New NPC.....maby



I think i have found some new NPCs that i havent heard anyone else talk about so i thought i would post it in here so people could tell me i was stupid and that they have been here all along.

Well the first one i am not that sure is new, i was wasting some time trying to se if i could figure the drunk kobold out, it always seems he pops out of the walls and walk back into them, so i was exploring the area around the round table. Inside one of the buildings (just beside scripe veral) i found this Master Hebus fellow, the reason i think he is new is cause i had to visit the scripe for one of my quest, well i clicked the master and up popped a nice little message:

Master Hebus says:" Hmmm this is peculiar, there is something like a rotten smell floating flotting around...might it be...But of course, this is the sweet smell of the mud covering these swamp toads! your smell is disgusting my friend, please step away! go back to yo"

Then the dude points, by the way i have checked the screenshoot 4 times it is a perfect quote, so any misspellings or strange words are his. And yes i dont really make any sense of what he is saying, why does he think that the smell is disgusting if it smells sweet to him. And who is yo anyway ;)


theres a couuple of others aswell i think, never spoke to them, i couldnt for sum reason.

kold is in the broken tower by the DF entrance, where hurgrath spawns, and theres a guy named zall in the graveyard up by snowdonia station.


One more

Now this NPC i am pretty sure is new, i was at my trainer, at the academy( yes i am a wizzy) and while i was in there i kept getting strange messages like, Librarian Peland says bah dust or Librarian Pelan snezzes.
Well i couldnt see anybody with that name anywhere near my trainer so i checked out the houses just next to him, and upstairs in one of them i found the librarian together with another dude Master Anthanias of Tintagel. I didnt get anything out of clicking the librarian but he keps sneezing and coughing and when i get near the Master he says something like: Master bla bla keeps studying the old books so you better not disturb him.
When i click the master he says that i must be mistaken and that his wisdom isnt for my students.......hmmm maby he says it to the librarian, the first NPC said stuff in a pop up boks these two just talk in general chat.


Originally posted by -baralis-
theres a couuple of others aswell i think, never spoke to them, i couldnt for sum reason.

kold is in the broken tower by the DF entrance, where hurgrath spawns, and theres a guy named zall in the graveyard up by snowdonia station.

Yeaaah i know there are others, but they have been talked about before, you need a sorc to talk to the ones that cant talk. These two are just some i havent heard being discussed before. Well actually hadnt heard about kold before.

P.S. oooh and just noticed that Brach Leof the wood merchant has been moved inside, he used to standing outside.


The reason why i mention this is cause it might be event related or it might be quest related, anyway its nice to know in case anybody has to visit them.


I killed the royal Buffoon quite often already, he keps spamming

there was an NPC roaming the Salisbury plain as well, close to WD
forgot his name tho. bla the prophet I believe


I seem to rememeber Librarian Ophus coughing and sneezing the other day when I was in Cam.

Maybe that's the event GOA are building up to.

A flu epidemic in all three realms.



Flue epedemic cool just what i have been waiting for all summer, the prophet has his own thread


Anyone got any further info on the 2 new ladies who walk around Adribard's retreat? One is silent and one just tells you how much she misses her true Knight, or something along those lines.


Originally posted by old.Ramas
I seem to rememeber Librarian Ophus coughing and sneezing the other day when I was in Cam.

Maybe that's the event GOA are building up to.

A flu epidemic in all three realms.


that dude is lvl 43 theurg epic=)


Originally posted by old.Second

that dude is lvl 43 theurg epic=)

are you sure?? i'm sure i had to see that librarian for the "Secret Orders" quest. oh, and why does it say that he is coughing or sneezing, when he is quite obviously "crying"???

Aligro 42 paladin


Ophus gets used in various quests, including Secret Orders and DoA 43 epic, but I've never seen him looking quite so ill.


maby its the flue going:p

a cleric should try a cure disease on him maby?:p


Originally posted by old.Second
maby its the flue going:p

a cleric should try a cure disease on him maby?:p

Maby a nice little fireball could warm him up........ since i havent got the chicken soup tradeskill yet


Maybe it's not an new NPC , anyway: At entrance of DF ( the one in the ruins , near MIthra) a wizardlike ghost named Kold, hes purple to level 44 and hits for 95% of my hp with his staff ( I have 650 hp or something).

He doesn't wan't to say something to me, but maybe to someone else ( wizzy?? ) , i'm a theurg btw.

Hit ^_^

2-3weeks ago Kold was standing in Snowdonia at the Road to Myrdrin
only Sorcs can talk to him.


bah why can only sorcs talk to most of these..


that girl at adribards who talks about her true knight is talking about sir glaem at humbarton castle. saying his name triggers more text but thats as far as i got

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