New RvR guild.. UBER!



Hi everyone

A new uber RvR guild is forming...
And its gonna be like NP just a bit better wich i hope i can handle..

The guild is gonna be onlye RvR and thats period... unless ur 49 and need 50 :)

im seeking players 49+ for prefixed grp's if possible

i need at least 8 ppl to start with and 8 ppl that im sure of they will stay and dont leave from the start..

Dont PM me ingame yet

just write ur name and lvl/class of ur char and kinida sign up for this.. when i see i got ppl enough i will talk to them ingame...

Thx in Advance...



The name will be discussed with the 8 ppl to start with.. so we all will be agreed on the name and guild stuff like leaders and such...

im not doing this for me im doing this for ownage.. i mean like having fun together doing raids and ... well short said pwn RvR with 1-2 fg's


A new uber RvR guild is forming...
And its gonna be like NP just a bit better wich i hope i can handle..


gl and everything mate, you´re gonna need it...


Why is it going to be hard? Pulling the correct formula of level 50s together and knowing how to play and what to do and understand how each other plays is hard? No. It just takes time and it will work. Good luck... Just ignore the crap you get... atleast this isn't another random level 10-20 PvE die-in-a-day guild.


Hehe thx Eky :)

well i might be needing luck but its not like its impossible... i will do my best to get a guild and some ppl from this guild to be really known...


Originally posted by Ekydus
Why is it going to be hard? Pulling the correct formula of level 50s together and knowing how to play and what to do and understand how each other plays is hard? No. It just takes time and it will work. Good luck... Just ignore the crap you get... atleast this isn't another random level 10-20 PvE die-in-a-day guild.

It's not hard on paper. It's actually very hard to find 8 people who are willing to give up being "uber" solo to have perfect group specs. Example: 2h palas, Smite Clerics, Fire Wizzies etc etc - not to mention the more subtle things. Then they have to play a lot, and all at the same time. Also they have to be good - probably the hardest part. :) And lastly they can't hate each other completely.

It doesn't sound that hard til you lose your mincer or your sorc due to something silly like a new job, gf, or uni. Or worse they roll an infil.

*** not saying I am great or perfect or we do perfect groups, just saying it's NOT easy ***


hehe ye its not easy just my words... but its been a deam like since i allmost started when i dinged about 24 and went to bg1 and played, was fun but the ppl in there didnt actually play together it was like uber zerg and grps were like 4-5 ppl.. why not merge?! :)

i really want this to get somewhere, i mean making a very nice guild with kind ppl.. and again it aint easy but its possible...


Those who are interested plz post ur name and class for now im looking for one fg to start with i dont want 2-3, 1 is more than enough to start with i really hope that there are some albs with sence out there :)

thx all hope to meet some new and nice ppl


i'll avoid the obvious and just stick with gl :) as said before you're gonna need it


first off m8, people wont join you if they don't know who you are...put your signature up, realm rank, level class etc otherwise they just wont bother and rightly so.

Second of all, you say you got annoyed at people in BGs running as 4 or 5 people, why not just group up, the same goes for guilds. Atm there are a silly amount of new 'omg i wanna b uber RvRer!!!!!!' guilds starting up. And by stating, 'we are gonna b better then NP', you have just cut down the number of potentials probably by about 90% because it now looks like you think it's easy to be good at getting groups together.

Also saying you only want 8 people to begin with is also silly, look at guilds like FC who have 30+/- members (correct me if I'm way out) and they generally only field 1fg regularly (again, correct me if I'm way out). 8 people in a guild will NEVER (well, not never but 99% of the time) mean 8 people are always on and at the same times.

I'd probably suggest asking to join an existing one otherwise you could be guildless for quite a while just for the sake of being GM of a new guild that has a high chance of not lasting very long (looking back at 'new' specific rvr guilds of past).

Sorry for being negative but I really don't think your first impression has given off a good show of what you have to offer m8 :/


Gm and to stary a guild in a game like this requires very much time. So i d say u dont know what u might give urself into.


well.... the new guild. im one of the gms of now.. we are just enjoying ourself... 6 irl friends starting it, this is the first i ever write about, we dont promise a thing, we have no plans, but to play together :D

name is latin for: Friendship Above All

and that is just what being in guild is all about... uberness and celebrity guilds wont last in the long run, not without people leaving and coming all the time.

