New Alliance Forming.



The Wrath of Herne are heading up a new alliance, the basic alliance structure and rules are posted below and pretty much speak for themselves.

Obviously one would not come on here to just announce such a formation without trying to sell the idea a little bit and perhaps show how we might attempt to do things differently.

I think that for a gaming group/guild/alliance to work is to be able to take into consideration of what each participating member can contribute to and benefit from said organisation, hence our proposed system of proportional representation in the form of a Senate.

However since RvR is ultimately about Realm vs Realm not Player vs Player or Guild vs Guild, our policies are not going to be designed to alienate other guilds or players not in the alliance. On paper you would probably not see a truck load of lvl 50 characters in the founding guilds but as I'm sure most of you would agree, Time played in 1 Game on 1 Character intensively is no indication of the players' organisational, diplomatic, strategic and people management skills. I proudly believe that we have some very experience games players in our guilds, not only that, they are mature, friendly, considerate and dedicated. Our objectives are to allow members of this alliance to derive the maximum enjoyment from what the game has to offer...

Anyway I could go on but wont and here is the alliance details... Feel free to msg myself or the players listed at the bottom if you have any questions or are interested. I myself will be offline for a week or two due to moving house but that time will be spent in putting together proposed RvR strategies and so on...


Senate and People of Albion

(An Excaliber Server Albion Guild Alliance)

Founding Guilds:

The Wrath of Herne
The Amigos

Alliance Leader:

Iselin Langkawi / Denise Richards - (The Wrath of Herne)

Alliance Structure:

This alliance is formed as a democratic alliance, with the exception of matters in War (RvR) where a strict military chain of command applies. The Alliance is governed by a Senate with proportional representation. Each Guild in the alliance has 1 representative (Senator) as a minimum and for every 10 members (players not characters) in the guild an additional Senator is elected to represent the guild in the Senate.

The Senate will have regular meetings and any decisions on policy are made on a democratic vote. However the leaders of the 2 founding guilds hold the power of Veto - both of them have to exercise that power together if they strongly object to the Senate decision in order to over-rule it. This is merely a security precaution in case of hostile take-overs, a very real and possible threat wherever any kind of democracy exists.

Each guild in the alliance will still govern their own guild according to their own rules./ laws etc. Should the need ever arise where a ‘global’ rule has to be laid down for all guilds in the alliance, said rules shall be suggested in senate meetings and voted upon.

Each Senator will be part of a department that they are responsible for, new departments may be formed as needed.

Finance : 2 seperate Treasuries will be set up, one War Fund and other for Alliance Events. Each Senator will be required to contribute a set amount of gold each week to the Alliance and the split will be 60/40 in favour of War Funds.

Events : Senators in this department will be responsible for organising alliance hunt trips, epic mob hunts, competitions and so on. They apply to the department of Finance or gold if necessary to run these events.

Drop Division:

For special epic mob hunts such as Dragon raids or Legion raids etc the following system shall be utilized to ensure fair and equal distribution of all drops.
1) Upon loot dropping all items are to be handed to a senator from the department of Finance of the Alliance. All participating groups should have /autosplit OFF so that the group leader will receive all items.
2) There will be no lotto, no decisions made by any individual or council as to who gets what item – this is how it will work… Each group Leader will have his name jotted down by the Senator responsible for drop distribution and as each item drops, it goes to a group, working down the list etc. The Group Leader will then hand the drop to someone inside the group based on the Need Before Greed rules. Simple as that – items are not given to ‘guilds’ but every participating group at these raids – this means solo players / non guilded players / non alliance players etc can join these raids and have exactly the same chance of receiving an item as everyone else. Any arguments and so forth should be taken up with Group Leader since the overall distribution system is entirely fair.
3) The only condition is that each group must be full – we cannot have groups of 2 people etc trying to increase their items to persons ratio…..

War : A strict chain of command will operate with an appointed General who will then select his staff and ranks below accordingly. In times of War (ie RvR) - all orders will be followed without questions. Any disagreements, lengthy suggestions and so on are to be brought up after battles in meetings, Not during battles. The War department may access the War treasury for use in RvR - ie for Siege Engines, Repairing Doors and so on. Note that BG does not come under our War department but is treated as Recreational and so in the Events department.


This alliance is not setup to facilitate easy RP farming. DAoC has clear objectives for each Realm and therefore they are to be the alliances main goals.

1) As the alliance grows it will take ‘ownership’ of certain Albion Frontier Keeps – in other words it will become this alliance’s responsibility to defend and retake said keeps as rapidly as possible. Defence of our own frontier should always be number one priority.
2) To continually harass enemy realms by taking control of their keeps, retaining control of access to Darkness Falls – this aids the realm by helping lower levels to level faster, earn money and get better magical items which in time will help bolster the forces available for Realm duties.
3) To continually hold numerous enemy keeps to keep them guessing Albion’s intentions, to often make feinged attacks, reconnaissance trips, troop movement and deployment exercises for Relic Raids.
4) To shape Albion’s army into a single functional and effective military force. To help train and pass on tactical knowledge to all those willing to fight for Albion, regardless of their class and level. Every sword arm can be utilized effectively.
5) We will not tolerate elitism, egos, abrasive behaviour, lack of respect to other players (of any rank, class or level) – although we aim to take the tactical aspects of RvR seriously, this is ultimately a game, a game should be fun for all it’s participants or it is no longer a game.


Please ensure that only the top ranking officers have access to alliance chat speak and that fresh recruits do not have access to alliance chat hear (potential spies). A private Alliance Forum is set up, all alliance guild members are required to register on there and 'join' the forum group to ensure privacy. A public forum shall also be available.

Application to Join:

Any guild with more than 10 members are welcome to apply to join this alliance providing that they are in agreement of the alliance rules and can afford the weekly contributions. (Amount to be determined but will be in the region of 100 gold a week / senator to begin with ) The Senate will make a democratic decision on whether an applying guild will be accepted into the alliance.

Contact or PM this forum or contact any of the following in game:

Iselin, Denise, Sahara, Arizona

Fistulandus, Haz, Galidien

Huckster, Casper


Very nice initiative!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

it's good to see more big alliances forming!

However, in my opinion it's best to not be too strict in the beginning and let all the joining guilds have a say-so.

Only strict rules in the beginning should be about alliance chat, cos that can get ugly sometimes...

When you have settled a bit with your new alliance, contact Fellowship, perhaps we can work together on major RvR events.


Good idea on paper, hopefully it'll work out in execution too.

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