Have a 99% armour ftm while i am assembling THE ONE temp for him.Started doing the puzzle but help is always needed
Requirements (dont post it if u dont meet it) with Wep + Shield
11 Stealth
11 Thrust
Dex 95+
Char 95+
Con 95+
Str 95+
Hits 200+
Prefer using
Golden Spear + Phoebus Harp as they are lvl 10
< Goes back to sketchingboard>
Requirements (dont post it if u dont meet it) with Wep + Shield
11 Stealth
11 Thrust
Dex 95+
Char 95+
Con 95+
Str 95+
Hits 200+
Prefer using
Golden Spear + Phoebus Harp as they are lvl 10
< Goes back to sketchingboard>