Nice "duel" event in Ludlow



I'm participating in a very nice event atm on Ludlow.
Amrek the Grand has tamed a Troll Berzerker and was taking bets on him against Albion fighters.

The first fighter was Hitokiri <Lords of England> the Infiltrator (level 50) and he defeated the tamed Troll (player guided) that conned Yellow to me (I'm lvl 50) quite easilly.

I reckon there was about 25-30 ppl there and Amrek was taking bets on the the beast and on the alb.
All forming a "fighting ring" around the both fighters.
The price was 10s for each season, so it was 5G.
Bets were 2 G and the winnings was 4G (2x odds).

Hitokiri started with stealthing and thenj used a clever backstab with venom. The victory was after that quite easy and Hirokiri was in good shape when the beast was slained.

Next to meet the troll is Rasputin <Pheonix Legion> the Friar of 45 seasons.
The fight was a victory for the beast (that appered to have the same level as the friar), but Rasputin got him down to about 50%

This was VERY fun indeed,and we are all enjoying it.

Gratz goes also to Hitokiri, who fought well for the pride of both albion and his new guild.

Pwyiw TwoFace

Aye, the fighting was good. Hitokiri taught that troll to respect infiltrators.

Rasputin faught well, but didn't really stand much of a chance, considerring the troll wielded two Northern Claws. Wels put up the longest fight, although used his mezz a little early. Almost won though, but the beast used some healing item.

Vincible also showed how powerful master Einhander's weapons are by dispatching the beast quite easily.

A young 2nd season acolyte challenged the beast, and what seemed like a good fight, was sadly ended by a dishonourable Aoln, who shot the beast with an arrow. Quite sad, and a shame that we are cursed with one that walks such a path.

<bows and fades to black>


bah how do i find out about these things? :(((


Unfortuntaly there was no announcment, just noticed them running around the area gathering an audiance.

Was a good event although I was a little disapointed that casters could not take part. Maybe next time plan an event that everyone can participate in.

Shame it was cut short by the mids invading us again.

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