need help with bh



wanna make a bh on farstar - nick is zrakz, & i got some marksman skills already, im new at the game so i dont know that much about it

anyways, whats the best kind of bh u guys think ? atm im going for bh/pistoleer/rogue - someone told me it was good & i kinda like pistols :p

just dunno how much to spec in what etc, help me out here


I thought about doing something simular to that.

BH pistol4, Smuggler dirtyfighting4, pistolier stances4 (think thats right line) and novice commando.

In the end i decided against it mainly due to the fact that i would have no medic skills (big mistake!) coupled with the fact that i hated having to waste so many points on master scout.

Effective in 1 thing, useless at everything else and ultimatly kinda boring for me.


im going for pistoller 0/0/4/4 first then ill work on BH 0/0/4/0
ill end up with a good few extra points that i can either pump into medic or dabble in the LLC



Get novice medic at least, it's a must and you'll regret iif you dont have it.

BH pistols is well suited for dabbling with pistol stances and smuggler, if possible, which curently have the best pistol moves.

Carbines are sorta broke, huge ham cost is a pain but carbines 3 in BH does have knockdown though Im not sure how usefull it is. Low blow is better I think. Also torso shot is "posture down" attack and useful(BH pistols 4).

LLC is good for pve with massive damage output but boring in PvP (unless maybe combined with other weaps). It's very easy to go up in (at least it was with CH combo for me) Since when you get certified for it it counts as a whole new weap and killing worrts or similar will give you as much heavy weap xp as killing them with a pistol at nov marksman gave. So killing a creature with llc gives you ~4 times the xp of killing them with a regular gun (given that youre master marksman which youd had to be :))


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