Nemesis Recruitment!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
It's that time of year again folks, Exam time, and with Nemesis members taking time out between now and the end on June to concentrate on studies. The Guildmasters of Nemesis have decided to open up the recruitment section of our Forums once again, but first a little about us.

As a guild we hold no class or level restrictions on applications, we care not if your a Thane, a Hunter or a Savage or a Healer. All in all what we're looking for is people with a good sense of humor and strong guild spirit. We're reknowned for our PVE exploits doing many Raids on all the major dungeons in Midgard, ToA and SI zones. We also enjoy a reasonably active rvr life. Though our rvr life doesn't revolve round the formation of opted groups, but is centred more around, keep rvr, recapturing of midgards keeps, and the claiming and defence of enemy keeps. As well as running around on such evening as takes our fancy. We chose this type of rvr for a purpose as in a keep raid, all classes have their uses, From Hunters, Thanes, to sb's healers, warriors.. all are helped to enjoy the experience of large scale rvr. As a group of people we're fun loving and boisterous, our guild channel is usually full of a fair amount of mindless banter between each other.. fun is more important than realm points.

Obviously such a recruitment drive wouldn't be done if it wasn't necessary, and with the tempory departure of a number of key figures in the guild, for holidays, and college taking a forefront in Nemesis members lives atm. Of course with their return life in the guild will only be even more enrichened for new members than it is at the moment.

For those interested in applying for Nemesis, one of the realms oldest surviving guilds please go to the following link and leave a note in recruitment section of the forum. Or speak Durgi, Shillina, Ncr, Buorhat ingame.


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