At 17:31 i go to SoM to see if its up to try and steal it off some lower realm rank peon, and woot it's up but sp-(Gr)eeedy is there.
I quickly stealth my lvl20 infil there so that everyone knows that im camping it and it's definately mine when suddenly! OMFG!!1111
Speedy starts casting a spell and suddenly disappears WITH THE CLAO!K!!!!11
omfg i hate tlw and all the bummers in tlw because tlw are gays and tlw smell and tlw are the worst guild ever and tlw are the suck and i wish they'd let me in tlw and tlw suck and tlw are all selfish greedy gits.
I HAVE EVIDENCE, ALL LOOK!!!!11111111111111112
(im joking)
I quickly stealth my lvl20 infil there so that everyone knows that im camping it and it's definately mine when suddenly! OMFG!!1111
Speedy starts casting a spell and suddenly disappears WITH THE CLAO!K!!!!11
omfg i hate tlw and all the bummers in tlw because tlw are gays and tlw smell and tlw are the worst guild ever and tlw are the suck and i wish they'd let me in tlw and tlw suck and tlw are all selfish greedy gits.
I HAVE EVIDENCE, ALL LOOK!!!!11111111111111112
(im joking)