New Alt Albion



Hi I need some input. <No.5 Is Alive> (couldnt resist it sorry)

Anyway, Im thinking of starting a Theurgerist, a Sorcerer or a Cabalist.

Yes Im gonna do some reading too before you start going nutz at me.

Anyway, Im looking for a reasonable rvr class and one that can solo well. Sorcerer was gonna go mind control for pet fun.

Why do Theurgs not specialise in one line to make it absolute. I know there are other skills in the others but still.



Cabbie = Waste of time ;) AE DoT would be nice if it interrupted casting/drawin more than the first tick.

Theurgs usually spec enough earth for 10s or 8s BT. And good pets from there. And the Ice for nice pets and all that shit :)

Sorc... Well, the most common sorc template gives ya 2nd best AE mez, best charm, 2nd best nukes. 34mind 41body. The other two reasonable templates are 45body rest mind and 44mind 31body.

45body gives ya nice nuke and decent mezzes. And nice AE root aswell. 44mind is TEH Mezzer. The best mez in the game.

Suit urself.


Since you want a nice rvr class i'd go for sorcerer, even though i find theurgist the most fun class to play in the game. In RvR you are rather limited to being the "pbt battery" and giving out those nice buffs but then again in 1on1 theurgist is a pain in the ass to catch.

grmbl i even got owned once by a bluecon theurg that didnt even root me


Cabbie has the best RvR spell there is: nearsight.

In PvP they're sick coz of pets and no level modifiers... but in RvR ... erm umm ... aoe DoTs can be annoying :) they improve in later patches too (int gives you more damage/ realm abilities give you crits)

aoe disease is also a thorn in their side.

Doubt you'll ever be bringing home sackfulls of RP but you're far from useless.

Just levelling is hard because everyone thinks Cabalists are gimps (when actually they're the most versatile class in Albion. Great for small groups, less so for large ones)

NB: I'm not saying the Cabalists are perfect and wonderful... they need some work from the dev team, but they're nowhere near as bad as everyone says.


Nobody likes Cabalists, few people have even grouped with one more than once or twice due to their rarity in Albion. A shame really, they are certainly worth having in a group in my opinion.

Try a cabalist just for the novelty value :)

Theurgists tend not to spec one line fully I guess partly due to BT - most like to get 26 in earth fairly early for the pulsing bladeturn, and then spec another line for some flexibility.

At higher levels a sorc or theurg may be more in demand for grouping, but a cabalist would be something different ;)

EDIT: first version was mangled.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Doubt you'll ever be bringing home sackfulls of RP but you're far from useless.

Funny enough my Cabbie alt is called Useless, Useless Pet..

If you spec full matter (or atleast pretty high.. 3 spirit for the pet destroy thing) you get the DoTs and near sight

Ohh and another thing with cabbies is they have pretty much unlimited power because they can just make lvl1 pets and sacrifice them over and over :clap:

because of DoT being terible in PvM because you get to much agro and nearsight being pointless in PvM the matter cabbie is RvR only.

my 2 cents


I personally like cabalists a lot, but then that's for another reason... :)


I see Useless hasn't found the matter shield then?

Sick pet on orange. Cast matter shield.

Watch monster die. :)

Try again with a red... have to sidestep and heal once or twice before recasting... and mibbe nuke for the last 1/3 health.


Also you can't summon a lvl 1 pet, your pet is always 7/8ths of your level or there abouts. All your spirit spec affects is the spec-line buffs (which can turn a blue pet into the equivalent of a yellow pet).

Body cabalists get debuffs/nukes (well lifetaps.. not overpowerful nukes, but nice in a group as they don't get you too much aggro) plus a life transfer (backup heals). Plus aoe disease for RvR :)

Unlike a wizard a dual-spec is fairly viable for a cabalist ... 2/3 1/3 is at any rate :)

check out for some hints/tips :)


I know Hendrick, I will have a chat with your beloved later.


Theurgists spec 2 lines or even 3, because nearly every theurgist specs earth for the pbt (10 or 8 seconds - some take it to 6 but this leaves you with much less power to cast other spells over time) as it is great for grouping and good in rvr.

People spec ice because the ice pets have a snare effect and have can do damage from a long way away, and also to increase the effectiveness of the baseline ice dd, and ae root is good crowdcontrol.

Air has an extremely powerful dd, and ae mez (altho not a huge duration), and the pets stun (although I hear this stun is a little buggy?)

tbh they are luvlly classes to group with although they dont become truelly great until 40+ when they get enough points to bring up 2 lines :)


Theurgists are pretty damned nice :)

shame you only get 4 chars per server...

Cabalists are fun :) and they're a lot less popular than theurgists so I feel better playing one :)

(think I'm a glory flee-er... opposite of a glory seeker? glory hider? I dunno)


Hi just thought I'd let you all know I started a Cabalist. Life drain to replenish your own is just evil and I love it. Name one other class in any realm that also sacrifices its own health for the sake of others. Pretty suicidal you may think but no, just sap it from any creature back MUAHHHAHAHA <runs off laughing>.


my god... maybe you should have told him to make a sorceror :eek:


Nah, sorcerors can't life transfer :)

Some to you, take it back from you...

Take from him, give to her, take from that, give to this.

As I said cabalists are backup healers :)

transfer to tank, drain from monster, transfer to tank, drain from monster.


Originally posted by cAScADe

because of DoT being terible in PvM because you get to much agro and nearsight being pointless in PvM the matter cabbie is RvR only.

Try not casting the top DoT you have when in a group? :)
Or letting the tanks do some taunts on the monster first...

(bit like being a fire wizard.. don't start with the big bolts if yer pulling, don't hammer five DDs into it before it reaches the tanks.. else you're gonna do an obi-wan kenobi special)


I do not believe people do not like cabalists, hey ho I must be a weirdo. Heck I love my scout so I must be.

(Spec Line) Correct me if Im wrong, they have an area effect snare, an area affect dot that does insane damage at higher levels. They have life drain and life transfer. Range view debuff and various poisons/diseases. + They have a Golem pet which may not be the pest pet in rvr but it still thumps hard and combined with those other skills your looking at one lethal mumma (the cabalist not the golem).

Sorcerer was tempting to me for the speed and mez, but pottering about slow isnt so bad.


Originally posted by old.Wicoa
Name one other class in any realm that also sacrifices its own health for the sake of others.

I know a spiritmaster can do this. He also has the life steal spell, but in different spec lines, whereas the cabalist has both in the same line.

I would assume there is also someone in Hib who can do this? Although I can't think of any....but I'm sure if Mid and Alb both have it then Hib should too.....

I much enjoyed playing my cabalist, as a change from something else, but I couldn't do it all the time. I'm sure you'll have fun, they are a great class to play.


Pulling with DD

You can hammer 5 DDs into a mob as it is pulled if you follow up with Amnesia <grin>



shh :)

Big Nasty Monster resists your spell.

uhoh! :)

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