Never Mind the Manilow in games



Hey MikeyBear, good article, but you got part of the Tribes info wrong. Tribes does include a CD-Audio track(a rather good one I might add ;)), and it should autostart when the game does(though since it's CD-Audio, the windows CD player can also read it).

Team Anandtech: Assimilating A Computer Near You...


Is this the U.S. Version of Tribes? I've just double checked on mine (the UK version) and there is no audio track, we probably weren't allowed an audio track in case we hurt ourselves on it, plus music can be so subversive can't it ;)


Well, as I like to say... "System Shock 2 is mighty mighty scary." Yeah, I think that the music to SS2 was quite possibly one of the highest points of the game, especially when everyone's dead, and you're wandering around a blind corner with 5 health and a wrench...


I don't know about the UK version, but yes, the US does have a soundtrack. I'll send you a couple of samples tonight. ;)

Team Anandtech: Assimilating A Computer Near You...


I remember the amazing epics that Rob Hubbard did with the sid chip on the c64..
( sanxion being one that springs to mind )
Sometimes the soundtracks outdid the game (infact fairly often)



I'd like to add a cuople of games to your list.

Space games other than Homeworld have benefitted immensely from the atmosphere created by their music, and one that did it particularly well for me was Darklight Conflict. It had the familiar techno soundtrack, but it was done so well it blew me away at times. The whole game thrived on the ambience created by these cool trancy songs. You would imagine that calm, soothing music wouldn't work in arcadey action games but when they're set in space, it really helps give you a surreal, kind of floaty sensation. Or perhaps that was the drugs :).

The other game, that as we all know did everything well except netcode, was Half Life. Valve used small pieces of incedental music in a cinematic fashion, to heighten tension, or even in some cases, relief. You'd always know something bad was happening/about to happen when the music kicked in with an ominous sounding string phrase, or a cacophony of synth noise.

Perhaps it was the quality of the game's other cinematic elements that made the music seem so good, but I think you could see it the other way round.

I pay a lot of attention to game music and there are other games I can think of, but I'll leave it there for now. :)


Just made me think of another actually - did ne1 play Warhead in the Amiga / ST days?
Superb opening title reminded me a lot of the TV series "V"

old.El Mariachi

Yup, I actually legally own two copies of Tribes. Maybe the music is only in the U.S. for some reason. If you'd like, I could MP3 the music for you or just send you the CD :)

old.[GA] Shovel

Wing Commander 1
It was all midi (I assume, wasnt very technically astute in those days), but the music did fit in very well. From the big mission build up animation, to the near dynamic music in the missions themselves, as the figh hots up as 5 dralthi jump in and attach yer fuel carrier, to the upbeat music you get when you are winning, it was a good experience!


Best music ever goes with the best game ever... Doom. Who can forget the haunting melody on the last level of episode 1, knowing that something big was about to happen but not entirely sure what.Or the adrenaline pump that was the music from levels 1-3. Games will never be the same again......


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Best music ever goes with the best game ever... Doom. Who can forget the haunting melody on the last level of episode 1, knowing that something big was about to happen but not entirely sure what.Or the adrenaline pump that was the music from levels 1-3. Games will never be the same again......<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Doom was the first game I played when I first got an AWE32 soundcard, and it was brilliant. I think the best song was on E2M2. I'd done the first level and was thinking "oh this isn't so bad", then this music came on and I KNEW it was going to get much worse :). But then, Doom always scared the crap outta me :).


I have those samples ready Mikeybear, drop me a line so I can give you the locations. :)

Team Anandtech: Assimilating A Computer Near You...


Liked the article but there was nothing about Bary Manilow! Very disapointing!

Just as a note though, what you will find is that wach mission in Tribes actually has a predetermined track assigned to each mission, and it is played by track number. So when you place a CD in there, and the mission starts, it plays the relevant music.

There SHOULD be music on every CD for Tribes AFAIK which cannot be displayed under normal conditions. I 'think' you can display them by using something like the session selector from some CD Burning utilities, but am not sure as have never tested it out.

In fact I got some of my favourite music, and mixed several CDs just for Tribes so I can have the right or close to the right, music for the different missions.

There is one way you can play CDs with data on the first track, and music on the rest, on a normal CD player...

Load the CD, as it starts to read the TOC hit the FF button to track three, and then back to track two! This SHOULD allow MOST to play the audio OK. Though If you do this I take no responsability or accept liaibility for any damages incurred.

There Have a nice day!


**Her name was Lola... she was a showgirl**



ViRGE U didn't ut your email address in ya details dude :)


Best music to play with:

Quake - Photek "Modus Operandi"
Quake2 - Plastikman "Consumed"
Tribes - Source Direct "Exorcise the Demons"

The only problem is that Source Direct's CD is 1 track too short for Tribes. You'll have a couple of maps with silence. Photek's CD has 1 track that sounds totally out of place.

the future was yesterday


I don't normally have any music playing and when I do I stick it on my stero system.

I did enjoy the CD tracks that were put on the C&C expansion CD, The Covert Operations. Again I stuck it in my Stero System.


hey, great article. i'd like to add some more games...

i thought mechwarrior 2's music was great at setting the mood. as was rainbow 6.

i also thought sim city 3000's music was also very entertaining.

well, that's all on my end.

the best Wang you'll ever see


Just a quick note to be all swotty

Kan -- some of the C64 music by peeps like Ron Hubbard was good but if I remember right the Sanxion music was just a computer version of "The Montagues and Capulets" - part of Tchaikovsky and Prokofiev's "Romeo and Juliet"

[This message has been edited by Lynchet (edited 29 July 2000).]

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