Repent Reloaded

A new uber RvR guild is forming

what makes it "uber" when it doesnt ave 8 members or a guild name ?

you need to do shit and prove urself be4 u can even think of puttin the title uber next to ur guild name ... noob alb /slap


FC got about 50 members about 20-30 active and field normally 1fg nightly sometimes 2fg depending on classes etc...

best of luck to ya tis a dam hard task to beat NP cus they're all sad fooks with no lifes etc :)

Hit ^_^

Originally posted by Treniel-
a dam hard task to beat NP cus they're all sad fooks with no lifes etc :)

a bit like fc then. but a bit less life and a bit more skill then? :p


havent seen those guildies at rvr even once yet....well lets hope i c them more often, or was it just at paper??


I actualy think there is a need for a new "rvr" guild in alb atm. You all go like "ffs stop make 1000 new guilds and join existing ones". Guess what, most of the l33t guilds arn't recruiting, and sure small guilds are fun, but.. Sooner or later you will want to roam emain with a fg on regular basis, beeing able to join dragonraids, have internal guild/alliance raids/events.

And unless you are a cleric or a theurg or whatever there isn't much else to do than spamming "/yell Lfg, pleas!!! :(" a few hours at atk each night, while watching FC port back over and over, and over..
You decide to try and head over to amg solo, maybe you can leech a lil, no? But on the way you get ganked by 1fg sbs ofc.
So you go to bed w/o having gotten a group, and when you are on your way to work next day you wonder why the f*ck you even bother with this game.

So i wish you good luck :)


Originally posted by Pin
this joke isn't really funny anymore :(

haha, now its funny again ^^

edit: gl though, will be fun fighting someone else then fc and the occational bf fg


1. j00 gregstah m8. i wish u all the luck u can get hope ur guild gets to where u want it to be.

2. Repent Reloaded Yo Biatch Can u do me a favor.. SHUT THE FUCK UP!. and keep you stupid comments to your self. you make me sick!'

That is all-


1) Good luck with your guild, hope it works out.

2) Asking people to post here if they are intrested is not always a smart idea, better ask them to make contact with you ingame so they can have a chat with you or PM you....


Originally posted by savant
I actualy think there is a need for a new "rvr" guild in alb atm. You all go like "ffs stop make 1000 new guilds and join existing ones". Guess what, most of the l33t guilds arn't recruiting, and sure small guilds are fun, but.. Sooner or later you will want to roam emain with a fg on regular basis, beeing able to join dragonraids, have internal guild/alliance raids/events.

And unless you are a cleric or a theurg or whatever there isn't much else to do than spamming "/yell Lfg, pleas!!! :(" a few hours at atk each night, while watching FC port back over and over, and over..
You decide to try and head over to amg solo, maybe you can leech a lil, no? But on the way you get ganked by 1fg sbs ofc.
So you go to bed w/o having gotten a group, and when you are on your way to work next day you wonder why the f*ck you even bother with this game.

So i wish you good luck :)

so true.
not blamming anyone.
its just true... no good guilds are recruiting, my personal view ofc :D


Trust me, its damn hard and I wish you luck.

Black Legion is now a great bunch of guys, but it wasn't easy building our guild up, and we started with just me and leorin

And due to my absence a lot of the recent stuf fis down to leorin.

/clap mate


Ok guys now take it easy plz...

if u want me to introduce my self here ot goes...

Greghadien 50 friar RR3L2

Many ppl know me ingame and i play with fc and some other guild very often cuz im guildless atm.

now for the last time this is gonna be hard yes but plz dont come with all those negative comments u guys suck!

Thx to all who wishes me luck i will need it..

and im still waiting for ppl to write some names, PM me in game if ur interested and we can have a chat about it im online later today about 5pm gtm or somthing maybe even before...

Hope to get a couple of PM's

Repent Reloaded

FC got about 50 members about 20-30 active and field normally 1fg nightly sometimes 2fg depending on classes etc...

best of luck to ya tis a dam hard task to beat NP cus they're all sad fooks with no lifes etc

NP do about the same as FC, so they aint sad fucktards, they r just better then u r.

noob ass alb /slap

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