New 1000+ SC'er



Hidiho mates,

Well since i love watching moving green bars i made myselves a Legendary Spellcrafter with name Godfrisco.
The main task of makin one was in fact to help my guild. But of course i wanna help fellow Albs also.
Since Martha (LWC) is and will always be my main crafter i decided to spellcraft the following way:

1/ Make your SC-build using Leladia's awesome proggy
and send the .ssc-file to

2/ When i confirm the order, try to give me the items as soon as possible, due to lack of inventory space.

3/ Ingame i don't accept orders but friendly tell ppl to send me the scc. Reason? Crafting takes a lot of time and patience, i want to do it as good and as much as possible without getting
plane crazy. That way i can work good and fast.


Well i decided to leave the counting per craft aside and work with a fixed price (based on 99% gems so i don't take mp-gem-orders) depending on item quality, item level and the number of overcharge points
item lvl 0-49: the lvl of the item in gold. I don't accept overcharge. Reason? Too much a loss of time and not worth the few lvl's u r playing with it. Example: lvl 35 shield is 35 gp.
item lvl 50/51:
100 gp base/item; on a 99% item -> 30 gp/oc-point; on a 100% item -> 40 gp/oc-point.
Very simple price mechanism and a good pricesetting for customers to plan their stuff on.

A few examples: mp sabre with 37.5/32= 100gp base + 5oc-points is 300 gp
a 99% long dirk with a 30/28 is 100gp base + 2oc-points is 180 gp

Delivery times? Let's say a small week to finish a whole set....

Cheers all and I hope I can craft something for u soon...
Soz for posting this here but it doesn't fit in on tradeforum and nobody watches crafter forum :)


2.4p for getting a armor set and 2 weapons done with 5point oc,... i never got anyone to pay that much.. also why i stopped, not earning enough compared to the time spend on it... but gl


w00t gratz godje, eindelijk der :) allee, tijd om de sc weaps die ge gecraft et te sc'en é :p

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by stupidshady
w00t gratz godje, eindelijk der :) allee, tijd om de sc weaps die ge gecraft et te sc'en é :p

ssssst shady , in't engels ;-)


small tip, he rly sucks in duells ( vs pallys ofc ) ^^


Originally posted by Bellona
2.4p for getting a armor set and 2 weapons done with 5point oc,... i never got anyone to pay that much.. also why i stopped, not earning enough compared to the time spend on it... but gl

Those were prices i found on some american server, using this system, what do u think is a good price then? And is i ok for the 99%'s ?


It is so hard for most people to get hold of an sc'er, even if their guild has one, I'm surprised some sc'ers are not charging yet, there should be a market for it.

Then again, 2.4p is a lot of cash, when the cost price of the stuff is around 500g (the most I ever had to pay Simius without a tip).
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by stupidshady
small tip, he rly sucks in duells ( vs pallys ofc ) ^^
kough who's losing against the ALLMIGHTY Tijl? :)


Sounds like theres enough profit there to persuade you to put up with the boredom of SCing :)

Theres so many people asking for SCers at the moment - and so few active 1k+ SCers - that you shouldnt have a problem finding willing victims.

Hmmm, forgot 2 things.

1. I doubt this will work for pricing casters staffs. Lvl 50 focus gems are around 30g each, 3 of those + any random gem will result in no overcharge being required, but the material cost alone will be higher than your 100g basic price.
2. Grats on 1k ;)


gtz addict ;p

there is a reason why most spellcrafters quitted their profession
because its horrible boring and annoying
checking 5+pages to get the base material you need, for every new gem you mostly need to buy complete new materials
making a rough estimate on how much gems you will need to make that 99% gem, buying to many or to less so you need to walk up and down mercand and alchemy table 20times
each order taking 4bags of your inventory , running aorund constantly enc, having to resell gems and materials non stop etc
2,4P might be a high price and sure it could be done alot cheaper
but dont forget that a doing a SC order easily takes up an hour and more and that lvling a SC isnt cheap neither

if you think prices are to high your always free to look for another crafter or make a spellcrafter yourselve(then you might understand teh horror of this proffession)


ill just charge whatever i find reasonble when i have made the job, exactly because of some templates uses alot of expensive jewels...

i've kept a notebook with my spellcraft economics, but to save myself from puplic lynching, im not gonna publice it :D


uhh one more thing, the time spend on making a armor set, and 2 other items, shield, weapon etc.. 5 point oc and maybe even tweaking the template alittle, can easily take 2-4 hours...
trust me.. i know :(


Originally posted by Bellona
2.4p for getting a armor set and 2 weapons done with 5point oc,... i never got anyone to pay that much.. also why i stopped, not earning enough compared to the time spend on it... but gl

lol, yup, me too...

ppl wont pay that much for sc even tho they gladly may even more on a 99 armur suit, and we have to make 4 times the gems :p

but gl :)


Originally posted by fl_gorre
gtz addict ;p

there is a reason why most spellcrafters quitted their profession
because its horrible boring and annoying
checking 5+pages to get the base material you need, for every new gem you mostly need to buy complete new materials
making a rough estimate on how much gems you will need to make that 99% gem, buying to many or to less so you need to walk up and down mercand and alchemy table 20times
each order taking 4bags of your inventory , running aorund constantly enc, having to resell gems and materials non stop etc
2,4P might be a high price and sure it could be done alot cheaper
but dont forget that a doing a SC order easily takes up an hour and more and that lvling a SC isnt cheap neither

if you think prices are to high your always free to look for another crafter or make a spellcrafter yourselve(then you might understand teh horror of this proffession)

