NF has arrived - wake up albs


Loyal Freddie
Feb 13, 2004
21 days since NF was released, and for the 21st day in a row, albs have shown their complete inability to work together.

In a small flash of brilliance, Mythic created the wonder that is the public battlegroup. In RvR, this gave the ability for leaders to step forth and coordinate amongst the masses...

And so the dream was born...

Then the population of albion came along.

By default the leaders of a battlegroup get different coloured text... however it appears many people have changed that, so that the text colour is now the same as the rest of the battlegroup. If you're going to be a part of the battlegroup you go where the leader tells you and you bring whatever siege you're told to bring. To constantly only have a small percentage of the BG actually following the leader's or leaders' orders is absolutely pathetic.

It seems a lot of people need to realise that RvR has changed, and what the MMO of MMORPG stands for. The battlegroup is not for finding out where enemies are, for your perfect RP whoring group to gank, neither is it a social area to just be in while you decide that your plan is far better.

If you don't like it, /bg leave so the leader(s) can plan a fight that's doable by the size of the BG. Simple as that.

I know that this is going to get the reply somewhere that there aren't any / many respected leaders. Tbh, I don't care if there is or isn't. If you got to the login screen you surely have to have enough intelligence to be able to follow the instructions of the BG leader(s). Whether you do or not isn't about the respect for the leader, but whether your ego is too big to realise that the realm isn't about yourself.

My respect to PL and DLK who have constantly tried daily to organise the albion rabble, and congratulations on the successes you have had.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
some good points there mate, once albs work together i thin it'll prove 200% better efficeincy in rvr.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
Great post well said really.
Its rather sad that alb end up as this. Many said Hib would die with nf, Mid would still rule with they gang players (as they still do imo) and alb would be the middle. But somehow it seems mids and hibs made some evul pact, to make Albion the erternal playground. I think albs will die in a month or two, and maybe take whole prydwen with it in its fall, if we dont start contribuating to the work, work together Albtion.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Afaik /ignore is bugged and doesn't reach BG, /gu and such so people tend to join BG and look at it every now and then thanks to the massive amount of idiotic spammers and ego-boosters :cool: Allowing writing on BG for the selected core doesn't work either because it would be kinda harsh.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Personally i use BG's for both info and helping if i believe its a worth while cause. With alot of the BG's recently it hasnt been obsious of a leader/plan.

I think the information is still extremely useful. I dont see just being in the same area as the major alb zerg as the only important part. If i use it for information and take my guild to stop incoming mids/hibs or create diversions then it is still of benefit too rather than not having that information and maybe being in a totally different area.

I doa mixture of defence/siege and roaming with my guild as doing one thing is often boring and a mixture is good for the game. Tonight we roamed killing incoming groups as well as defended or sieged keeps where albs were in BG.

Albs arent united like they used to be thats for sure but i think there are many who still help and tbh how many alb gank groups are left that just use BG for info? I dont see many active RvR guilds in alb/pryd left tbh.

Has been alot of change in realm recently old faces going and with new patch new areas and type of game its going to feel greatly different. Alb has been down and out before and game just goes through stages, every realm has had it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Wazkyr said:
Great post well said really.
Its rather sad that alb end up as this. Many said Hib would die with nf, Mid would still rule with they gang players (as they still do imo) and alb would be the middle. But somehow it seems mids and hibs made some evul pact, to make Albion the erternal playground. I think albs will die in a month or two, and maybe take whole prydwen with it in its fall, if we dont start contribuating to the work, work together Albtion.

To be honest, I don't think it's an evul pact. I think it's much simpler than that.

People go where the flames are (Or at least, many do). If we can throw the Hibs out, and then take a keep in either Midguard or Hibernia, they'll go there for their fights. At the moment there is pretty much only one front line. At the moment it's in Albion, and we have to push it back.



I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
leviathane said:
some good points there mate, once albs work together i thin it'll prove 200% better efficeincy in rvr.

Almost 3 years since Prydwen went live and we Albs have never managed to all work well together as a realm for more than a few days, I doubt it will start happening now sadly :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 13, 2004
Albs might always bring a zerg but it always makes me think about headless chickens/lemmings thats why i got bored of rvr and playing EQ2 now ... a pve based game ... makes you wonder..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Just like to also add ive seen more than just PL and DLK help tbh Bankmanager has lead 2-3 defence runs when no one else could be arsed and i see Conoor out there helping defence a lot as well.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Scunner said:
Just like to also add ive seen more than just PL and DLK help tbh Bankmanager has lead 2-3 defence runs when no one else could be arsed and i see Conoor out there helping defence a lot as well.

everytime I've been able to make it to a defence, bankmanager has been there repairing walls/doors after we push back the mids/hibs. he rocks \o/


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
Scunner said:
Just like to also add ive seen more than just PL and DLK help tbh Bankmanager has lead 2-3 defence runs when no one else could be arsed and i see Conoor out there helping defence a lot as well.

Agree, also Midge is always helping on repairs, and Templars and another mixed guild group ran several wood runs at their own expense to help rebuild the Rising Force keep the other day :).

There's not any one individual who should be singled out, I just think we need to work together more, not just flame chase.

A lot of people are trying really hard, whether that be by simply turning up to help night after night, or leading BGs, both equally as important. I actually think things are improving slowly, it was always going to take a little time after NF got implemented.

I know from my point of view when leading a BG, certain people have been great, really supportive (and I try to tell them in tells how much appreciated it is).

Things are getting better, we need need to grit our teeth and keep at it, as there is no "insta win" button :)

Only thing that would be really nice is if all people realised the enormous importance siege weaponry has these days. It can also be salvaged for those all-important repairs.

A longer post than I meant to write... sorry for spam :m00:

D xx


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
On the note of wood runs to repair things.

Yes, Convokers are very handy and get the job done.

However, a bit of money and running about with wood get it done faster. If you don't want to spend the money, just remember that you are expecting the same few others to give up their time instead.

If everyone contributes, with money or carrying or both, the repairs get done faster, and then everyone can get back to the war bit which is more fun.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
I've joined several public BG's recently when soloing or running guild groups..some answers to questions i've received..

me: where's the zerg guys?
bg leaders: ffs use /rw

me: ok i`m at eras 3 where you said where is everyone?
bg leaders: should have listened
me: ...

me: where are we going now?
bg leaders: eras

me goes to eras to find no albs and many many hibs

me: erm no albs here where are you?
me: hello?
me: hello?

/bg leave


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Albs are all scouts groups with a few fotm sorcs and cabbys running around trying to find a battle, just to get zerged by Mids or stunnukenukenukedead by Hibs

At least before I could get a full group then go and 9 out of 10 times, immediately find another group

Now its running around like a lost chicken to try and find a battle.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Well like i said before alb been there and done that and will come good again. Many trying and tonight i took my guild to take eras tower 1 whilst snuggle lead on to take the other tower. Alb movements were coordinated and resulted in retake of eras.

No more slagging off you can work together just need a push!


well done snuggle and realm :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
w00t gratz today albies, was a very fun 3 way battle towards the end, alotaa hard work went into that from snugglez and in the end it paid off.
/huggles Snugglez

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