Nice fight last night lil mids :)



Well gotta say, that was alot of fun last night at mid entrance to DF. We had been killing the prince of each realm last night, going from ours to mid to hib, then made our way down to your entrance to have a lil bit of the rough and tumble :p

Took out a good few of ya with your first attack, but it seemed that you lads had a lil more than us when you attacked us the second time, was still fun though and maybe we should have a stand of like that again :)



Have to reciprocate the thanks there Taggart, after coming home from work around midnight, I was expecting a quiet time lvling my runie at the df entrance only to log into the middle of a scrap, quick relog, a small call to arms later and we were rdy. Our first attack was repulsed due to an uncoordinated attack.

Quick Horse trip, small wait for the horses carrying the trolls to catch up, then a much more organised attack second time around, seemed to last for ages.

Much fun was had by all!!!


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