karven said:This raid im doing this arti's below.
Mad scalers
Malice axe
Egg of youth
Som others will be done 2.
PLZ enter your name//ML below
Thanks alot
karven said:We will check what we will do.
Its Europe time and its 8 in the evening.
Dont know if ppl got time for other arti's.
i will see what i can do
Kaun_IA said:europe has alot of time zones, i take it u mean GMT
will be there whit Hero (ml5), if i can
ill be there with bm and bard xDkarven said:Sure SoK will be done 2
karven said:We got som problems with hosting.
We both dont have a skin that shows were the arti's are.
So if som1 is up to lead the way to the arti's..... thanks alot.