Nerf? What nerf?



Currently, I am a 50 cleric specced with 47+13 smite, 23+13 rejuv and 11+13 enh. The reason I chose smiting was to help levelling, by giving me that option of soloing, and also helping to power level friends alts.

At the advisors, with v1.50 my damage is capped at 491 (see picture below).


So, as soon as the GORRE server changed its database to Exc, I loaded it up to see how badly the nerf would affect my smite. Much to my surprise I get this result...


As you can see, my damage cap has been increased to 530+124 on the same advisors. Note that I tried this on multiple yellow con advisors, getting the same cap each time.

Is this a bug with the advisors, or has their resist to smite decreased even further?

[Note: I know the images aren't working at the moment, the webspace is being poo, you'll just have to trust me]


Errrr. Great test, but try running it again using the same spell.

Before - you are using Holy Fury (patch 1.50, base damage is 163, cap at 3x163 = 489)

After - you are using Greater Holy Fury (patch 1.52, base damage is 176, cap at 3x176 = 528 - small rounding error giving 530).

(And the links work, you just have to cut and paste into a new browser)

Shame you only had 47 smite prepatch so you didn't have the Greater Holy Fury spell in 1.50 (at 48 spec - it was changed to 43 spec in 1.51 along with the nerf) so you weren't able to do a full test, but a Holy Fury cast now has a base of 145, so caps at 435.

So yes, if you specced between 43 and 47 inclusive you'll see an INCREASE in smite damage :p


it's because your highest spec smite is now the level 43 spell Greater Holy Fury (which was once 48) instead of Holy Fury (not sure which level that is)
Try casting the Holy Fury to see the difference in damage...?

Edit: doh forgot, cleric's cant choose which spell to use :(


Ahh of course. My bad. I had forgottern about the smite spec changes this patch. And yes, not being able to select the smite you desire isn't too great. Just assumed that it would be the same, but I stand corrected!


So for me, I will actually notice an increase in the damage of my smite with the new patch? This leads me to question my respec...

Was messing around with 40 enh 36 rejuv 4 smite, and it would take a bit of getting used to. 16% group resists are obviuosly mighty tasty, as are the rest of the buffs, including the 40 intelligence. 36 rejuv seems adequate from my tests, giving some good, fast heals. The 4 smite leaves a lot to be desired obviously, with a small weapon buff (enhanced by personal str buff).

The other option of course is 40 rejuv 36 enh 4 smite, for the major ressurect and more healing power, but losing out on a few high level buffs.


Hit ^_^

...i want my 30src cast time back on mezz :\
my new mezz has 9sec dur.. and recast time 5mins :\


Originally posted by Eggy
So for me, I will actually notice an increase in the damage of my smite with the new patch? This leads me to question my respec...

Was messing around with 40 enh 36 rejuv 4 smite, and it would take a bit of getting used to. 16% group resists are obviuosly mighty tasty, as are the rest of the buffs, including the 40 intelligence. 36 rejuv seems adequate from my tests, giving some good, fast heals. The 4 smite leaves a lot to be desired obviously, with a small weapon buff (enhanced by personal str buff).

The other option of course is 40 rejuv 36 enh 4 smite, for the major ressurect and more healing power, but losing out on a few high level buffs.


40 enhance 36 smite 4 rejuv :) be different... :)

Hit ^_^

i was going eha40 reju35 smite 9. but was watching tv and specing at the same time :\
ended up enha40 reju36 smite4.
no biggie but still sucks :/

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