New US patch problem - help please



Yikes! It seems that somehow with the new ToA U.S. patch, my SI english version got patched to when I went to log on tonight (my time). However when I check my update file for SI, the correct information is there, but I can't log into the says my password is incorrect and the version has updated to 1.47, instead of being the normal 1.43 that it has always been.

a guildy of mine, who lives and play Daoc from the US had the this problem

anybody have any suggestions?


aye ...we all pity her, but she seems to like it there

not much we can do ;)

anyway .... anybody got a better suggestion to help my guildy out?


which update.dat is he looking at? :)

sounds exactly like the usual patch-to-US problem...


so apart from 1 guy trying to funny instead of supportive and another commenting on what he said...nobody has any ideas?

EDIT: filmgoblin.. well She said that the update.dat is exactly the same as it was


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
which update.dat is he looking at? :)

sounds exactly like the usual patch-to-US problem...

Aye I've told her (grin not all people who play Cam are male ;) ) to double check what info is on the update.dat and to let us know asap if this is the same prob or a new one compounded by some wierd being in the US problem.


well if the update.dat is correctly than maybe ask for the correct camelot.exe (and possibly the correct update.dat aswell :p) to be send to her?
If that doesnt do the trick then hoping she got her old cd's lying around and can reinstall them? :(


yup..i'm weird that way

if i get offered help that i don't need while asking for help that i don't get i can get a bit irritated


fine ...

somebody close this thread

dunno why i thought i could get help on BW .. but i had to try


like I didnt try to help :rolleyes: and neither did flimgoblin

Anyway you can close it yourself admin options in the right low corner.


Originally posted by cadiva
Aye I've told her (grin not all people who play Cam are male ;) ) to double check what info is on the update.dat and to let us know asap if this is the same prob or a new one compounded by some wierd being in the US problem.

heh 85% chance of being right ;) (well last time anyone did a poll)

was wondering which update.dat

if she's got both classic camelot and SI installed there's two update.dats one in each directory.

If both of them are as they should be then the only option would be a full reinstall I'm afraid :(


The update.dat MUST be incorrect - there is no other way for you to get patcher 1.47 downloaded.

Check and check again that it points to the UK update servers (read the sticky thread in the Technical section)

If its still not working, then check the update.dat AGAIN ! :)


again - last resort should be reinstall from the CD.

if that fails, reinstall windows

if that doesn't work, buy a new computer

if that doesn't work, buy a new you :D

these may be somewhat drastic though.


Just for reference, here's what your update.dat should say:

For SI:

Mythic Patch

For Classic:

Mythic Patch


either you got a really weird problem or you misread the update.dat. Because I just patched myself to us version (so getting all the way and even get the 1.66 patch) and replaced my update.dat with the correct one and still managed to get back to goa's version without a problem.


i dont think that problem has anything to do with locality in the USA, any of the guys who told you to tell your friend to move need to learn a little more about how the internet and IP addresses work.

the europe servers have different IP addresses to the USA servers and the only way to connect to the US servers is through the US IP address.

there isn't some secret part of the camelot application that could make your Euro version patch to the US version, except the update.dat file.

there certainly isn't any difference connecting to a US server compared to a Euro server, unless GOA have some new bit of code that spots US-based customers and sends them to the US patch server, but that would be madness on their part. and tbh i dont think they would know how to code it (sarcasm but they would have mentioned it by now). maybe mythic could insert it without telling them, but is there anything in the CoC that tells people they can't connect to the European servers from America?

check both update.dat files as mentioned above anyway. its logically the only place there could be any error.



tohtori you are trolling in here though, this person has a real problem and doesnt enjoy it much and making fun of it isnt really nice.



Thread all squeaky clean of all Seel material.



Originally posted by old.Jable
there isn't some secret part of the camelot application that could make your Euro version patch to the US version, except the update.dat file.

It was my understanding that should you fail to connect to the Euro patchers via the update.dat, there IS a hardcoded route to the American patch servers within the code...

Which is why we get the problem in the first place...

Once patched it amends the update.dat with the American locations for future use.


Okay, all of you. Listen carefully....I am the US player having this problem and as uglymug said in his original post to start this thread, my update.dat info IS set to the english servers NOT to the US ones. IT DID NOT GET CHANGED!!! That is the very FIRST thing I looked at when this problem started. I've had the problem in the past and am well aware of the "fix" for it. This time is different. (By the way, I have no update.dat in the classic Camelot folder, only in the SI folder).

So far none of you have been of much help here, other than the person who said if the update.dat is correct, I'll have to reinstall the game. And I do not appreciate the attempts at "humour" (if you could call it that) of a few of you, just because I live in the US. I choose to play on the euro server because I have some good friends in the UK with whom I enjoy keeping company.

