New Stuff but what does it mean?



"Well, it's not really a quickcast. Things may change so this is not a promise, just what we're planning on testing out on pendragon right now but basically we're introducing a new spell type that is kind of a smart group heal. It first creates a kind of healing pool which is bigger depending on how much the group overall is hurt. If the entire group is being hurt at once (Like in RvR) it's the ideal spell to use. If only one player is taking damage or most of it, it will still be better to cast a normal targetted healing spell. Now once this pool is created, it searches through the group and heals whoever is hurt more (as a % of their total health) until either everyone is healed or the pool is empty. This spell requires no targetting - you see your group start getting hurt, you start casting.

Now the quick cast part of this that we're going to TEST is a realm ability that acts like one of the spells listed above that the healer casts before combat ever starts. He creates this pool and the group goes into RvR and it automatically drains itself out to whoever needs it. It won't work on the caster, though the spec line spells will.

Anyway, these are things we're going to try out on Pendragon - it may end up getting pulled out if it doesn't turn out well. I can't say for sure if other classes which have specced in healing would receive some form of the spells or not - the realm abilities will probably be just for the primary healers.

Mythic Entertainment"

not really sure what exactly this means


Sounds like you create a healing buffer, i.e. big mean mana shield :)

put lots of heals into it to start with, and your tanks start draining from it ...

sounds .... interesting....


sounds bout as fun for the healer as being slapped round the face with a wet kipper imo tho ;-)

Wheres the skill in that :(


well of course you can heal too :)

i think the idea is to leave primary healers free to have a bit of fun at least for 10 secs at the start of a fight or whatever. i imagine all smiters would get this RA, so they can load it up then just smite and not worry about their group dying.

same with druids and pet/root/DoT.. im sure they would like to be able to fight or be offensive and not have to worry about people dying sometimes

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