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How can i bind the key Ctrl with the hook on Quake III Arena?..PPLLLLLLEEEAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZZZEEEE someone reply! 8D


Erm, well since standard Quake 3 does not have the hook (or grapple as its sometimes known) active you cant bind it really.

If you mean in mods that do have the hook, consult the mod readme file. For example in CCTF the command would be

/bind CTRL WEAPON 10




Is CCTF any good? I see the BW server gets more peeps than either the standard ctf or alliance ctf servers. Is it a replica of QW CTF or Q2 CTF?

Why does no-one play alliance?

What lies at the other end of black holes?

Are we alone in the universe?


Yup, CCTF is great fun. I started off preferring Alliance, but now I prefer CCTF. It's onhand grapple, but it's a fast switch so make for pretty fast gameplay. I'd defo recommend downloading it and giving it a fair go.

Alliance, some fantastic maps, but imo let down a bit with the pogo and stuff. Tis good fun still, but not enuff ppl playing it currently. 2.0 is out soon, so maybe that will improve things. It's sposed to have a lot of new and nice features.


soz Gib, but what do you mean about the "pogo" ??

I agree concerning the maps and design though (love the effects whenever u make a cap!!) , they are superb and it is a shame to see all of their work effectively unappreciated. Its a really pity, cos BW in particular had a thriving LMCTF server. I dont think I have ever enjoyed myself so much playing online as I did on that server, even tho i was a modemer at the time.

Anyway, heres hoping version 2.0 rises like the proverbial phoenix from the flames.

/me goes off to d/l cctf (and then decides to wait until a version compatible with 1.27 comes out !!)



Me is da Pogo - Hogo Pogo!
bounce, bounce, bounce!
BOING!!! I'm outta here!


Cant Play Quake ???

What has happened to barrysworld game servers ??
Is Barrysworld Off line or is it a problem my end.

Help Me fellow Butt kickers

[Edited by BeelzeBub on 16-01-01 at 18:46]


Originally posted by Quorthon

Is CCTF any good? I see the BW server gets more peeps than either the standard ctf or alliance ctf servers. Is it a replica of QW CTF or Q2 CTF?

Why does no-one play alliance?


I did play CCTF for a short while when it first came out. I was pretty impressed but it needed work back then. I must admit I have not tried the later versions. Mostly this is just due to lack of time :( . As far as what its based on, its a bit of both. The grapple is not as major a force as in QW, but at least its usable unlike it was in Q2 :) The maps struck me as being ver q2 like though. Big.

I do see the CCTF server is full quite a bit, but I have noticed that it seems to have its own 'scene'. I dont see many/any standard CTFers on there? The standard ctf public servers have picked up now we have them all on the same rotation.



Originally posted by Quorthon

What lies at the other end of black holes?

Are we alone in the universe?

A black hole is not a hole as such. It is an imploded star which sucks anything which travels within its event horizon. What gets sucked in appears to get spewed out the top and bottom in jets which I can't remember the name of atm.

Are we alone in the universe? Who knows. I find it more probable that there are other civilizations out there than we are alone tbh.


Originally posted by Bodhi
A black hole is not a hole as such. It is an imploded star which sucks anything which travels within its event horizon. What gets sucked in appears to get spewed out the top and bottom in jets which I can't remember the name of atm.

hehe a couple of weeks ago you accused me of not having much time on my hands. Dr Pot to Dr Kettle?

Anyway, I thought that anything entering the event horizon of a black hole would by definition be unable to escape and that the jets you refer to were merely the positive particles of a particle couple that fell across the event horizon, the negative particle being unable to escape. And only when the black hole is spinning are these particles "flung" from the black hole in "jets"????


[Edited by Quorthon on 17-01-01 at 12:53]


Of course a black hole aint a hole really but it does warp space-time so that when you see one of those diagrams where space-time is represented as a 2D plane and gravity is presented as the 3rd dimension it looks a bit like a common or garden hole :D

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