New Nvidia Nforce driver kit available.


Cap'n Sissyfoo

I hope it is more stable than the junk that came with the motherboard. :)

Time will tell though...


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
I hope it is more stable than the junk that came with the motherboard. :)

Time will tell though...

I never use supplied drivers that come with hardware, they're always out of date and usually crap.
Best thing to do is download the latest drivers.

What did you get BTW?

Cap'n Sissyfoo

A7N8X-X mobo, AMD 2500+ and 512mb RAM. :)

Having a few problems getting a set of drivers that work without spazing out every couple of hours though. 2.xx drivers seem to have some issues from what I have read.


Are you having a problem with the IDE drivers?
If so, the new drivers I linked will solve that, as they removed the dodgy ones (the Nvidia enhanced IDE drivers) from the package.


Did you buy PC3200 RAM?
Does the PC crash when you play games?

If so, it could also be your memory timings are all screwed up.
Check them in Bios.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Yea, it does crash in games and occasionally on the desktop (although it hasn't crashed on the desktop since I installed the new drivers.).

What do I need to look for in the BIOS regarding memory timings? The RAM is 3200.

When the game crashed last the error report seemed to indicate it was related to the nvidia display drivers. I think the dll in question was something like nv4_disp.dll or nv4.dll ... I forget which. :S


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
What do I need to look for in the BIOS regarding memory timings? The RAM is 3200.

What exact ram Brand/ number did you get?
I'd need that to be of much help..

When the game crashed last the error report seemed to indicate it was related to the nvidia display drivers. I think the dll in question was something like nv4_disp.dll or nv4.dll ... I forget which. :S

OK, can still be the RAM tho, but maybe you've already solved it with the new drivers.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Nah, I checked after I installed the new drivers to see if I was still crashing in-game. Same problem. :(

Anyway, the RAM brand is Elixir, 512mb DDR PC 3200, PC 400Mhz.

In the bios the memory timings are set to Optimal, frequency is 200Mhz and it is in Single Channel Mode.


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
Nah, I checked after I installed the new drivers to see if I was still crashing in-game. Same problem. :(

OK, it's trial and error now.
First of all, is it all games that are crashing?

Second, you can download an Nvidia Detonator driver (assuming you're using an Nvidia card that is UNinstaller
That will remove ALL the old Detonator drivers from your system.
Then reinstall you detonator drivers.

Anyway, the RAM brand is Elixir, 512mb DDR PC 3200, PC 400Mhz.

In the bios the memory timings are set to Optimal, frequency is 200Mhz and it is in Single Channel Mode.

Second, goto the website of your mobo manufacturer and check their online faq regarding memory timings, also check your memory manufactuers website's faq..
You could try setting the memory timings manually (instead of using the Optimal etc etc setting) , but I'm not sure how to do that on your Mobo, as I'm not familiar with it.

Try changing optimal to a lower setting, I don't know what specific descriptive words it uses on your mobo.

I'm wondering if your RAM is running a lot faster than your Processor (if it's a barton, it'll have an FSB of 333).
Slowing your RAM down might help.

That's it for now.
Post back if that doesn't help.

[edit] One other thing, It might be an IRQ conflict.
if your first 1 or 2 PCI slots are being used by something, move them down to the 3 or lower slots.


Also, make sure your Cards/RAM are seated properly, lots of people miss this.

Does that mobo have an onboard videocard?
Are you using an external card as well? I.E. in the AGP slot.
If so, make sure you disable the onboard card in bios.

Same goes if the mobo has onboard sound and you use a PCI sound card.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Thanks for the tips. I will check them out now and get back to you. :)

Cap'n Sissyfoo


So far I changed the memory settings down to 166 Mhz which *seemed* to stop the game from blue screening...but now I am back to the old problem of it crashing back to desk top after a few minutes.

The mother board does not come with any onboard VGA and I am not using any of the PCI slots at the moment.

I will try slowing down the RAM a bit more and see if that makes the system a wee bit more stable.


Seemed usefull buying that more expensive ram :rolleyes:

Never listen to Overclocker wannabes :(

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Thanks for the sympathy. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I think I have sorted the problem...*think* being the operative word.

The RAM is running at 133Mhz and DAoC runs smoothly without any crashes so far. I left it running for an hour or so before logging which is a lot better than any of the previous runs.

Thanks for all your help, Heliel. You have been a god send. :)


Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
Seemed usefull buying that more expensive ram :rolleyes:

Never listen to Overclocker wannabes :(

The point of buying the expensive RAM, IF you had read my posts, was that it is necessary if you want to overclock to have faster RAM.
IF you had read my posts properly, I also recommended to buy cheaper RAM if overclocking was not an option.
But I guess you're too thick to realise that.
With the sort of behaviour your're showing, I'm amazed you're a moderator.
GRow up or I'll report you to the Admins.


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
Yea, it does crash in games and occasionally on the desktop (although it hasn't crashed on the desktop since I installed the new drivers.).

What do I need to look for in the BIOS regarding memory timings? The RAM is 3200.

When the game crashed last the error report seemed to indicate it was related to the nvidia display drivers. I think the dll in question was something like nv4_disp.dll or nv4.dll ... I forget which. :S

urrmmm...irq not equal to ???....

(no problem if there are no more crashes) :D gl btw dude ;)


heilel = Knowledgable, nice friendly and helpful guy.
Deadmanwalking = Knowledgable, Arrogant & impatinet with no tolerance of people without much experience.

In my experience that is.


Im sorry but when someone writes an essay on why they are right, only to be proven wrong. And when i was saying this all along it is a tad stupid for him to start insulting and threatening me.

And btw i have more patience then you can imagine, if that peson genuinely wants help and not just going to ignore researched information in favour of nice sounding words.


Been having a look into the memory timings on your RAM
the Elixir ram, which is manufactured by Nanya.

Your problem is that your RAM and Processor are not running at the same speed.
So try setting your RAM to either the following
6-3-3 CL 2.5
There will be a setting called something like "Memory Frequency:"
set it to 100%.
Either way both your processor and RAM should both be running at 200fsb, or as you say, your PC will crash sometimes, which is what is happening.

Another memory timing setting is to use 8-4-4-2.5 if the above setting doesn't help.

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