New News....



Subscription & Rightnow

We are still working on bringing back up the subscription pages & Rightnow, current plan is re-open everything next week.

If you sent a mail to because of a subscription problem (lost passwords, invalid email, etc), please do not send multiple ones for the same problem. Your question will receive an answer as soon as possible and we are planning to strengthen our teams for the weekend.

Many among you are asking us to communicate more often. For the record, we communicate when we have something to say, if there are no significant changes from one day to the other, we spend time on actually working on the problems rather than putting another news with just "we are working, nothing new".

Our technical teams are working as fast as possible and their main goal is the optimal security of DaoC platform in order to prevent what we saw these last weeks to happen again. Be sure that everyone here is doing his best to have the situation back to normal as fast as possible, as a company, it is also in our interest.

A quite note about the coming "Monde du Jeu", a French game convention.

Again this year, GOA will be at the "Monde du Jeu" and, as for the previous years, it will be a good time for Dark Age players to meet, for guilds to gather and of course to meet the GOA teams. You can learn more about it here : (in French)

look game of the year and staff of the year ...pehhhhhh

one more weekend too we didn't play.....i want 2 free weeks for playing free......


okay they make a good point about not bothering to update when there is no news, but, if you say you will have more information early next week, you should put news up, EVEN if you havent got anywhere.

secondly, "optimal security" ? and previously mentioned they were victim of "computer crime". IMO if you were victim to computer crime and later you ensure people you are wroking on optimal security ... then there has beena security breach ! whether it internal or external.

i also belive the communications they have given us, seem to specifically target issues we have discussed on these boards, sometime even using the wording we use!? They have a link to this site on the website ... so i think its safe to asssume they do occassionaly read this board.

any comments ?


Originally posted by smincy
okay they make a good point about not bothering to update when there is no news, but, if you say you will have more information early next week, you should put news up, EVEN if you havent got anywhere.

secondly, "optimal security" ? and previously mentioned they were victim of "computer crime". IMO if you were victim to computer crime and later you ensure people you are wroking on optimal security ... then there has beena security breach ! whether it internal or external.

i also belive the communications they have given us, seem to specifically target issues we have discussed on these boards, sometime even using the wording we use!? They have a link to this site on the website ... so i think its safe to asssume they do occassionaly read this board.

any comments ?

have u got your pwd?


Given the fact that in Kemor's e-mail to someone that was posted here he said they were re-formatting and rebuilding all the PCs in GOA, it really does point to an internal job. They said they "were the victim of computer crime" not hacked, and I dont think they were hacked. It really sounds like someone within GOA let something nasty onto their network, put backdoors all over the place, mucked up the game servers and stole the account list.
I think they are really locking down the systems within their own building.
As always with IT, the one area that's hardest to protect against are your own staff.


Originally posted by smincy
nope, still waiting for them to pull their finger out :p

ermmmm u pLay Polyanna :) i can't trust GoA becausse we r waitin since 2.5 weeks and r reading only some bullshits(excuse me).....
i don't know their position but they can send manually our pwds (where r they since 2.5weeks?)

maybe this weekend they ll send......imo it's a big problem with communication against players.

(sory for my english)


Originally posted by the_smurflord
Given the fact that in Kemor's e-mail to someone that was posted here he said they were re-formatting and rebuilding all the PCs in GOA, it really does point to an internal job. They said they "were the victim of computer crime" not hacked, and I dont think they were hacked. It really sounds like someone within GOA let something nasty onto their network, put backdoors all over the place, mucked up the game servers and stole the account list.
I think they are really locking down the systems within their own building.
As always with IT, the one area that's hardest to protect against are your own staff.

if any1 want to hack something anything wouldn't prevent. i think they r hacked.then we ll wait like sheeps.


Originally posted by the_smurflord
Given the fact that in Kemor's e-mail to someone that was posted here he said they were re-formatting and rebuilding all the PCs in GOA, it really does point to an internal job. They said they "were the victim of computer crime" not hacked, and I dont think they were hacked. It really sounds like someone within GOA let something nasty onto their network, put backdoors all over the place, mucked up the game servers and stole the account list.
I think they are really locking down the systems within their own building.
As always with IT, the one area that's hardest to protect against are your own staff.

I dont remember reading in that email they were reformating all the pc's just they were updating the infastructure. No one breached the infastructure/servers the attack was purely done from outside and just exploited some sloppy mythic code.


Originally posted by smincy
okay they make a good point about not bothering to update when there is no news, but, if you say you will have more information early next week, you should put news up, EVEN if you havent got anywhere.

secondly, "optimal security" ? and previously mentioned they were victim of "computer crime". IMO if you were victim to computer crime and later you ensure people you are wroking on optimal security ... then there has beena security breach ! whether it internal or external.

i also belive the communications they have given us, seem to specifically target issues we have discussed on these boards, sometime even using the wording we use!? They have a link to this site on the website ... so i think its safe to asssume they do occassionaly read this board.

any comments ?
they got hacked, so they're fixing it, therefore optimising their security by preventing it happening again.
we're all human and therefore entitled to make mistakes.
Geez, all you people who love to plung the knife in goa, why not go play a better game if this is so bad??
or is there nothing better....
can't be that bad then, can it...


Originally posted by smincy
okay they make a good point about not bothering to update when there is no news, but, if you say you will have more information early next week, you should put news up, EVEN if you havent got anywhere.

