Network Sharing... blitter...



And so the Shovel home networking saga rumbles on. Actually, going quite well at the minute. I now have an incredible TWO computers connected up and running charmingly.

Apart from network sharing.

Basically, printer sharing and some shared folders and not behaving.

Both connected machines are Windows XP Home. The Firewall/Router is running Smoothwall (A Redhat Linux variant).

It goes like this:

On my machine, I type:
in the Windows Explorer address bar and Windows says "Nah" (or words to that effect). In fact, is says "Windows cannot find '\\hometownunicorn'. Check the spelling and try again... etc."

So, I try again, this time aiming for the specific "SharedDocs" folder (the All Users\Documents default Share Name).
The same error is returned.

Now, I went downstairs to the other machine (hometownunicorn) and typed:
Up pops my shared downloads folder.
So, I retract it back, and type
Up pops the display of all my shares and printers etc. Woo!

So, back upstairs, I still can't go the other way. Went downstairs again and it STOPPED working :(

Now, my machine is just back from uni, so it's been connected to a different network. Is it worth me wiping the network settings good and proper then starting it up all over again? And if so, how's it best to do this?

Thank yous :)


Fixed :)

I hadn't added the subnet to ZoneAlarms "Trusted" list on the hometownunicorn computer.

Thanks to Fatbusinessman for that :)


Can I suggest ditching Zonealarm and getting Nortons instead? Its a lot lot better and easier to use.

btw, is it the normal or pro version of ZA you're using?

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