Nieuwe Guild !! (-New Guild-)


Elenah Lopez


Hail all those who roam the world of Albion!

First of all, sorry if this is not the place to make such an add - I looked around a bit and can't find a guild-only-forum so here we go!

((((-----english translation below-----))))

Tot nu toe ben ik steeds in één guild geweest, maar zeer recent heeft onze Guildmaster beslist om zijn echt leven weer op te nemen - waarom? wie weet! - en zodus zijn tijd online sterk in te krimpen met als resultaat dat hij zijn taken als guildmaster niet meer kan vervullen. Daarom vroeg hij ons een nieuwe GM aan te stellen. Dit was wat verondersteld werd, maar in plaats daarvan besloten een aantal van de top 5 spelers dat het tijd was de guild te laten voor wat ie is en bij een andere guild aan te sluiten. Velen volgden en al gauw was een 90% van de guild vertrokken! Ik heb respect voor hun beslissing en wens hen het allerbeste in hun toekomst als verdedigers van albion (bah, klinkt stom in 't nederlands ;) ), maar dit is niet mijn lot.

Nieuwe guild
En nu komt het. Mijn IRL vrienden en ik hebben besloten om een nieuwe guild te starten. We hebben reeds een paar ideeën over de naam, maar dat houden we nog even voor onszelf :p

We zijn niet van plan een "elite" guild te worden, maar eentje die plezier maakt en in dewelke de leden elkaar helpen. In het begin gaan we proberen het een nederlandstalige guild van te maken. (THIS CHANGED) Of dit haalbaar is of niet weten we nog niet, maar we kunnen altijd onze policy wijzigen achteraf!

Dus diegenen die liever de guildchats in hun eigen taal hebben - laat de naam van je karakter(s) hier achter, of msg me ingame (zie onderaan)!

Alvast bedankt voor je geduld :)

Until now I have been in one guild, but very recently our Guildmaster has decided he wants a real life - we all wonder why ;) - and so he'll cut back on his gametime. As a result, he couldn't perform his role as a guildmaster anymore and asked us to appoint a new GM. This was what was supposed to happen, but instead some of the top 5 decided it was time to quit this guild and to move on to another. Many followed and soon 90% of the guild had left. I respect their decision and wish them all the luck in their future as albion defenders, but this is not my destiny.

New guild
Here's the deal. My IRL friends and I have decided to create a new guild. We have some ideas about it's name already, but I'll keep that a information classified for now :p.

We are not planning on becoming an elite guild - but a fun one in which all the members play together and help each other out. At first - we're going to try to make this a dutch speaking guild only (THIS CHANGED). Whether or not this is doable we don't know yet, if not, we can always change that policy.

So those of you that would prefer to guildchat in their own language - being dutch ofcourse - leave your characters name here, or message me ingame!

Thanks for your patience :)

Elenah - Infiltrator
Lissa - Friar
Nyssa - Sorcerer


There's already such a guild.. and they're called Order of the Bahamut.

and about the "wanna talk my own language in the chat" I hate to talk dutch to anyone in-game, they immediatly think they're friends etc. just because they're from the same country.
Not to mention that in groups it can be very annoying too, I can't stand it either when someone starts talking in danish with those strange o's and AE thingies, and don't get a thing they';re saying.
A game is meant english, if I wanted to talk dutch I'd get a life.
In DAoC I talk english. period.

(but that's my opinion)

Elenah Lopez


1. I know they exist.

2. I to only speak english in a group or whenever there is anyone who doesn't speak dutch/french or spanish...

3. There might be some out there who don't master english good enough... who knows... give all a chance to function 100% in a guild...

4. That's all :)

Please, i'm only looking for some members - that's all...


Even though i am english i think its a good idea for u and i wish u the best even though i dont think u will get much members coz there is not an awful lot of dutch ppl even though i do know some crazy ones in albion :)


You're not having Lady Tanya ! Good grief. She may be Dutch, but she's staying with us !

