New Herald topic: "The Family That Slays Together"



Hehe, dunno if anyone of you guys had a peek at the letter's Sanya posted about family's playing DAoC, but my guess is that some of them have been edited by Sanya. Here are the uncut versions:

"She is a pre-teen so I do not let her play unless I am there to supervise. I will not let her group or converse with other players as I do not feel it is appropriate for a pre-teen to chat on the internet in any forum (for safety reasons), but for the most part this has not caused any issues.”

Enlighten me here, so grouping or chatting on the net is inappropriate for a 13 year old, but she can happily whack the shit out of everything as long as mother is home??


"She enjoys completing quests and achieving new levels. I think it is very good for her to be able to learn and apply the different strategies associated with the game. We often talk about the encounters and how to better approach them next time. This "out of the box" thinking is great for her creativity and problem solving skills. It has also been very positive from a general education aspect. Most players may take it for granted, but there is a lot of math and reading in the game as well as some geography.”

The rest she wrote was intentionally left out I’m quite sure: “Since then I decided to leave her at home instead of going to school, and one day she’ll win the Nobel Prize for both Maths and Geography for sure. Besides that, the college fund her granny had been saving money into for many years came in more than welcome to supply me with fresh crack.”


"When we recently visited our local zoo, we saw a cotswald sheep. As we play Albion characters, she immediately caught the association. It was fun to look on maps of England for other names we recognized from the game. The best thing is we get to spend time together doing something we both enjoy."

Edited Part: “It took 4 security guys and my persuasion to talk her out of killing the sheep with the genator’s pitchfork tho, but atleast she made the association.”


"Hi! My 46 year old husband, myself (almost 46), our 14 year old son and 10 year old daughter have 2 family guilds out here. One on Bors, Hibernia and the other on Gaheris. In addition to just having fun together, our family uses DAoC to help our kids understand group dynamics and real world politics and relationships and teamwork. My kids have learned a lot about themselves and how they interact with others by playing this game. How they level up and the choices they make in characters also tells them a lot about how they go after things in life.
(Our family also has some chronic illnesses that make playing this game a life saver on those days we aren't feeling so well... but that's another entire story!)”

Well, what can I add to this one? It makes perfect sense that real world politics and other life lessons can be learned by playing DaoC, or at least to people who suffer from chronic illnesses…


"Through it all, DAoC has been there as a basis of comparison for real life for us. We can describe school work and projects in terms of crafting or leveling up in education. School and real world politics get described, leadership, teamwork, people's abilities, what they bring to situations and communities. Giving, sharing, caring, communicating. All the things built into DAoC are the things that are also very relevant in the real world. Using the right tool/process effectively in real life is the same as using the right weapon/armor. And all the parts of starting on a new server from scratch, and budgeting money carefully for special armor at level 20 or 25, or investing in a crafter to supply spell crafting are all applicable to real-world budgeting in college or household expenses. Giving back to the community, helping fund other crafters, the importance of good relations with other players, reputations; all important in the real world as well.”

Edit: “You might be wondering if we noticed any negative side-effects in the meanwhile, but we haven’t. We did have some problems with our youngest son, who attacked a dwarf in the mall with an axe he grabbed out of the shopping window of the hardware store we passed earlier, or that one time my daughter jumped to a bearded’s man throat at the grocer, but I really don’t see how these events have anything to do with DaoC.”


"Yes, in that room was a mixed bag of folks. Myself, my wife, my wife's ex-husbands sister and her husband, my wife's ex-husbands sister's ex-husband and ex-husbands sister's daughter, my wife's ex-husbands sister's ex-husband and ex-husbands sister's son and finally my wife's ex-husbands sister's ex-husband and ex-husbands sister's daughter's friend. All of us playing DAOC and loving it."

Edit: “My mother, who was married to my sister’s ex-husbands daughter-in-law, and my father, who was my mother’s brother, used to play too before they passed away. In the near future, the son I have with my daughter’s husband who is also my brother’s son, and my sister’s daughter who is expecting a 2nd child from my brother-in-law, will replace my parent’s and play along with us for sure too!



To Brits, Americans often seem to sound a bit cheesy and false, it's just a cultural difference I suppose, but we can still have a good chortle about it ;)


"Yes, in that room was a mixed bag of folks. Myself, my wife, my wife's ex-husbands sister and her husband, my wife's ex-husbands sister's ex-husband and ex-husbands sister's daughter, my wife's ex-husbands sister's ex-husband and ex-husbands sister's son and finally my wife's ex-husbands sister's ex-husband and ex-husbands sister's daughter's friend. All of us playing DAOC and loving it."

or in short:

We are not into long-time relationships...

say "cheese" for the wedding photographer :D


School and real world politics get described, leadership, teamwork, people's abilities, what they bring to situations and communities. Giving, sharing, caring, communicating. All the things built into DAoC are the things that are also very relevant in the real world.

What kind of redneck fuck-ups ARE these people? They genuinely think that the kind of prejudgement used in DAOC is in anyway useful in real life?

"Everybody! I am having a birthday party at the weekend and you are all invited! Except the coloured children, because they do not bring anything to the community or to the situation. And no assassin classes either, thanks! And no disabled people or anyone with a speech impediment!"

"Sorry Sarah but we can't be friends any more. Computer games taught me that the immediate and perceivable value of a person is the only thing worth considering. And my fucktard gimpoid parents encourage this attitude in me."



And as for DAOC teaching bloody wonder the US is attacking other countries for their oil!

I mean RELICS!



lol is all i can say...

I'm American but I prefer to play with you folk :)


"Yes, in that room was a mixed bag of folks. Myself, my wife, my wife's ex-husbands sister and her husband, my wife's ex-husbands sister's ex-husband and ex-husbands sister's daughter, my wife's ex-husbands sister's ex-husband and ex-husbands sister's son and finally my wife's ex-husbands sister's ex-husband and ex-husbands sister's daughter's friend. All of us playing DAOC and loving it."

Why do I suddenly start hearing the "duelling banjos" music from Deliverance?

(Dum de dum dum dum dum dum, Dum de dum dum dum dum dum)


whats all that crap about problem solving :eek7: yeh maybe you do read a lot in the game if you do the quests but problem solving? not hard to click the higlighted word and get a reward is it? and the geography part? well the names are right but their locations are total fucked so it doesnt help with anything.

edit: btw these were all probably made up by mythic to make people think this game is a god send, seriously, what sane person would rais children on a computer game? its like saying i will raise my child on Quake 3 and hope they think violence is bad :eek7:


I read quite a bit of it, Some lady let her 2 year old child play. According to her, her child can play daoc and understand it hmmmmmmmmm


Originally posted by Cala-more
I read quite a bit of it, Some lady let her 2 year old child play. According to her, her child can play daoc and understand it hmmmmmmmmm

Probably plays a zerker.


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