And thanks Uglymug for starting the thread here to see if there was any other solution! :) I hadn't thought of posting here. Though seeing the intelligence of some of the replies, I can see why I might choose to not post on this forum.

Arilannor, lvl 48 Thane, Midgard, Excaliber
Erliana, lvl 31 cleric, Albion, Prydwen


Originally posted by elanna
Okay, all of you. Listen carefully....I am the US player having this problem and as uglymug said in his original post to start this thread, my update.dat info IS set to the english servers NOT to the US ones. IT DID NOT GET CHANGED!!! That is the very FIRST thing I looked at when this problem started. I've had the problem in the past and am well aware of the "fix" for it. This time is different. (By the way, I have no update.dat in the classic Camelot folder, only in the SI folder).

The first place that it looks to see where to get the patch from is the update.dat.

If it fails to connect to the two servers listed within the update.dat (due to connectivity problems or whatever), it is hardcoded within the program to go to the US servers.

So, it would appear that you have a problem connecting to the Euro patch servers (->default to US), which would give you the above error even though you have the correct update.dat

You could try pinging the server ip's within the update.dat to see if you can see them , or try a tracert to find out if there is a break in transmission somewhere on your route....


Login server down and no further info available when it's up again.

:flame:Oops GOA you did it again.:wall:

Cannot log in.

Your "customer service" makes me :puke:

Bleri McThrust

Got a Finnish Guildie with the same problem.

His update.dat is correct but patched US it seems.


Like Bleri just posted. I cannot log here either. Update.dat is like it should be and have tried different .exe aswell.

At first it gave error msg which said that cannot log due to servers being patched, this pointed out to having gotten the US patch yet again, which just couldnt be loaded as they´re patching in the US. After US servers were patched it started loading the patch as it has done many many times before, so went and changed the update.dat as normally, but this didnt help either. Now it just says cant connect to update server to patch back to euro version.

I cannot even access daoc-europe web site atm either. When running tracert to it, it stops already on finnish end, at 3rd or so router, so seems like its some local problem related to ISP, nothing to do with GOA.. This time. :)

ISP is KPNQvest here btw, so it has prolly something to do with em, as its the KPNQvest router where the packet stops moving.

So conclusion is that my isp and goa:s servers dont want to cooperate tonight. Otherwise my connection is working perfectly, just cant play daoc.

Ahwell, if its fecked up tomorrow too, just gotta use some finnish force towards isp, got some great words here to use to handle with em. Perkele.

Ohwell on the bright side I get to go to bed early for once. :)


hmm forgot the option of just not being able to connect to goa :p. So if the problem still exists or arrizes again, remember that you get patched to the US version because you can not connect to goa's servers. So that means the chances are likely that you will still not be able to connect to goas server for a few hours. You can check this by getting your dos command prompt and typing:


if you dont get any reply (reported as request timed out iirc). Then you cant connect to goa's server, which means that either your internet is down or goa's server or a router along the way(its usually a router along the way).

Now when you can connect to goa's patchserver than make sure your update.dat is correct. Then run camelot.exe and you should get your camelot.exe changed back to goa's version (you cant really know wether its the right one or not). If this doesnt work than possibly get the camelot.exe and the right update.dat send to you by someone. If it still doesnt work, while you can ping the patchserver and your update.dat+camelot.exe is correct, wait a day try running the game again and if it still doesnt work do a reinstall :(.

But I think its just you not being able to connect to goa's patchserver at all and you should have an update.dat in your classic daoc aswell. Allthough it probably wont hurt you much if you bypass the patch stuff, but if you dont your classic account will get patched to US version.


Originally posted by old.Jable

there isn't some secret part of the camelot application that could make your Euro version patch to the US version, except the update.dat file.

ah well, it takes a real man to accept that he was wrong, and it turns out i was speaking out of my arsehole.

im just wondering, if its true that this has been caused by being unable to reach GOAs servers, wouldn't the update.dat file be updated anyway with the american ip? seems thats what has happened for most.

maybe you can post whether you can reach the GOA servers at the moment, from your ISP. would be helpful.


jable if you cant reach mythic and goa's server you wont get patched to US version, but cant connect to goa either. Or if you go around the patcher alltogether (running login.dll from the start and not camelot.exe) then if you cant reach goa's servers you cant login, but you wont get patched to the US version as you dont run the patcher.


My problem is solved. When I attempted to log on one last time, Mythic updated files again and when I rechecked the update.dat, this time it had been changed to the US ips numbers. Deleted and replaced them with the english ips and presto, problem solved. Don't know what the glitch was that kept the US isp from being put in the update.dat the first time, but at least it is now fixed. Those with same problem should try logging in again, get the update, then change the update.dat back to the original english server ips.

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