I have played on Alb/Excal (minstrel) since this game was available in the shops and felt the time was right to try a new class. So I have started a Warden on Prydwyn, and played it solo until level 7.
I like the class, I like the vista, what I don't like is the fact that I don't know where to go and find a group and despite regularly popping into TNN I cannot find a weaponcrafter who can make me something as low level as a Quartz Club.
Part of the problem is I don't know anyone on Hib and I am currently guildless, another is that Hibernia appears to be the worst documented realm - I am having trouble finding labeled maps of locations / mobs to try and spot where the groups might be hiding, also Hibernia is alot less populated than Albion on Excalibur.
Can anyone point me in the direction of some grouping areas from level 7 upwards. If I can't find a group I'm never going to find a guild.
Hope you can help, I heard Hibernia was a friendly realm.
I like the class, I like the vista, what I don't like is the fact that I don't know where to go and find a group and despite regularly popping into TNN I cannot find a weaponcrafter who can make me something as low level as a Quartz Club.
Part of the problem is I don't know anyone on Hib and I am currently guildless, another is that Hibernia appears to be the worst documented realm - I am having trouble finding labeled maps of locations / mobs to try and spot where the groups might be hiding, also Hibernia is alot less populated than Albion on Excalibur.
Can anyone point me in the direction of some grouping areas from level 7 upwards. If I can't find a group I'm never going to find a guild.
Hope you can help, I heard Hibernia was a friendly realm.