New Mark Jacobs interview...


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Read it here.

And here's a gratuitous picture of a bobcat kitten to pad out this post a bit more :D



One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
makes me sad when he says wow gfx is nicer than daoc :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
GS: What do you think about the free to pay, pay for items model?

MJ: ......But what I have a problem with is like if you know that you spend five dollars more than somebody else, you can kick their ass, that’s not good. That’s bad. That’s a message to the player that it’s not skill anymore, it’s not a willingness to play the game, it’s just a willingness to spend more money....

What a fucking hypocrite


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
OMFG WOW MEGABBQ!¬!!?!?!?!?!

That is one sweet bobcat kitten! :D


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Dukat said:
That is one sweet bobcat kitten! :D
He's so cute...though I suspect it's a case of 'cuddle that and you pull back a stump', sort of thing.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 11, 2006
Ctuchik said:
so u think that what EQ2 is doing is a good idea?

Up to now success in MMORPGs has always been about having enough time (& enough friends who also have enough time). I don't know exactly what EQ2 is doing, but allowing players to invest money as an alternative to investing time would seem like a smart business move to me, and an incentive to those people who have jobs & families etc & therefore little free-time.

"That’s a message to the player that it’s not skill anymore, it’s not a willingness to play the game" ... This is just BS. It has never been about skill or willingness to play the game.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
paying lets say 10 € and then getting an artifact at level 10, or 50k rps would be totaly retarded imo, hope they stay as far away from such things as posible


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Wazkyr said:
paying lets say 10 € and then getting an artifact at level 10, or 50k rps would be totaly retarded imo, hope they stay as far away from such things as posible
Word. It's an MMOG not an auction house; you get what you earn by doing stuff in-game and that's the only way you get stuff. Can't be bothered to put in the time? Then you don't get it.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Ctuchik said:
so u think that what EQ2 is doing is a good idea?

Not at all
But to publicly slate another company for that whilst getting 40% of your revenue from buffbots is hypocritical
Sadly, every time MJ brings this up at an interview, not one interviewer says
"whoooahhh there Mark, what about buffbots?"

and dont give me the "classic" arguement
I'm not gonna leave behind a character that I spent 2 years playing and
equiping to reroll on another server.
Therefore, Im stuck paying double the cost just to "compete" as MJ puts it, as well as continue to play a char I love on a server where my friends are.

Mythic could add buff NPCs tommorow like the str for crafters and speed for all people to the frontiers
But they dont
They like the money that comes from a player having to pay double to them to compete

Thats sheer hypocrisy


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Aiteal said:
Not at all
But to publicly slate another company for that whilst getting 40% of your revenue from buffbots is hypocritical
Sadly, every time MJ brings this up at an interview, not one interviewer says
"whoooahhh there Mark, what about buffbots?"

and dont give me the "classic" arguement
I'm not gonna leave behind a character that I spent 2 years playing and
equiping to reroll on another server.
Therefore, Im stuck paying double the cost just to "compete" as MJ puts it, as well as continue to play a char I love on a server where my friends are.

Mythic could add buff NPCs tommorow like the str for crafters and speed for all people to the frontiers
But they dont
They like the money that comes from a player having to pay double to them to compete

Thats sheer hypocrisy

hmm yeah u got a point there :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
OohhoO said:
Up to now success in MMORPGs has always been about having enough time (& enough friends who also have enough time). I don't know exactly what EQ2 is doing, but allowing players to invest money as an alternative to investing time would seem like a smart business move to me, and an incentive to those people who have jobs & families etc & therefore little free-time.

"That’s a message to the player that it’s not skill anymore, it’s not a willingness to play the game" ... This is just BS. It has never been about skill or willingness to play the game.

well, SOE (that owns EQ2) is having their own online shop where they sell accounts, characters, items, plat etc etc etc....

u can buy a fully twinked out toon legally in their game without acually doing anything for it. on special servers tho.. but still.....

and imo thats just fishing as much cash as they possibly can from a game thats going really really bad ...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 11, 2006
Ctuchik said:
well, SOE (that owns EQ2) is having their own online shop where they sell accounts, characters, items, plat etc etc etc....

u can buy a fully twinked out toon legally in their game without acually doing anything for it. on special servers tho.. but still.....

and imo thats just fishing as much cash as they possibly can from a game thats going really really bad ...

