need some tips for my new arms



plannin to make a arms to actually have soem fun in RvR instead of diein all the time :D

the idea was to make a pole arms
prolly thrust
followin this spec
42 thrust, 42 shield, 46 pole, 13 parry
i dont care about the lvlin part of my char hes gone get 50 one way or another
if u got any ideas or remarks about the speccin feel free to help mi out

also gone make a ramgecrafter of em
AC as main craft
and then gain up the AC till 670, WC500 Tailor500 so he can craft all parts needed on the ram
its a jump in the dark cuz im not 100%sure if hell be able to craft the rams with these craftskillz
heard rumors about a 1000+main craft skill but i guess thats only if u want all 4craftskills at the siegecraftin lvl (fletchin got a 40%cap when AC main)


that or 44pole/44thrust/42 shield/13 parry, no real difference tho.
When lvling dont bother speccing polearm you're better off going thrust/shield then speccing pole at the very end, you'll help groups and find soloing easier with sword n board.


lol, I was thinking of making a caster for rvr so I could have some fun rather than dieing all the time :)

If you're going to make a hybrid armsman(i.e. pole + shield, which I highly recomend if you want it to even slightly fun) then there are a few must haves, and a few options.

shield must be 42.
polearm must be at least 44.
style must be at least 39.

you can then either...
up style to 44 and have:
shield 42
pole 44
style 44
parry 13

very nice all round spec especially at low rr's

or try and get a bit more parry and go
shield 42
pole 44
style 39
parry 24

my personal favorite, get a few rr's and some stats and you could get pretty much everything close to 50.

You could also go..
shield 42
pole 50
style 39

a bit to offensive imo but a lot of people swear by it. You get the 50 pole style and will hit very hard.

Whichever spec you go for, I wouldn't go for thrust in a hybrid spec. Thrust is great for a pure polearmsman but if you want the option to go sword and board then slash or crush make much more sense due to the 1h styles.

As Duryn says, go for sword and board when lvling and respec to pole when you hit 40. It'll make life much easier.

As for the ramcrafter idea, that is exactly my intention too. It would be great to be able to make all siege parts. Take AC as main craft, tailor studded armor to keep the other stats up and you'll be able to make the cladding and harnesses in no time. I haven't even started on wc yet and probably never will.

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