Newflash! Mythic promise to fix resists!




Basically, Mythic promised to fix the resist system, but as is, the only thing they've managed to do is to nerf the only viable casters in the game (spritcab, darkcarver, manachanter), and ruined any chance of /assist debuff/nuking by halving the duration of debuffs.

Vive le Dark Age of Tankalot!

Roo Stercogburn

I'm missing something I think. I hope I'm missing something.

Am I right in thinking from this that general debuff length has been halved and is there anything to back this up or is it just usual VN Whine (TM)? Or is it just the heat debuff for chanters?

I'm a bit confused here.

Dark SMs are the premier debuffers of Midgard (spirit, body, energy, dex, qui and str debuffs) and thats a dirty great fat nerf for us if they do generally nerf debuffs.


you are indeed correct is assuming were getting the good ol nerf bat about the head for debuffs... ive already deleted my Dark Runie..this IS going in patch possibly 1.66... i can't believe they could be so nieve as to wipe out the ONLY main caster/debuffer in midgard, dont give me this bullshit about cabalists being nerfed they have fucking pets for christs sake..what do runies have? feck all now.. RC is a pile of shite unless u wanna sit in a keep 24/7..and supp is fine if your an AFK gimp on TG raids.. im just soo disapointed...feck ive even rolled a savage..atleast when they get nerfed they'll still be playable.


Originally posted by asorek
and supp is fine if your an AFK gimp on TG raids..

I resent that, i don't go AFK i read a comic ;)


You have to laugh at how mythic are pressing on with regular PVE expansions whilst simultaneously ignoring all the gameplay/rvr issues.

Its like:

<Two faceless entities enter a dusty disused room with a plaque on the door bearing the legend 'Customer Satisfaction Department'>

RandomMythicGoon1 'Hey the players are unhappy!'

RandomMythic Goon2 'It must be because they are short of PVE expansions - quick - pull the lever!!!'

<Goon1 walks to the large lever on the wall marked 'PVE Content' and pulls it three times - 3 dollops of expensive crafted zones drop into the DAOC box>

RandomMythicGoon2 'Excellent - the grass is now 17.5% more attractive, that will keep em happy'

RandomMythicGoon1 'See you next quarter...'

Tesla Monkor

Not only are the debuffs halved, but currently the target's resist is calculated into the length of the debuff.. so your 15sec whateverdebuff can go down to as little as 4sec.


QQ, it's been dark age of nukealot pre sc, casters need more suffering


Enchanterds whining about gettin nerfed and biting whoever is gloating about it.

Welcome to the nerfed saga, have a nice stay.


Eh it wasn't that much dark age of nukealot.

I myself can't atleast remember when a group with 1 tank in it was thought of as gimped. That is how mages got it now.

Roo Stercogburn

klav, I don't think you could call Dark SMs overpowered nukers - at any point since the release of the game.

And just when I thought they'd pretty much got everything about my class fixed except the mez or something to replace it.


Some caster's still played in open RvR omg so mythic thought the best way to handle it was to nerf the remaining caster's. :D

hmmm, with debuff'ers nerf'd that leave's only the very basic caster's on the field.

Mid = None and has been for some time

Alb = Sorc and that's it.

Hib = Mana Eld's are now more attractive than Chanter's beacause Of there utility and not having there DD dmg/time reduced. So x2 Mana Eld's maybe x3 for the Hib caster heavy grp's which are not for the less skilled player's or your typical spam /assist and stlye button.

Oh well, perhap's in time they will bring new fix's/change's that will help.


Only self-debuffs are reduced duration - chanter heat, RM cold and cabbie body. They got reduced to 8s, though this is further reduced by the target's energy resistance. All others are 15s still. However the way debuffs are calculated got changed such that in general debuffs are much less effective post-patch, you'll be lucky to get someone down to 10% in most cases.

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