Need a hybrid hero temp


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
I know you got loads of cash and loves to farm :flame: :flame:

so made this fast in like 5 minutes:

With shield:

Config Report


Str: 116 Int: 0 Hits: 328
Con: 111 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 58 Cha: 0
Qui: 81 Emp: 0


Body: 24 Energy: 14 Crush: 23 (2)
Cold: 22 Matter: 18 Thrust: 26
Heat: 23 Spirit: 26 (5) Slash: 19 (3)


5 Shield

9 Large Weaponry

9 Piercing

11 Celtic Spear

9 Blunt

9 Blades


Cap Increases

6 Dex

5 Qui

172 Hits

23 Str

25 Con

Other Bonuses

9 Melee Damage Bonus

5 Fatigue

22 AF Bonus

10 Melee Speed Bonus

11 Style Damage Bonus

With spear:

Config Report


Str: 101 Int: 0 Hits: 328
Con: 96 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 43 Cha: 0
Qui: 81 Emp: 0


Body: 24 Energy: 14 Crush: 31 (2)
Cold: 22 Matter: 18 Thrust: 26
Heat: 23 Spirit: 20 (5) Slash: 26 (3)


11 Celtic Spear

6 Blunt

6 Piercing

6 Large Weaponry

6 Blades


Cap Increases

6 Dex

5 Qui

132 Hits

25 Str

21 Con

Other Bonuses

12 AF Bonus

11 Melee Damage Bonus

10 Melee Speed Bonus

8 Style Damage Bonus


Piece Listing

Name: Eirene's Hauberk(Hero)
Level: 51 Quality: 94
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 15 Strength
Effect 2: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 3: 6 Slash Resist
Effect 4: 6 Thrust Resist
Effect 5: 4 Style Damage Bonus
Effect 6: 4 Melee Damage Bonus
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 34.00

Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 28 Strength - 99 perfect Fiery Essence
Gem 2: 10 Constitution - 99 flawed Earthen Essence
Gem 3: 68 Hits - 99 flawless Blood Essence
Gem 4: 7 Cold Resist - 99 imperfect Icy Shielding
Utility: 56.33

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 25 Quickness - 99 flawless Airy Essence
Gem 2: 2 Celtic Spear - 99 uncut Earthen War Spell Stone
Gem 3: 76 Hits - 99 perfect Blood Essence
Gem 4: 22 Dexterity - 99 precious Vapor Essence
Utility: 60.33

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 16 Quickness - 99 polished Airy Essence
Gem 2: 9 Cold Resist - 99 polished Icy Shielding
Gem 3: 9 Heat Resist - 99 polished Heated Shielding
Gem 4: 9 Energy Resist - 99 polished Light Shielding
Utility: 64.67

Name: Maddening Scalars(Tank)
Level: 51 Quality: 94
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 40 Hits
Effect 2: 15 Constitution
Effect 3: 15 Quickness
Effect 4: 3 Melee Speed Bonus
Effect 5: 3 Melee Damage Bonus
Effect 6: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 7: 5 Quickness Cap Increase
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 30.00

Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 25 Quickness - 99 flawless Airy Essence
Gem 2: 5 Body Resist - 99 flawed Dusty Shielding
Gem 3: 9 Heat Resist - 99 polished Heated Shielding
Gem 4: 9 Matter Resist - 99 polished Earthen Shielding
Utility: 62.67

Right Hand
Name: Malice's Axe(1Handed)
Level: 51 Quality: 94
DPS: Bonus:
Effect 1: 15 Strength
Effect 2: 15 Constitution
Effect 3: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 4: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 5: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 6: 5 Style Damage Bonus
Effect 7: 5 Fatigue
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 20.00

Left Hand
Name: arcanite Magma Infused Defender
Level: 51 Quality: 94
DPS: Bonus:
Effect 1: 6 Spirit Resist
Effect 2: 3 All Melee Skill Bonus
Effect 3: 15 Dexterity
Effect 4: 5 Shield
Effect 5: 10 AF Bonus
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 62.00

Two Handed
Name: ML10 Spear
Level: 51 Quality: 94
DPS: Bonus:
Effect 1: 3 Celtic Spear
Effect 2: 7 Slash Resist
Effect 3: 8 Crush Resist
Effect 4: 10 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 5: 2 Melee Damage Bonus
Effect 6: 2 Style Damage Bonus
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 45.00

Imbue Points: 0.0 of 10 (94 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0.00

Name: Paidrean Necklace
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 10 Crush Resist
Effect 2: 10 Thrust Resist
Effect 3: 10 Body Resist
Effect 4: 10 Spirit Resist
Effect 5: Empty
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 80.00

