need a little help



Just started playing daoc last week, I’m a lvl 8 Mage in Albion. Most people have been really nice despite a few blunders on my part. I still find it difficult to know what’s acceptable and what’s not, I read references to mobbing and pulling, and I don’t know what they mean or anything about the correct etiquette that’s expected. Is their a place where all this is explained?



Crash course in DAoC lingo :)

Mob - Enemy ;)

Pulling - Attacking an enemy, normally from a distance. Groups have designated pullers so as not to get more enemies incoming than the group can handle.

Oom - Magic user / cleric out of power

Inc - Incoming mob

As you group more, and talk to more experienced players you'll learn how to work in a group (Although some people never seem to get the hang of it :rolleyes: )

Best thing to do is get yourself into a guild. My guild is very new player friendly, so look us up if you're interested. A guild's a group of players who have a shared chat channel (Guild). We've got a lot of fairly experienced players :)

Look out for myself ( Israfael ) or any Celestial Fury members if you're interested :)


Thanks, That information was very useful, I’ll be sure to look out for your guilt the next time I’m playing.


Welcome to the game Mothface :)
Nice to see players coming into the community instead of leaving :(

As for the tactics, terms and group play, never be afraid to ask. Lots of people will take the time to explain your questions or give you tips. Since a lot of players already have alts, the chances that you get advice from a high lvl player are numerous.

Make sure you listen tho (something not all people get the hang of ... lol).

On the other hand, use the /advice to ask questions when you r solo or get no answer. Dont be offended when you don't get an immediate reply .... it happens a player is in full action and forgot to turn off the advisor flag and didnt even see your message (happened to myself too when I started listing myself as an advisor).

Gl & HF :)


Welcome mothface.

Just type...

/send mattus <insert message here>

If you need a hand with anything :)

It is indeed nice to see new people.

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