need advice



i just wanna know how much base stealth is needed, so without items, on lvl 50 to draw your bow in stealth without getting uncovered(or with items will do to)


Madonion Slicer

Drawing your bow and staying stealthed is a 50/50 or just random, Loxley has 41 with +10 items i and he sometimes can crit from stealth or will unstealth the moment i click the crit icon, seems random

Madonion Slicer

Oh and hello Sniper nice work on the hill side in emain last night, damn shame that ranger had to pop up and try to ruin our fun. Aussie was up their as well but i think he relocated before the ranger turned up


Loxleyhood! Grrr!

Me and my level 48 ranger friend were killing Alpha, we would have gotten him if you didn't shoot me! Yes I know Alpha is your realm mate, but still! :p

Ps. Your 750 damage hurt when you only have 850 hps :D

Madonion Slicer

Excellent plz someone remind Alpha i saved his ass, good to be owed a favor by the higest rank in Albion ;)

oo good about time i hit someone for 700+ Damage, ticks me right off when it says 300(-234) even worse when i get Miss Miss Miss, bloody stacked PBT.

Or tho i did get sweet shot on an Elf Caster late last night for 1000+ follow by 900rp's

And who says Scout's are nerfed.............Ops GOA/Mythic i never said that really we are nerf.


And who says Scout's are nerfed.............Ops GOA/Mythic i never said that really we are nerf
i think it is a scout that (a few months ago) first 1shot killed me with a 1100+ dmg shot. then a if i remeber correct a druid came and tryed and ress me, he also get killed in 1shot.

Sharp Thing

you need 50stealth with items and 50 in bow to stay in stealth at 50 while drawing a normal shot, so thats 39+11stealth (but each RR gives an extra +1to each skill so you need 36 at RR4) and same for lb
for a critshot its almost the same formula: ((base stealth+items)/bowskill)-20%, so at 50stealth with 50lb theres always a 20% chance you destealth

(im 99% sure of the above ^^)


oke, Thx all for replying:p(it was nice indeed on the hill at amg:p)

Madonion Slicer

Come on now lox you know i have complete respect for the build.

Loxleyhood is an excellent Scout.


Taken from hunter faq

Currently, the ratio of your stealth level to character level is the percentage chance you will stay stealthed when nocking a normal shot. If you have 20 stealth at level 40, you have a 50% chance of staying stealthed when firing. Critical shots are like normal shots, only the chance is reduced by 20%. The same character would only have a 30% chance of staying stealthed if he tried to fire a Critical Shot.

Hunter Spix


TBH I dont know how you can say scouts are gimped/nerfed whatever.

I suppose its down to your skill and spec, as Aussie continually does a lot of dmg, over 450 on normals and 900+ on crits.

If thats gimped then im a fricking train driver :)

Madonion Slicer

Shush......... we want Mythic and all the Hibs/Mids to not fear us, we never where nerfed we made it all up.....Shush

Keep it on the down low Wink Wink;)


Originally posted by old.Xanthian
TBH I dont know how you can say scouts are gimped/nerfed whatever.

I suppose its down to your skill and spec, as Aussie continually does a lot of dmg, over 450 on normals and 900+ on crits.

If thats gimped then im a fricking train driver :)

It's not down to your 'skill and spec' only, an example: tata

On armour with 0 absorb you wouldn't expect less. What's your melee resists btw?

The point isn't just the damage only, that's not gimped, it's the number of wasted shots in rvr. An archer is incredibly inefficient when it comes to shots done. Misses, fumbles, bt, pbt all adds to this. And someone who relies on few heavy strikes to kill, notices this.

(casters also cast faster)Imagine if you fumbled on your spells in addition to the resists you have, aswell as bolt misses(talking about all casters here). It's not like you can miss AND fumble an entire attack vs someone. Archers just have alot of small things against them, the lower end of ranged attacks(not when it comes to range, only efficiency, shots/hits etc.), low defense and low melee ability(buffed melee rangers need not apply to this :p).

Casters have their issues aswell, but when even Mythic devs have said that archers are a indeed under par, then that should be a solid statement. Also to state that scouts are/are not gimped and point to the highest rp scout is pretty, uhm.. strange, he is not the average scout because of RA's, RR. Heh :p


Yes im a Caster, and have no Absorb (apart from my buff)..
And my melee resists are T13/S16/C15.

But thats besides the point. Scouts are Mages killers, and they do it well.
They arent "supposed" to be able to 3 shot tanks, but some do..
Same as Minstrels, they are not supposed to be able to solo Spearo's, but they do.

Maybe Scouts fumble rate needs adjusting but personally, the damage they do is more than enough (after being on the receiving end many times)


Scouts do not solo tanks that know how to play. Most tanks have shields, use them. They block 1/3 of the arrows unspecced. Someone with specced shield blocks arrows simply by go into combat mode and face the attacker. With high specced shield the block percentage is more than 60%.

Edit: Forgot to say that classes with specced shield can use the ability Engage at 7 shieldspec, that blocks arrows 99% of the time.

"I was standing with my back against him and let him shoot me, he killed me. Nerf him."

Archers feast on unaware mages. Aware mages who notices their shields drop or selfbt drop by arrow while shot can in most situation combat that because of QC, CC/NS bolts and then run. /face is a handy thing. I'm not going to go into this and that scenario, but casters have been given tools to survive archers, and they do most times.


Originally posted by old.Xanthian
Same as Minstrels, they are not supposed to be able to solo Spearo's, but they do.

Mana eldritches aren't supposed to be able to solo 20 tanks/hybrids, but they do.

Assuming there's a door between em.
As for the minstrel thing.... yep, we do, assuming we're buffed to the teeth, against a hero with crap slash resist. Possibly. With a little bit of luck...

I think what I'm trying to say here is "shut up"


Originally posted by old.LandShark

Mana eldritches aren't supposed to be able to solo 20 tanks/hybrids, but they do.

Assuming there's a door between em.
As for the minstrel thing.... yep, we do, assuming we're buffed to the teeth, against a hero with crap slash resist. Possibly. With a little bit of luck...

I think what I'm trying to say here is "shut up"

lol LS, bitter cos you cant even kill unbuffed shades :rolleyes:
Shame you can't all be like Alpha eh.. but I suppose at least your trying.

Casters are made to kill tanks, hence our big damage output.
And you show me a screeny of a pbaoer killing 20 ppl.


I cba finding a screeny, it'd take at least half a minute. :rolleyes:

Unbuffed shades?? I ate the fuckers for breakfast until they made their armor resistant to my dmgtype, and removed my 15% resistance to them...

Now, my turn again - show me a minstrel that can claim to reliably beat heros without being buffed or having IP up when the hero doesn't have either IP or m00se? :>

Anyway, wtf did THAT little flame come from Xanny? Made me think envenom is buying forum accounts now ;)

edit: kk sorry, 20 ppl is a huge exaggeration. Call it 10 instead. ;)

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