think you need 44 in both pierce and cs, but hey it'd be boring if we all specced the same ;)


Haste effects DO exist according to tests, but ONLY when u hit with both hand it seems. (VN tests)

Anyway I rather use 2 AD, too used to it, might grab a MP GR someday when I can be arsed :p

Couple things, the spec is very good and RA advices too, now I wonder if it´ll worth the trouble to have AP3... instead of Viper... I´m really interested in knowing how good is AP3 compared with AP2...

Oh one last thing I´m yet to test it, but it seems that our shout CAN interrupt evade (shout immediatly after enemy´s evade so he takes dmg = no evade move for him) Happened to me sometimes, not sure though.


yeah noche, its difficult to be certain with the frenzy of some fights, but I always save insta dd for when my opponent evades and I'm almost certain that it has interrupted their evade move.

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