New Super Mario Bros


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003

I picked this little gem up today after bloody weeks of putting off importing it.

Personally I think it's great. It looks fabulous on the extra bright DS Lite screen and almost feels like a return to old school mario. The closest thing I can compare it to is Mario 3.

The pseudo 3d actually looks really nice and the level design is exactly what you would expect from a good mario game.

My only gripe is that it seems a little slow. I've not played any of the older games for a while so I can't remember how they were paced.

That aside, it's a cracking little game and something you can pick up and put down on a whim.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
leggy said:

I picked this little gem up today after bloody weeks of putting off importing it.

Personally I think it's great. It looks fabulous on the extra bright DS Lite screen and almost feels like a return to old school mario. The closest thing I can compare it to is Mario 3.

The pseudo 3d actually looks really nice and the level design is exactly what you would expect from a good mario game.

My only gripe is that it seems a little slow. I've not played any of the older games for a while so I can't remember how they were paced.

That aside, it's a cracking little game and something you can pick up and put down on a whim.

Played it.. took it back was a nice game but won't compared to Mario 3 which is a great game to pick up :) as well as 1 and 2.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Well it lasted a week. I took it back and exchanged it for phoenix wright last week.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
alright guys, New supermario Bros or the DS Kirby game?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 22, 2006
Insult to my ears!! You can never get enough of the mario, it's legend!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
shadowdweller/bog said:
got it but found it way to easy :<

My theories revolve around aged Mario players not finding the same levels of patience as they did the last time a 2d(ish) mario game came along. My DS lite has permanent residence in the Loo at my flat, My gfs pink nintendogs DS (JESSY *BLAMBLAMBLAM*) and new super mario bros is making my toilet visits nostalgic. I mentioned Pink DS hence the tangent.

God bless the DS.

Now wij, castlevania tells me im 71 % complete yet the last boss is too easy. I have a part of the map in the south west unexplored. Ami right to explore these undesirable places? I noticed a set of pillars that need activation with skills youy learn from the dead. Do I really need them Or do i just put castlevania ds down as a game that takes an awful lot but likes to fuck you in the bum?

Yeah im fucked. Sue me.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 22, 2006
Super Mario Bros was originally released in 1985, so although it's not pixel perfect now it's still a classic. Most have played it first time round so i agree now find it easy.... either that or we are all just too good. Ha!!


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
But this is new super mario, so it is pixel perfect.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Doomy said:
My theories revolve around aged Mario players not finding the same levels of patience as they did the last time a 2d(ish) mario game came along. My DS lite has permanent residence in the Loo at my flat, My gfs pink nintendogs DS (JESSY *BLAMBLAMBLAM*) and new super mario bros is making my toilet visits nostalgic. I mentioned Pink DS hence the tangent.

God bless the DS.

Now wij, castlevania tells me im 71 % complete yet the last boss is too easy. I have a part of the map in the south west unexplored. Ami right to explore these undesirable places? I noticed a set of pillars that need activation with skills youy learn from the dead. Do I really need them Or do i just put castlevania ds down as a game that takes an awful lot but likes to fuck you in the bum?

Yeah im fucked. Sue me.

I take it you beat Dario as the 'last boss'. That gives you the crap ending. What you need to do is go through those pillars by using the appropriate bullet souls (axe armour, killer clown and ukoback) then find and kill the paranoia boss. He gives you the power to enter mirrors. Now go back to Dario but instead of fighting him, enter the mirror behind him and kill the firey beastie that gives him his power. Take it from there...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Wij said:
I take it you beat Dario as the 'last boss'. That gives you the crap ending. What you need to do is go through those pillars by using the appropriate bullet souls (axe armour, killer clown and ukoback) then find and kill the paranoia boss. He gives you the power to enter mirrors. Now go back to Dario but instead of fighting him, enter the mirror behind him and kill the firey beastie that gives him his power. Take it from there...

Ok thanking you.

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