New SI screenshots, Mythic shows... HyBrasil.



Wooh, look at the pweety water and shadows. Them valkyns are ugly buggers, cool :D

It would be nice to seperate, that the graphics update everyone will be getting. To play new races/classes and to explore the new lands, you will need the exp. pack. If indeed that is the case.

Of course I'll be buying the exp. pack anyway, for the new races/classes to try out anyway, so won't bother me.




omgomgomgomgomgomg. <moving to Hib>


Originally posted by inqy

It would be nice to seperate, that the graphics update everyone will be getting. To play new races/classes and to explore the new lands, you will need the exp. pack. If indeed that is the case.

As far as I know, that is the case. Everyone gets the graphics (suppose we better get ready for a monster patch...), to play the new chars and the new lands/dungeons youneed SI.


I am pretty sure that the new gfx engine comes with the expansion pack, not as a free standing update to some new version.


That's right, the updated graphics engine will only be available by purchasing Shrouded Isles. Taken from the Shrouded Isles site:

Will old areas of the world look better in the new engine?

Yes, when you upgrade to Shrouded Isles, even the older parts of the world will look much better. New trees, water effects, and especially textures will look much more sharp, detailed, and realistic. Of course the new continents will look best of all, as they are being designed specifically with the new engine's features in mind.


Back at the Roundtable event last June in Washington, Mythic said that the graphic engine update would be available for all DAoC players, not just the ones who bought Shrouded Isles.

Here was Darhoth's report:
One piece of good news, even people that do not buy the expack will be given the graphical engine upgrade as part of the subscription service. The new minimum required video card did go up, but I would look to Mythic for the further specifics. My understanding is that it was still reasonable. Those who do not buy the expack will still be able to play, but will not have access to the new areas or the new races/classes.
Of course, they may have changed their minds since then, which would be unfortunate... :rolleyes:


Conflicting information from Mythic's side then. But wouldn't it be a pretty bad business decision to give the graphics update for free? It's a pretty big sale argument after all.


EDIT: I am a mug and I know it. Dumbarse questions removed.

How would people without SI be able to see the new races/classes if not for the fact that they get a gfx patch? If they don't give the rest of the gfx in as well, they will have to make "old engine" models of these chars as well.

Although looking at the necro/reaver screenies in the toher thread it looks as if this is just the case on Pendragon. I am assuming that the beta testers are already using the new gfx engine of course, which is anything from certain I suppose.


Erm no you wouldnt need 2 servers .. cause its only a gfx engine.

The server would send loc and dir and speed of object the same .. its probably just a client based change.

Well apart from the new lands etc. Which the new code would have a trigger to allow them too go to the new lands in a port or something.


they will be releasing the engine for all players im sure, everyones entitled to the better framerates and how would they seperate the 2 engines apart?

Just seems logic that everyone will get the new engine, I think they even said so a couple months ago, it counts into the subsciption...


Well then, I will admitt defeat :) I just interpreted the FAQ on the Shrouded Isles website like the new engine would be shipped together with SI and not be available for download.

Time will tell what's right, I guess :)


No way does the graphics engine come as a download... that is one huge download if you ask me.
People wihtout SI get new graphics textures and/or models because they need to be able to see the new classes and races in the "old areas"...


Originally posted by Cauton
That's right, the updated graphics engine will only be available by purchasing Shrouded Isles. Taken from the Shrouded Isles site:

no, you've misread the info... everyone gets the new engine... but the old area's won't make use of some of the new features. They will still look better though.


Originally posted by Aeternus
how would they seperate the 2 engines apart?
How could they not? I mean everyone has either engine and just sees things in two different ways... the info passed to the user is always the same anyway.¨
You can play UO with two different engines.


I read that that everone will get the new gfx , anyway we will probably get word soon , but I doubt very much that only expansion buyers will get it .


as I've said I'll definately be getting the expansion pack. so I WILL get the new gfx one way or another. but this really needs to be cleared up :)


Well I feel sorry for the modem users who have to download an entirely new graphics engine. I myself think that people who do not buy will not get it...
When I read the site I get the idea, strong one, that the engine will only come with the package...
Then again, why would someone NOT buy this in this first place?


I have to admit, and I am probably gonna get flamed for this, but when I saw the first picture of the new engine (if it was the new engine) of the friar standing by the Bindstone, I didnt think anything was different about the gfx except the long shadow under the player. To be honest, I dont think the old parts of the game will look much different with the new engine, except the water, and therefore the engine might not be incredibly large in size.

The only real improvement in graphics I have seen, have been in screenies of the new island.

The new engine, IMO will probably be around the sort of size we expect from new patches, and if not, would probably be handled in a few smaller patches over time to help people with slower connections to download it.

Doesnt matter to me either way as I am buying the expansion, but I think Mythic or GOA need to clear things up, posting accurate info in simple terms, so people know the truth! :D


It's actually a financially more viable descision on mythics part to give the graphics engine away. Supporting 2 concurrent graphics engines would only increase their long term support costs.

With regards to UO the problem was not everyone agreed the new engine was better - I dont think that will be a problem with DAoC;)

On the subject of a large download for modem users 2 points:

a) A new game engine is not actually very large - its textures sounds and models that are large and i would expect most of these are still the old ones - just being rendered with the new engine.

Modem users will have to download some textures etc anyway to allow for the new "bells and whistles" the actual game engine itself should be comparatively small.

b) If modem users object to what ever they DO have to download what are they going to do? quit the game? I dont think so. Theyre going to go out and buy the expansion. See what im getting at?:D


Originally posted by SFXman

Interesting pictures. I can't wait to make a necromancer just like in D2 times.

at least daoc necros wont have corpse explosion :)

... i hope

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