"Many among you are asking us to communicate more often. For the record, we communicate when we have something to say, if there are no significant changes from one day to the other, we spend time on actually working on the problems rather than putting another news with just "we are working, nothing new"."

okey here goes

first of all i would class an inability to hold a "promise" as a significant change tbh.

this was written the 27th of aug:

"Emergency actions have been taken already and the coming days will be used to strengthen the security on our entire platform before bringing back up the various services of Dark Age of Camelot (RightNow & Subscription pages). Current estimations show that it will take several days and that everything should be back to normal at some point next week."

ok, that looked ok to me and I was waiting until the next week

this was written the 4th of sept:

"Our technical team is still working very hard to reopen all the DAoC services. We are planning on reopening the subscription section and Rightnow in the course of next week. We will then proceed to send the emails with the new subscription passwords."

errm ok.. not even a "Sorry we couldnt reopen this week, we ran into technical difficulties" or whatever the reasons was. The issue here is the attitude, we are customers who pay for the game thus allowing you to continue to work and earn money, I would prefer to see a more humble attitude since we are the most important thing to you, plain and simple.

from 27th of august to the 4th sept is a week, nowhere in between did GOA give us any indication that they wouldnt be able to have the servers up this week. The weekend passed and not a word about it until the 4th which was yesterday. And now we get to know that it wont be up again until next week again. Am I the only one who see a problem with this?

we was promised an update early this week and did we get one? Nope.

now.. lets look at that quote again:

"Many among you are asking us to communicate more often. For the record, we communicate when we have something to say, if there are no significant changes from one day to the other, we spend time on actually working on the problems rather than putting another news with just "we are working, nothing new". "

Its good that you keep working on the problems, dont misunderstand me, but comeon, maybe try and redefine the words "significant changes" a bit? The way it looks now, it doesnt look good at all.

Nice to know that GOA doesnt consider breaking promises (even when it regards something as important as the subpages or the only supportsystem they have which is Rightnow) or deliver news when they have promised it as significant....

It is not nice to say to customers, the services will be up next week, and then not even drop a little line saying, "we are still working on it", or "we are working, nothing new".

Get my point? I dont ask of GOA to chit-chat on the news, I ask of GOA to update us with signicant changes, which imo GOA have failed to do. Thats all.


Originally posted by syri
Geez, all you people who love to plung the knife in goa, why not go play a better game if this is so bad??
or is there nothing better....
can't be that bad then, can it...

It's not the game that's the problem. It's the way GOA are treating their paying customers imo.




Any decent customer support company gives an update on problems that last longer than an acceptable amount of time, especially when the problem is so severe that paying customers are unable to access the system.



i think i would have done things allot different than goa have. first of all i would have let the customers know how hard i was working on the problem ie round the clock, pulling extra shifts etc. to reasure everyone i was doing my best

then i would have given the customers a workdown of what had to be done and an expected time for the completion of the tasks stated.

then i would have given them an update every time one of these tasks where done or had trouble fixing.

i think this is probably the best way to keep all parties happy, saves the customers analysing the breif info they get at the moment and picking it to shreds (not a dig at you shike i nearly posted the same kinda thing earlier today)

if done this way all the customers have easy access to what is actually happening, on a job done basis without too much information being given out, since they seem paranoid about security now, and rightly so.

just an idea...


GOA once again shows their total ignorance of us "the paying customers"....with such a statement as this. I get an impression that GOA is not willing to look into their way of bringing information to their player-comunity at all.
They fail so miserably when not showing the least of effort to saticfy the urge for information wich the comunity is seeking. They have repeatedly failed their customes and tackle the situation by beeing totaly silent for days. This is NOT the way to run a 24/7/365 online service. GOA havent even appointed a dedicated person like i.e Mytic and Sanya T. (Internet Information Manager). Example of the frequency Mythic informs their customers (last 4 days):

Sanya Thomas
2003-09-05 20:16:43

Sanya Thomas
2003-09-05 17:52:06

Sanya Thomas
2003-09-04 12:06:53

Sanya Thomas
2003-09-04 11:28:15

Sanya Thomas
2003-09-03 17:14:06

Sanya Thomas
2003-09-03 11:49:22

Sanya Thomas
2003-09-02 17:41:22

^^ This is just from the main page @Camelotherald.
Mythic and the US servers DONT have a "situation" like we do in EU atm. If they did, I would expect there to be updates every 1-3h from a "Customer-Care-Focused" company like Mythic. But in EU (and GOA) were lucky to get an "update" once a week....GG GOA!



this comment realy piss me of

first they say check the news site early next week.

for god sake :mad: Thursday is more like the end of the week.

then to have the guts to say like this _clip and paste from goa_.

Many among you are asking us to communicate more often. For the record, we communicate when we have something to say, if there are no significant changes from one day to the other, we spend time on actually working on the problems rather than putting another news with just "we are working, nothing new".

Same on you GOA for insulting us too.


Aye, nice to know they have time to defend their company from people slagging them about not updating, but not having the time to actualy put up any updates earlier in the week. I think that updating us earlier would have been a better way to defend their company against complaints about lack of info imo. That comment they put up about giving us significant info and not "nothing new" or whatever really pissed me off, it just shows that GOA really don't know the first thing about CS and basically insult us for asking for updates :(

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