ahh IC
You mean like on the normal DAoC servers but cutting out the Plat-Sellers & E-Bay.
Sounds like a good idea TBH.
I never bought items or toons for cash myself because ... well ... it wouldn't feel like it was my toon or any kind of accomplishment, but I think offering that service in a reliable & safe way i/o letting the same thing happen over E-Bay is a big improvement.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
OohhoO said:
ahh IC
You mean like on the normal DAoC servers but cutting out the Plat-Sellers & E-Bay.
Sounds like a good idea TBH.
I never bought items or toons for cash myself because ... well ... it wouldn't feel like it was my toon or any kind of accomplishment, but I think offering that service in a reliable & safe way i/o letting the same thing happen over E-Bay is a big improvement.

no not normal servers, theres specific servers for those toons thats been bought. you cant buy a toon there and then transfer it to another server. because that would just fuck up the economy so bad its not even funny. if u think DAOC's economy is bad, have a look on the EQ2 servers where this shit is allowed. have a mate that tried those servers and even the most shitty item there is costing plat.... its to easy to get the cash there that ppl dont appreciate it anymore. they just flunk out the cash to buy more plat insted of acually working for it...

no its NOT a good idea.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Wazkyr said:
makes me sad when he says wow gfx is nicer than daoc :(
And it makes me worried, are they planning on making DAOC ugly and cartoonish like wow? It's like comparing a movie like Troj or Braveheart to Ice Age by Disney. :(


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Dr_Evil said:
And it makes me worried, are they planning on making DAOC ugly and cartoonish like wow? It's like comparing a movie like Troj or Braveheart to Ice Age by Disney. :(

theres certain things i like better in WoW then in DAoC. the pets for instance, especially the warlock pets.. the imp with that green fire is just awsome. and big blue is sweet to.

but thats about it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
WOW is cartoon bling, DAoC has a lot more "realism" IMO.

Its like comparing Picasso and Andy Warhole, art is in the eye of the beholder, and obviously MJ is getting a major backhander from Blizzard atm.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
old.Whoodoo said:
WOW is cartoon bling, DAoC has a lot more "realism" IMO.

Its like comparing Picasso and Andy Warhole, art is in the eye of the beholder, and obviously MJ is getting a major backhander from Blizzard atm.

that cartoon bling is what introduced millions of people to the world of MMO's though, which they deserve creds for. Some of those people will be open for other games when a good one comes out and overall Blizzard have helped in creating a huge playerbase for MMO's as a whole with quite a shitload actually.

That said, I think WoW sucks but thats another thing :p

(realism in same sentence as a game with firebolts is a tad hmm dont you think btw?^^)

oh and the hypocracy when Mythic loves and actually even condone the usage of buffbots is just too funny heh, talk about putting the foot in the mouth :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Shike said:
that cartoon bling is what introduced millions of people to the world of MMO's though, which they deserve creds for. Some of those people will be open for other games when a good one comes out and overall Blizzard have helped in creating a huge playerbase for MMO's as a whole with quite a shitload actually.

That said, I think WoW sucks but thats another thing :p

(realism in same sentence as a game with firebolts is a tad hmm dont you think btw?^^)

oh and the hypocracy when Mythic loves and actually even condone the usage of buffbots is just too funny heh, talk about putting the foot in the mouth :eek7:
It's the 'realism' graphics in DAOC that appeal to me, I refuse to play a game that looks like a cartoon. It's the same with movies, 'real' movies appeal to me and cartoons don't. There can be firebolts in 'real' movies, it doesn't have to be a cartoon.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Dr_Evil said:
It's the 'realism' graphics in DAOC that appeal to me, I refuse to play a game that looks like a cartoon. It's the same with movies, 'real' movies appeal to me and cartoons don't. There can be firebolts in 'real' movies, it doesn't have to be a cartoon.

I want an engine that works smooth without choppiness and such, WOW manages that just fine while DAoC doesnt, because of that WOW > DAoC gfxwise in my book. Content and PVP is another story tho...

GFX is something one get used to very very fast actually, I cant honestly say I think DAoC look realistic or good or anything, most of it look shite actually imho :p


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
old.Whoodoo said:
WOW is cartoon bling, DAoC has a lot more "realism" IMO.

if i want realism i take my axe and go outside :)

but yes WoW is cartoon bling. not saying that they should make DAoC anywhere close to it. just want some of the effects from it.

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