Need Before Greed: don't group with Platonas



just spend the last 20 mins in keltoi in a group with the friar named Platonas, in that time he had 2 drops (of 3) vindi gloves and a dark lucerne hammer, he REFUSED to give the items away beacuse as he could use them himself, he said "I can use them to sell, wear is not use" ok anyone can make a mistake, but when I explained the principles of NBG to him his only reply was "Do you think this is paradise"

this is a warning to group with him, he will not voluntarily give up any drops because he needs them to sell and gain money.


Prolly a good friend of odeo (or whatever his name is)


know the feeling teamed with a guy in barrows who got a plate drop he could not use it and he would not hand it over to the tank in our group saide he was keeping it for guild player thats all and well but if a member of the GROUP you are hunting with can use thay should get it if all the memeber in the team have the itam and do not need then fine to keep to do with as you will if you want to keep things for your guild team with your guild members players that are greedy like that make me:puke:
the team then split up that we where in and the guy posted that we where greedy for wanting his loot:(


silly fool, if you cant use it pass it on, simple as that :rolleyes: teach the baby:m00:


I hate those players. If I am group leader I always kick them out of the group, and otherwise i msg the groupleader to kick him out, or I'll leave the group myself.
I regard it as THE worst crime in playing DAoC.


Oh trust me those players will be known very quickly... Then all of a sudden they ain't getting any invites anymore and so they have to solo everything and earn xp and money on their own. I hate to think to solo at 40+ (it's a hell). So those people are just digging their own graves...

I must say that most players who are 45+ now know how it has to be done and how to play fair and have fun.


Yep, they'll simply dig their own grave...

And if I ever catch someone in our guild doing smmt like this, I'll kick his ass out the guild too... But we actually have honest players in our :D

(btw, you should have kicked the dude from the group the first time he refushed to share the drop, well ok a warning at the first drop, kick after the next)



an alt from the cleric Starsplash - refused to give up vindi armour and let the whole group die. You might remember my post about him a couple of weeks ago.


I had several similar experiences in my 20s-30s. I simply quit such groups.

Interestingly enough I haven't had to do this a single time since I'm past 35, and I heared of very little or no cases from other highlvls either.

Seems the greedy twats either fail to hit the highlvls or otherwise become wiser ...


Same here..

But know at lvl 35 it's hard to find a good group, same for a lot of others, sure we can group, but we need healer to... :-(

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