New to hib


Aule Valar

man char is currently on excal, but thought i'd delete my middie alts on pryd and come play in hib, currently got a lvl10 bard and lvl 6 champion, not sure whever to carry on with the bard, or make an aoe crazy eldrich for rvr
worth carrying the bard on? and if so how to spec, currently maxed out nurture for powersong, but is it worth getting the songs at the cost of the music line and weapons?


I have a bard, and i must say it's quite easy to get in groups. My songs and heal (i have a good heal :) are appriciated. I haven't specced any in weapons (although I plan to use my leftover points into blunts) so it's quite hard to solo. If I don't get any groups I'll just go play my other char (lvl 8 armsman!).

Lag has been extremely bad and all the ld's has lowered my motivation though.


Ask some high lvl bard etharion luuna devlin kickaha see how they have speced and how they would change if any

I have a 24th lvl bard plan to go 4 speed and end song 3 mana song 7 regrowth 48 music and rest in blunts

atm i can solo low yellows but as u get higher the harder it is to solo

Nemesis Warlock

When my friend started playing a bard and was new to hib i sakeds many ppl and they said the mostly used template would be

13 blunt
20 regrowth
44 nurture and 43 music

this way u get the blunt style u can use in fight without spending too many points .. u get best run and power song und nurture and best aoe mezz in music rest points distributed in regrowth for better healing variances adn powerful heals..

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