New Shrouded Isles class information.




I must say that the new classes sound MUCH more interesting with new information... bonedancer sounds fun too with the pet commander's minions having the ability to be differenent "classes".
I felt like the Savage was an D2:LoD assassin rip-off :)
Still it sounds fun with being able to hit multiple enemies and all...
Necromancer info didn't give much new insight except that they receive a percentage of their damage dealed as power? Strange but sounds fun...
Same with the reaver proc... receiving life form damage dealed.
Hib classes sure sound fun too.

Anyway it was nice to hear which races can become which classes. I think I will be rolling a briton reaver and necromancer too perhaps...


Man those sound sweet.

Bonedancer is tempting but I am definately making a savage once we get SI :)


woohoo DAOC will have TFC engineers turrets yay :clap:


and kamakazie trees LOL I dunno if I should get SI now I probably just laugh my ass off anytime I see one suiciding, PIKMIN!!!


It is going to be hilarious to have 1 FG of nothing but L50 Animists with all the turrets possible lined up at some MG... lol... think of the possibilities.


i'll just pump in the obligatory rant then

Albion gets another pure spellcaster (necromancer, which brings the total to (hib the magic realm hah) ) with quite some new abilities

- caster is invulnerable as long as the pet's alive
- powertap

and the reaver who's basically a champion with all melee skills including all the 1 handed weapon specs, shields, and parry and an alternative to LW , flexible weapons

Hibernia gets a theurgist-goes-halflife (turrets ?? ) and the obligatory healing spells

The valewalker looks like a sort of friar with scythe instead of staff and some buffs

Midgard gets a caster with "advanced pet control" which isnt finished yet (Please note that we are still testing the Bonedancer, and some of this information will probably change) and will be worth zip after they're through with him, since it is a midgard class.

The savage is a silly attempt to make a d&d monk with no ranged offence (melee realm means you can't do shit if your enemy isn't in point blank range) and a weaponline that doesnt include crush damage and some magic to boost the poor sod and make him somewhat viable (including endurance regen that eats health


i gotta try them all :clap:

i think bonedancer sounds like the most sucky class imo


Originally posted by old.Demerzel
i gotta try them all :clap:

i think bonedancer sounds like the most sucky class imo

u kidding? a troll caster alone makes it worth while.

definatly gonna roll one of those when i can :D


OMG at first sight I nearly missed the most important implication of the Bonedancer...

Trolls in robes!!!!!!!

Bring on lady Troll bonedancers to Emain yay!!!


Yeah right...

and Wizards "specialise in molding the four elements of fire, ice, earth, and air..."

Theurgists are "specialist mages who learn the element of earth..."

Scouts "specialise in tracking..."

Friars "lose their ability to enhance their Realm-mates (buff spells)..."

Runemasters "may create large area spells, traps and explosions..."

Hunters "gain tracking..."

Berserkers "shapeshift into the form of a bear..."

Shadowblades are "masters of stealth and the magic of illusion..."

Nightshades are "strong spellcasters..."

Rangers are "masters of tracking..."


Basically, don't put any stock in the class descriptions. They are mostly bullshit, building characters up to be something that they are certainly not, with half their supposed abilities not even being in the final client. Better off getting proper spell skill lists - they're more likely to give you a *real* impression of what the new classes are like.


I was really looking forward to rolling (and trying to get the first lvl 50) necro on excal... but the more I think about it, and the less likely it appears that they're actually going to get the insta AE CC that alb so desperately needs, which is what I was really hoping they would provide. My interest is therefore waning.

Put it this way. You've seen mythic's pet AI in action. Would you want your actions to be TOTALLY reliant on a pet? These are pets that a) experience lag when you give them a command, b) have a tremendous ability to get themselves lost, c) you can't see through the eyes of them, so you stand little chance of spotting a more opportune target, and d) warp all over the fkin shop.

All in all, necro's sound as if they're going to be incredibly frustrating to play in RvR. Sure, in PvP im sure they're going to be great fun, but they're looking less and less attractive by the minute for an RP ph4rm3r such as myself.


