Newcomer to Pryd/Hib seeks advice



I have played on Alb/Excal (minstrel) since this game was available in the shops and felt the time was right to try a new class. So I have started a Warden on Prydwyn, and played it solo until level 7.

I like the class, I like the vista, what I don't like is the fact that I don't know where to go and find a group and despite regularly popping into TNN I cannot find a weaponcrafter who can make me something as low level as a Quartz Club.

Part of the problem is I don't know anyone on Hib and I am currently guildless, another is that Hibernia appears to be the worst documented realm - I am having trouble finding labeled maps of locations / mobs to try and spot where the groups might be hiding, also Hibernia is alot less populated than Albion on Excalibur.

Can anyone point me in the direction of some grouping areas from level 7 upwards. If I can't find a group I'm never going to find a guild.

Hope you can help, I heard Hibernia was a friendly realm.

Nemesis Warlock


If u got any question msg SPICE ingame, i`ll help as much as i can.

2nd: a warden can solo quite well but id group as much as possible for hes a healer and bubbler too

Exping spots :
from lvl 7 u can still do water beetles and collectors at mudmans norht of ardee and south of mag mell
at about 10 u can do blackthorns a bit more south in a group
from 10 - 15 go to tir nam beo there are many groups that lvl cuz just norht of tir there are plains of wolves and another blackthorn wood with higher lvl blackthorns there. Curms between mag mell and parth farm (east lough derg) are also good
After that u can go to the forest norht of the curms and circle it from left to right starting at 15 - 16 left and ending at 18/19 on the other side.. then u can just go to the farm and search a group doing parths quite well and get some money

Low lvl weps .... ther should be always be starting crafters go to Tir na nog and broadcast ... otherwise dont bother at low lvl and buy from merchant

If u search a guild u can msg me we always take nice people after hunting with em a while .. just dunno if there are many lvl 7 around atm but i know Darkomen who has a guild called <suicide squad> consisting of excal middies and hes lvl 7 to now , and a nice guy too... grouping would be possible with them fer sure i think..



god damn Spice dont make me look bad i'm lvl 9 allrdy!!! :D

but thnx for other nice words

Suicide squad is full of hibby newbies :) but u can also msg me anytime if ya look for grp...we can get lost together :):clap:



Well I think most of Proficio Manus is also up for groups, we are the Albion reinforcements from Excalibur


Mag Mell is one of the best areas to solo as you have a good chance of getting kill tasks there - there are 3 people in the town that give kill tasks (the guard at the N tower, Meara at the S tower and Fagan in the main building).

If you want to group then its probably best to use the /who command to find people around your level and give them a send as hardly anyone seems to use the group flagging system (although I still put my LFG flag on when I'm looking just in case!).

If your looking for a guild, then you might wish to consider us - follow the link below to our website. /send any member in game who will can arrange for an invite. /send me in game if you just need some help/advice :)


Yeah MagMell is a good starting place

especially as several highlevels like myself are usually sitting there handing out buffs, and giving advice


Here's a link to some mob maps for hibernia,
They're not completely right (for higher lvl mobs the ranges are a bit off imo) but they should help you through the lower lvls no probs....

Hope you enjoy hib, it's a great place, the ppl here rock :)

Take care,


Guest there you can find some spanky hibbie maps, tho not all it covers all you need at the lower levels.
If you need a weaponcrafter look for Lemmy he's usually sitting at the forge in tnn or me for armor (404 armorskill).

/Anpu, woowoo lvl14 already :clap:


Also if you need a weapon you could ask lairiodd he's online most of the time and has a very high weapon craft skill (maybe highest in hib atm).

Armour crafters could ask: Ilamar, Veritreus, Matax bunch of others I can't erm.. :/

Tailors: Clearbrook.. erm I dunno any other tailors, never had need of one.. someone else can prob tell you a few


Best way to group as a warden or any healer class is to use /who hero 8 11 this will give u the levels of tank online also do champs
then /send them that is the best way to find a group

Also once u have had a few groups put them on our friends list that way u can group with the same ppl and lvl up together :)

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