New features in the works from Mythic



Here's a list with new skills, spells and abilities being added to the game in the near future. Most of them are from player requests and has top priority for the next patch.

This is a new ability for all tanks in each realm with a ranged spell of any kind. This neat feature will monitor mezzed mobs in the near and will fire off an attack spell on the wrong mob when someone is pulling. In RvR it will fire off an AE spell effectivly breaking loose all mezzed enemies. This spell has already become the Thanes best friend on the testserver.

It's a wide known fact that shorter races have a huge advantage when fighting mobs a lot taller than themselves. They simple can't be hit since they don't reach over some mobs kneecaps. To compensate taller races the Duck ability has been added, and they will have an equal chance of not getting hit while using it.

Guard Hugging
This new skill has been requested by many Albions in Emain since patch 1.45 and is now soon here. Get high enough skill in Guard Hugging and the guards might even tell you to bugger off and bother some middies instead. This skill is autotrained so you can easily reach 50 in no-time.

Bug Item
This craftskill has been even more wanted than spell crafting! There are already quite an amount of bugged item in the game and now you have the ability to create bugged items from your own equipment! With this new skill you can render an items magic abilities useless.

Grave Crafting
There is no end to the amount of complaints about how boring your grave looks. Therefor we have now implemented Grave Crafting, design your very own stylish tombstone in different shapes, sizes and colors!

Another thing that has been a very high priority is adding more insta spells to the game, so here is a whole new bunch of instas for you to play with.

Insta Whine
A highly requested insta from all the tanks out there. Whenever you are mezzed or stunned in RvR, use your Insta Whine and immediatly a "NERF MEZZ AND STUN" post is made on the VN Boards and an email is sent directly to Sanya requesting the same. Timer is set to an half hour on this insta, might be modified after further testing.

Insta Nerf
Are your opponents beating you in RvR? Next time they charge use up your Insta Nerf and your enemies main skills will instantly be reduced by 35%. This spell has limited effects on the Albion realm since they can use the Insta Whine to get back all their nerfs to normal in the next hotfix or patch.

Insta Death
To compensate Healers for making Pacification skill almost useless in RvR, another insta has been added. A quick painless way to die without going through the hazzle of bothering to mezz the charging army or defending yourself with the über offensive skills a Healer have. You can now die quick and painless and /release. The proper amount of Realm Points will be given to the charging enemies.

Insta Man at Arms Pull
You want some more action on the battlefield? Feeling bored? This new cool insta will pull the Man at Arms and you will have lots of fun getting back to the frontiers again.

Insta Phone Call
When you have been sitting infront of your computer the last 3 months you might wonder where your social life is going. Use up this insta and your phone rings, when you answer it a female voice will tell you how cool you are playing online games all the time and that she would like to meet you in the near future. Now you can be certain that you really do have a social life left besides the pizza delivery guy, and can keep playing for another 3 months.

(GOA has said that this feature might be delayed a couple days since the phone message is in english and it will take some time to translate it to french and german.)

Insta RL
It has been a huge player demand for this lately. One click and your DAoC account is cancelled and the game uninstalled from your computer. It will also preorder a copy of Star Wars Galaxies for you. This will leave you about six months to try to adapt to Real Life again, until it all starts over. Good luck!


hehe :D

They didn't put in my idea of having the ability to charm player characters.



can i put this on my site or should i get my lawyer to contact yours first?


after reading the first 2 points, I thought it was serious :D


I also started reading thinking it was all true - got kind of angry at the second one 'WTF! do smaller people really have less chance of getting hit?!' ... finally I got the point tho :p



See what happens when you're bored at work?

Sure klavrynd, feel free to use it as you like... add yer own even... ;)



For that emote-spammer that thought he had it all

Usage : /spam <frequency, in seconds> <number of times> <command>


use your Insta Whine and immediatly a "NERF MEZZ AND STUN" post is made on the VN Boards


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