Yeh SC takes about 2-4 hours to do (randomly depending on luck)

But gl on that 400% profit margin; using the same theory that time+clicking=money I should be selling Chain suits at 8p :m00:

Grats anyway

/me goes and begs Simius for SC :)

P.S. My profit margin on Amrour is circa 0-10% depending on how much I tip the tailor :)

Edit: nm these prices fit perfectly inline with your weapon prices :great:


think 400% is a boit exagerated thoo
i remember i had a total of 900g base expences to make myselve the jewels i needed(that is base materials costs +retrys)


Depends on the gems Gorre-if they have put togther a decent template they will be using all mid tier gems with a 6.0/6.5 charge rating to achieve the optimal 33/28 overcharge

5 pt OC on 99 based on 100g base+ 30g per oc point = 250g

Average Cost of a 99% gem (based on standard 1/6 attempt)

Stat 19=36g 6s
Hits 52 =36g 6s
Resists 7=11g24s40c
Power 7=11g 10s
Skill 4=4g2s

Focus 50 (doesn't scale up) =80g36s

Most expensive item that can be ordered

Tri 50 focus (staff) with 28 stat =321g 11s 60c LOSS of 71g (-22% margin on cost) on average

Least Expensive item that can be ordered

4 Skill 3 Skill Item=10g56s PROFIT of 239g (2400% profit on cost) on average

Typically Ordered Item simulating a full suit order
19 Stat
7 Resist
4 Skill
44 Hits
Cost=75g 55s 20c PROFIT of 175g (235% Profit on cost) on average

Edit for Gorre's 900g cost: Your cost was increased due to the cost of the Staff-the only item with which you will make a "loss" on this system


why does my appartment have to be so goddamn hot...


Originally posted by parlain
Edit: nm these prices fit perfectly inline with your weapon prices :great:

Not sure, but the weapons I have bought from Martha have been priced fairly. About 4 weapons so far, all 99% qua, in stock, and maybe a slight profit, but surely not 400%.

I see nothing wrong with a crafter making 15-20% profit.
Making 100% profit or more is a bit silly.

If you want to make money, becomes as good as Simius and work for tips. I think Simius has made some decent cash from this system, and people feel happy.
If you have to pay 2.4p on top of 4.5p or so for your armor, you are going to be feeling a bit gutted :(
Regards, Glottis


Yep, setting pricing for spellcrafting is always going to be a bitch. What it ultimately comes down to is the gulf between the cost of the items and what they cost to make. You can make an af102 chest piece and sell it for what a full set of spellcrafting would cost in materials + make some profit, and in that time the spellcrafter still may not have finished setting up quickbars and buying materials. Two hours saved to do something else.

Another major factor is that with other craft mp orders you will inevitably have 99% items left over that although rarely sell straight away, provide another source of profit for next to no effort (go to vault, get it out, sell it). Skilling up provides ANOTHER way for lgm crafters to stock up with items to sell while doing something else. The only thing a spellcrafter can use if they decide to skill up past 1000 are L50 focus gems, and even then there are so many types that building a useful stock wont really be possible due to space limitations.

Every SC order needs to be crafted from stock, a full suit of decent quality gems an absolute minimum of 24 makes, and that's only if you are the luckiest crafter alive and still not including weapons. Unless you have a fixed price scheme and can find people will to pay it, you will never make as much money as you could have farming for gold.

This may all sound like a big whineathon, but it's not, I'm just trying to explain why so many spellcrafters quit the business. Simple rule of thumb that applies to all crafts, but especially spellcrafting; if you are in it for the profit, you are only going to end up pissed off and stop.

Next time you visit your friendly neighbourhood spellcrafter, when you pay, especially if they only work for cost + tip ;), remember that they have sat at their computer, watching a green bar move for a couple hours, just so that you can get the equipment you want.


i got a full set (armour + weaps) incl OC, for 1.7P (was 4pt tho)..


Well tbh i didn't make any suits till now just found that price setting on the tradeforums on US-servers. For what i read here i will consider lowering my prices for sure! Didn't know i had soo much profit :p but now i know through the nice explanation of Parlain (doh he doesn't like me :( ). I just wanted to use this system to make crafting as nice as possible (with pm' in the scc and all) and to give ppl the opportunity to check out how much money they will need for my work :)
So I propose the next adapted pricesetting:
lvl1-49: same price, no oc accepted
lvl50-51 stuff:
99% item -> 75 base and 25/oc-point so full set= (75+5*25)*8=1.6p
100% item -> 75 base and 30/oc-point so full set= (75+5*30)*8=1.8p

This seems more fair imo, i will try this and if i get too much profit i will reconsider my prices again :) I will try to catch some of the other sc'ers online (if there are any) to check around what they think about my prices.

Tnx all for the replies (that's what this thread was meant for!
Tnx for all the motivations and encouragements
To Parlain: I think my weaponprices are fair considering the huge amount of time i put in makin em :) maybe yours are a little too low? But hey the principle is that everyone should be happy so if i buyer is, i'm also :))

Cheers and let's go sc now....

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