Elenah Lopez


/em smiles

If we're going to name everyone who's NOT joining - omg - this is going to be a long thread :)

PLUS, I'll have to look up everyone who has NOT replied :eek:


wrong server I know, but matthanes you might wanna take a look at DvE from excalibur, afaik their all dutch :)


Not naming -everyone- who isn't allowed to join, just Lady Tanya ;)

<forms a human shield between Tanya and the new guild>

Level 50 Infiltrator
Order of The Knights Templar

Elenah Lopez

<not being the tallest around, /em stands on her toes to take a peek at Lady Tanya - /em gives a friendly nod>


sounds like a nice plan. Our guild, BDA, started the same way (except that dutch-only thingie). We were a group of real-life friends who bought the game together and created a guild to let other nice people join our friendly group :)

We're below 10 active members, well ... actually, we're about *starts to count* 8 active members. We won't have a big impact on RvR as a guild - thats why we have a big alliance - but we do have fun together both in-game and on our private-forums (and of course many of us even in real-life). Some have left to join other larger guilds and I fully undertstand that. Small and tight are not for all :D

I'm not too fond of the whole 'only dutch-speaking' aspect tho. You might find that there are lots of other nice people around, that would fit nicely into the guild, but they don't speak dutch :)

Anyways, good luck!

Elenah Lopez

Policies suck anyway

Well, I didn't expect it to change this quick, but eheh, the policy has changed ;)

ALL 's Welcome...

I don't care if you speak Chinese!!! :eek:

So come on over if you like :) The first ones to join a guild always seem to have a bigger impact on it's future, so take your chance ;) We still have quite a few roles to fill - such as webmaster if you feel like it? (if no one of my friends will)

Message me dammit ;)

Elenah Lopez - Online every evening after 8 :) and the next 2 weeks like all day long - holiday ;)

Cu in Albion !!!

j000 d000d

I'm the 2nd Leader in the Order of Bahamut, and yes, we are dutch.

We already exist since the first week of Euro-DAoC, always been not too big a guild, but it's fun to have some dutch talk in this game :)

We have about 20 members now. Started with 4 :)


You dont master english, you can sod off from the computerworld.
Thats like saying I cant read the speedmeter on a car but I think I drive with the right speed.

Orin Askhammare

Originally posted by kr0n
You dont master english, you can sod off from the computerworld.
Thats like saying I cant read the speedmeter on a car but I think I drive with the right speed.

Dear mister ignorant. Every Dutch student gets at the very very least 4 years of English in school. (That's lower education). You would be very hard pressed to find a Dutch person below 40 online who doesn't understand any English or can't speak it on a generally very acceptable level.

I'm Dutch myself and for all I care all the world could start speaking English tomorrow and I wouldn't have a problem with it. I wouldn't be inclined to join a guild that is a "Dutch guild", but If people want to speak their native language on their guild channel more power to them. It's just not for me.

How many Dutch people have you seen in this game asking random other players something in Dutch? My guess is none.

It is a given and researched fact that it's actually the English who are the worst linguists in Europe while you can expect a large percentage of the Dutch population to speak English, German and French aside from their native language.

So kindly stop flaming people who would like to speak Dutch in their internal guild channel and try to read this thread again. It is explicitly stated that it is for people who want their guild chat in their native language. It was never the intention of these people to run around Albion talking in Dutch exclusively and expecting other players to comprehend it all.

You say you master English but you don't seem to be able to read at all. Go figure.


Originally posted by Orin Askhammare

Dear mister ignorant. <snip>

You say you master English but you don't seem to be able to read at all. Go figure.

I think he's got you a treat here. Welcome to another subtlety of the English language: Sarcastic flaming and trolling.

Coulda been done with a bit more panaché though :rolleyes:

Elenah Lopez


This turned out exactly the way I wanted it to be. You have all grasped the meaning of this thread perfectly :clap:

You do have a point there Orin - it's our history that makes us very adaptable when it comes to learning other languages. And we're proud of it to!

Anyway - forget the new guild thing - no replies yesterday - no positive reactions online - too few people looking for a guild nowadays... so my IRL friends and myself all joined another respectable guild - and had a great time the first night out. If it would turn out that about 20ish people would contact me, that might be another story - but it'll never happen anyway :)

So thanks for a good laugh! And now it's back to DAoC to defend Albion and never come out again - two weeks of holiday AND I AIN'T GOT NOTHING TO DO :D


I didn't joined Bahamut because they speak Dutch in the guild channel, its just great fun.


Originally posted by Gimly
Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight

eh ? -- yeah why not -

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

What was that guild you left again ?

see when i see a whole load of crap i tend to skip it :sleeping:

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