nerf the nerf...



There are so many arses complaining about uber classes on this board because they happened to be killed by that class a few times. Quit complaining, all the complaining is ruining the game.

People are leaving the game, quitting because their characters are becoming unplayable from Mythic's nerfing syndrome. What you should really be worried about is the day you look up and the population is 3.

Live with the fact that some classes own you and in turn, they get owned by someone else. Stop being petty, spolied brats and think of the game rather then yourself.


3 BM's I team with on excal Talivar, Cjkace and Almecunia, all 3 of them are pretty damn wicked, BM's are best in a team and when there are 2 together, damage output is insane. If I am not mistaken Alm was in the top 10 in Hib to reach 50, so it can't be a gimped class. BM's also gets some more loving in upcoming patches.

PS Nothing against certain classes getting some loving, my problem is with nerfing.


Light Tank issues (Blademaster/Mercenary especially)


- at level 30, each receives a new ability called "Flurry", which is on a 2 minute timer. Flurry essentially gives the BM/Merc a "free" attack by doing instant damage on their Realm opponent. Please note that this ability will only work on Realm enemies (i.e. enemy guards and players), and will not work against normal monsters. Also, please note that there is no animation for this ability yet. The Flurry ability uses the skills Dual Wield (for Mercenaries) and Celtic Dual (for Blademasters) when determining damage.

- All Blademasters, Mercenaries, and Berserkers are now given a new ability called "Advanced Evade" at 35th level, which enables them to evade in a 360 degree radius around them. Normal evade evades only those enemies who attack from the front.


Oh God :)
Think I'm going to roll a Merc one day


On the no nerfing thing, i agree. To quote a great band "Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be. Whisper words of wisdom, let it be."


Totally agree ( :

I support discussing what tactics are better etc, but fighting over who has the uber char and class and who has the gimped char or class isn't doing anyone any good.


I agree that some classes are way out of balance. I agree that something should be done about it. I DISAGREE that nerfing is the answer. I think class loveing is the way to go. If class (A) is far to uber against class (B) then class (B) should get some new defence to protect himslef.

Nerfing couldn't be any worse a way to deal with this issue. Nothing makes a person want to leave the game more than getting ´nerfed. And nothing makes a person want to play more than reading the next patch notes and seeing they got a new specc line or a better heal ect...


Like baseline cure poison/para/desease/mezz + insta-mezz - error respec and spell/alchemy craftmanship :D

wooooooooot :clap: :clap: :clap:


what the.... we haven't had an "omg, when do <class> get nerfed??" thread in weeks!
Making me edgy tbh :)

Herbal Remedy

do have to say im disapointed in mythic on cleric being rejuv specced (the way they nerfed they wanted more rejuv specced clerics) so they reduced smite dmg, smite clerics whined and moaned so they reduced the nerf and instead added a 5 minute timer to pbaoe mezz, so as a rejuv cleric i do crap mele dmg crap smite and if anyone gets upto me more than once every 5 minutes im fubared cheer :(

on other hand i heal for less mana and at longer range so it kinda balences out, just wish they hadnt taken out my form of self defence.

They nerfed aoe mezz because its just so uber :rolleyes:


Nerfing is a reality of MMORPGs, deal with it. Bottom line is a company like Mythic have limited resources. If class A is uber and owns class B,C,D,E,F,G & H, they just can't give lovin' to all those classes. The only sensible thing to do is nerf A.

If they did give lovin' to B,C,D,E,F,G & H, the dynamics of the game may change radically. So now class D owns A,B,C,E,F,G & H. So now they give lovin' to those classes, you see where I'm going with this?


ffs nerf "nerf nerf" threads like this! we need more nerf threads ok !!!!


Originally posted by old.Nol
There are so many arses complaining about uber classes on this board because they happened to be killed by that class a few times. Quit complaining, all the complaining is ruining the game.

People are leaving the game, quitting because their characters are becoming unplayable from Mythic's nerfing syndrome. What you should really be worried about is the day you look up and the population is 3.

Live with the fact that some classes own you and in turn, they get owned by someone else. Stop being petty, spolied brats and think of the game rather then yourself.

I totally agree.. but then:
Stop the nerf, and ppl stop whining?

Stop making changes to this god damn game, and let us make our chars, as it suit the game as it is NOW.

When i think of starting a stealther, and want it to be GOOD, i make a nice template, and show it at irc. ppl start laughing telling me:
That would be gimped in Patch 2342.2b/h.

Stop making those DAMN changes! Then i'll stop whining.

Btw, take a look at


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
do have to say im disapointed in mythic on cleric being rejuv specced (the way they nerfed they wanted more rejuv specced clerics) so they reduced smite dmg, smite clerics whined and moaned so they reduced the nerf and instead added a 5 minute timer to pbaoe mezz, so as a rejuv cleric i do crap mele dmg crap smite and if anyone gets upto me more than once every 5 minutes im fubared cheer :(

on other hand i heal for less mana and at longer range so it kinda balences out, just wish they hadnt taken out my form of self defence.

They nerfed aoe mezz because its just so uber :rolleyes:

Herbal, I play a rejuv cleric on alb/pryd.. I believe the pbaoe mez nerf is justified because you're not likely to get into a major confrontation every damn minute.. it (like instaheal) is a measure to be used only in emergencies.. This means it shouldn't be a main ability and should not be used every 20 or 30 seconds (don't use it that often so don't know the exact timing and too lazy to look up)

Rejuv clerics like druids/wardens/bards in hib are not meant to kill targets.. We won't kill anyone unless it's solo against a class that's vulnerable to us.. Complaining about damage of other classes is useless because they play those classes for that damage.. Healers choose to be healers and mythic is trying to accomedate the need for healers in RvR.
I'm mainly a warden and I have the crappiest potential damage of all hib classes. Rogue classes are on a higher damage table and bards can spec weapons and get an extra DD, druids get self damage add/poison and pet. Not complaining though, just accept you weren't meant to do damage and get on with it :)


Originally posted by -Dreama-
I agree that some classes are way out of balance. I agree that something should be done about it. I DISAGREE that nerfing is the answer. I think class loveing is the way to go. If class (A) is far to uber against class (B) then class (B) should get some new defence to protect himslef.

Nerfing couldn't be any worse a way to deal with this issue. Nothing makes a person want to leave the game more than getting ´nerfed. And nothing makes a person want to play more than reading the next patch notes and seeing they got a new specc line or a better heal ect...

Well if you give a class some sort of defence against a specific type of class the other class tend to see it as a nerf... archers/minstrells feals nerfed when assasins get DH...


doesnt matter what we say anyway, its the vnboards mythic read :clap:

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