Originally posted by flugo
i'll just pump in the obligatory rant then

Albion gets another pure spellcaster (necromancer, which brings the total to (hib the magic realm hah) ) with quite some new abilities

- caster is invulnerable as long as the pet's alive
- powertap

cut and paste quote :)

When the pet is killed or released, the Necromancer has his health reduced to a percentage of the pet’s health. So, if the pet is at full health and is released, the Necro comes back from shade mode at full health. If the pet is damaged and released, or killed, the Necro comes back from shade mode at a percentage of the pet’s health when it was released (obviously zero if killed). This cannot kill the caster, but reduces him to a minimum of 1 hp.

so when the pet do dies it wont be as fun :)

But i do agree. .. once again they try to "fix" by adding stuff.. like instead of fixing the clases let them do it themselves with RA's (does any class buy any other RA then their classmates have?)

This is how i see it wil go.. SI comes .. classes are -very- good (bear with me ok ;)) .. 3-4 months later when the lvl 50 of the new classes starts popping up, BOOOM the nerfbat, making them far from what they were once ... like so many classes in DAoC(rossdressing).

Time will tell i guess ;)


TBH all Six look shite not one on that info would i even think and try to level to 50..

Work on the game as it is Mythic dont give us silly add ons.

Regards Nicky.


It will only become the true hell...add my opinion it will become as D2, so tempting...but take a close look on that all...all other classes will be forgotten because everyone wants to make a new class, noone will level cause noone can play the classes. Groups shouting what to do to eachother. It won't work. I wonder how many original classes i see after SI. Mythic thinks they will make DAoC fun a lil bit longer, hmm they are right in a way or 2. But when those classes comes outt and every1 makes them. We will have only have some weak fighters and new mages. This SI is like a spice, which will taste shit in notime.


Is this turning into VN?

A bunch of people are already flaming a class they have no idea of how works, LOL!

But let's by all means categorize them and start saying each and every bad thing that comes to mind about them we can, eventho noone has ever really seen them in action.

I, for one, think that at least the two midgard additions will be nice. Bonedancer offers a new form of advanced pet control, if they make it the way they describe. Given that the savage is soemwhat a mix of a berserker and a "monk", he still offers something that's somewhat new, in the multiple attacks per round and the ability to use thrusting weapons.

Haven't really read much into the alb and hib classes but if they offer something new to their realms along the lines of what a bonedancer and savage has to offer, they can't be THAT bad.


I admit im gonna start one of those classes by myself and i dont say bad words about them, just that we always need the good old warriors, armsmen, heros, pbt's, and pretty surely we will be lacking of these classes when all are gonna try out the new ones. Well, we need em. Who are gonna play them? Nobody ofcoz becasue it will be nice to play new classes, a grp of bonedancers and what the other classes were, can and maybe good but what if its not?

nm...played too much spiced+spiced+spiced=crap games, thats why i chose Daoc :)
Hope all will turn good after SI


Am I the only one still excited and optimistic about the new classes in SI? :rolleyes:


Preordered it, gonna activate my US account when I get my copy :clap:


I'm still excited. Even more so about getting a sensible amount of slots per server.


I'm very interested to know which of the 'old' classes will be available to the new races?

Like having an Inconnu infiltrator, or a Sylvan bard?


im sure we will get race/class tables soon which will help, i wouldnt mind rolling an iconno theurgy :D


Im quite looking forward to the new classes.... I think its a little premature to really be able to judge these things just on the basis of a press release. What they will or wont be able to do and how effective they are will be, as with all other classes, determined on how well you get on with your class, how well you understand its limitations and its abilities and of course how well the individual player plays that class.

Im not sure its enough of a temptation for me to start a US account in order to check em out pre EU release, but I think SI will keep my interest up at least in the short term.

Toodle Pip :)


With regards to my necro-related post, I have actually based what I said on some facts. I've looked at a video of an admittedly low-level (20) necromancer playing against mobs, and from what I can tell they seem to have their powertap, plus debuffs and pet heals, the same as a cabalist. Also from the class description it doesnt mention crowd control at all so... :mad:


If you don't like the new classes, don't roll one.... Infact no one is even going to make you buy the new SI pack. :whip:

I think it just adds more choice to those who want it, plus I would say wait untill it gets release and you see the effects before the bitching begins :twak:


Im gonna start a new class as i judging..i just dint think there will be so many old classes. And i think every class is needed..

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