New patches kill the game


Molten Lava

Read some things about this topic in different posts but I think it needs a post on its own:

With all the RA's, better resist chants/spells spellcrafting etc comming up will there be any change of actually killing someone in the future. People with 35% resists on i.e. Body are almost immune to mezz and body damage. Post about people hitting for 20 (-300) damage, myself hitting the "big guys" for 84 (-298) with DD's

sure the battles will last longer (which is bad for paper wearing players....they will die even sooner) but also spells/attack styles will be more and more this what we all want? Isn't a bit to much that lvl 50's with enough RP's can make themselves almost immune to any attack/spell? Should the max resists (50% now) be lowered? With all the new crafting comming up people can make all their resist so high that they are impossible to kill (sure it will cost a shitload of money to make a full kit of uber-resist-100% qual-gear)


There are other changes aswell though - 'under the hood' combat mechanics are changing to encourage lower level chars to go RvR cause they can now hit the higher levels.

I do sympathise though - from what I hear all these RA's make people UBER.


There has been, is and will always be someone who is stronger/better equipped/ bigger/ mightier/ more 3l33t. No matter what you do or how you spec, it's still a klomp klomp there and a nerf nerf there and Old McDoland again whoops your ass. Give Runies some sugar, they cry for vinegar and the tanks want sugar like they hadn't have it in decades. Give tanks some "balance" and the stealthers scream at the top of their lungs how this is "UNFAIR!!". The dev teams do what they want and if you don't like how the patches go, how classes change go back to Diablo 2 or Warcraft where everything is peachy all the time.

Editorial: Sicko fed me prozac, blame him.


The changes are not killing the game, they are reviving it.

They mean we have to re-learn how to play our characters in a changing environment. I can only be in favour of that.


Originally posted by Molten Lava
Read some things about this topic in different posts but I think it needs a post on its own:

With all the RA's, better resist chants/spells spellcrafting etc comming up will there be any change of actually killing someone in the future. People with 35% resists on i.e. Body are almost immune to mezz and body damage. Post about people hitting for 20 (-300) damage, myself hitting the "big guys" for 84 (-298) with DD's

sure the battles will last longer (which is bad for paper wearing players....they will die even sooner) but also spells/attack styles will be more and more this what we all want? Isn't a bit to much that lvl 50's with enough RP's can make themselves almost immune to any attack/spell? Should the max resists (50% now) be lowered? With all the new crafting comming up people can make all their resist so high that they are impossible to kill (sure it will cost a shitload of money to make a full kit of uber-resist-100% qual-gear)

the max resist they can get from items is 26%
plus buffs 24%

so 50%

if you hit them for 450 they'll take 225 damage

if you hit them for 320 (as the above example indicates) you will hit them for 160, not for 20.

I've no idea where the 99% resistance figure you got there came from ...


> 50% will be possible, there are resistance related realm abilities to be added to that.

Avoidance of magic


bah, lost 3 1 on 1 battlles due to opponent using IP
RA's are great if you have them. thoose that don't will get killed trying to get them more often.

but still RA's are an asset to the game


Originally posted by Draylor
> 50% will be possible, there are resistance related realm abilities to be added to that.

Avoidance of magic

aye :)

so assume someone gets +15% from avoidance of magic 5 (that's a whopping 34 RPs)

and the empty mind 3 (another 30 RPs)

they _could_ get 65% resists most of the time and 95% resist for a minute every 30...

ok fair enough :) but that's one minute out of every thirty, on a RR 7L4 character who's bought nothing else.

Not too unlikely on Gorre, but I doubt you'll find it on Excalibur.

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