New Realm Abilities



Vanish - Immediately hide, regardless of action state.
Man, now there's something that gonna bring the nerf bats out :eek:


Two questions.

How long will it be before they are implemented on the EU servers?

How long will it take people to save up that kind of cash? It would appear that costs start at well over 1p.


Answer to Q1
Probably forever

Answer to Q2
See answer to Q1


I guess it is going to take a very long time for them to appear on EU but damn I like some of those scout ones!


It's scary really I look at this list and think - "Wow, I can use these to make the shaman class usefull in RvR!"

These look really nice - I cant wait. Hhhm but im going to have to. I dont recon the US will get this stuff too quick so it'll be even longer for europe.

Thinking about these some more I would be inclined not to get them at first - I should imagine theres going to be a fair bit of shuffling what they do around from patch to patch while they sort out the balance. You could end up (3 patches down the line) with a very different ability to what you pruchased in the first place. Of course this is where being a version or 2 behind the US is an advantage!


These will take long to implement onto EU but still:


Reduced fatigue cost of sprinting.
Ooh... sprint farther away from those nasty foes! Great.

Additional maximum carrying capacity.
Aaaah.... lifesaver, more arrows for me, woot.

Mastery of Blocking
Increased percent chance to block
HEhee, 42 shield and increased chance, like to see someone hit you after that, but how much of an increase... hmm.

Additional percent chance to evade.
Heehehe, same advantage as above. Evade+bonuses and shield+bonuses is going to make on hell-of-a annoying target to hit.

Mastery of Stealth
A small movement speed increase while stealthed.
Gets better and better.... less end for sprinting and increased speed while in stealth, nice.

Mastery of Archery
Additional attack speed when firing bows/crossbows.
Imagine stun and then increased firing speed.

Arrow Salvaging
Chance to not expend arrow on firing.
Solves the arrow weight problem again, great.

Falcon's Eye
Additional percent chance to critical hit with archery attacks.
ooh... people will be dropping like flies :D

Hail of Blows
Short boost to attack speed.
Ok.... more speed again :D

Second Wind
Complete END recovery.
COMPLETE!? Alrighty then... sprint then out of end and then full end again.... nice.

Area-targetted archery attack that fires successive arrows at a various targets in a given area.
Now this is going to be an interesting one! Hit like a pack of mages in one go :D :D

I can't wait for these... that's the bad thing, I am going to have to wait for quite a while, damn.

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