Name: Flowing Antalya Shawl
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 15 Strength
Effect 2: 18 Constitution
Effect 3: 4 All Melee Skill Bonus
Effect 4: 6 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 5: 6 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 6: 2 Melee Speed Bonus
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 42.00

Name: Gem of Lost Memories (Tank)
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 10 Constitution
Effect 2: 24 Hits
Effect 3: 4 Matter Resist
Effect 4: 4 Body Resist
Effect 5: 2 All Melee Skill Bonus
Effect 6: 2 Melee Damage Bonus
Effect 7: 2 Style Damage Bonus
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 38.67

Name: Azura Belt
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 22 Strength
Effect 2: 22 Constitution
Effect 3: 60 Hits
Effect 4: 4 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 5: 48 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 44.33

Right Ring
Name: Grimeil's Ring of the Grotesque
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist
Effect 2: 5 Heat Resist
Effect 3: 5 Energy Resist
Effect 4: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 5: 12 AF Bonus
Effect 6: 40 Hits
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 42.00

Left Ring
Name: Leviathan Ring of the Deep
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 21 Strength
Effect 2: 21 Dexterity
Effect 3: 21 Constitution
Effect 4: 20 Hits
Effect 5: 7 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 6: 3 Melee Speed Bonus
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 47.00

Right Wrist
Name: Band of Stars
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 5 Matter Resist
Effect 2: 5 Body Resist
Effect 3: 5 Spirit Resist
Effect 4: 6 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 5: 6 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 6: 44 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 30.00

Left Wrist
Name: Cyclone Bracer
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 11 Crush Resist
Effect 2: 10 Thrust Resist
Effect 3: 10 Slash Resist
Effect 4: 2 Melee Speed Bonus
Effect 5: Empty
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 62.00


19 slash :eek: on scale even with shield out still 19 ;/? got a temp on my luri thats quite dire if i'm honest but i'll post it if you want :p has 11 cs 11 shield 11 weapon... every single sist is above 22 iirc tho


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 13, 2006
thats a warrior 2hand malice template u could use for hero as well...expensive.

Config Report




Crush:28 (2)
Cold:29 (5)
Slash:25 (3)

11 Axe


Cap Increases
25 Quickness
144 Hits
24 Strength
25 Constitution
5 Dexterity

Other Bonuses
7 Melee Damage
9 Style Damage
12 Melee Combat Speed

Piece Listing

Name: gov tank
Level: 51 Quality: 100
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 40 Hits
Effect 2: 18 Strength
Effect 3: 15 Dexterity
Effect 4: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 5: 4 Melee Damage
Effect 6: 4 Style Damage
Effect 7: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 32.00

Imbue Points: 36.0 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 58%
Gem 1: 28 Strength - 99 Perfect Fiery Essence
Gem 2: 3 Axe - 99 Rough Earthen War Rune
Gem 3: 9 Heat - 99 Polished Heated Shielding
Gem 4: 5 Cold - 99 Flawed Icy Shielding
Utility: 61.67

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 25 Quickness - 99 Flawless Airy Essence
Gem 2: 9 Body - 99 Polished Dusty Shielding
Gem 3: 9 Heat - 99 Polished Heated Shielding
Gem 4: 36 Hits - 99 Imperfect Blood Essence
Utility: 61.67

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 4 Axe - 99 Flawed Earthen War Rune
Gem 2: 7 Heat - 99 Imperfect Heated Shielding
Gem 3: 9 Cold - 99 Polished Icy Shielding
Gem 4: 9 Spirit - 99 Polished Vapor Shielding
Utility: 70.00

Name: maddening scalars tank
Level: 51 Quality: 100
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 40 Hits
Effect 2: 15 Constitution
Effect 3: 15 Quickness
Effect 4: 3 Melee Combat Speed
Effect 5: 3 Melee Damage
Effect 6: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 7: 5 Quickness Cap Increase
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 30.00

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 25 Quickness - 99 Flawless Airy Essence
Gem 2: 4 Axe - 99 Flawed Earthen War Rune
Gem 3: 7 Constitution - 99 Rough Earthen Essence
Gem 4: 76 Hits - 99 Perfect Blood Essence
Utility: 60.33

Right Hand
Level: 51 Quality: 94
DPS: Bonus:
Effect 1: Empty
Effect 2: Empty
Effect 4: Empty
Effect 5: Empty
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 33.33

Left Hand
Imbue Points: 0.0 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0.00

Two Handed
Name: malice
Level: 51 Quality: 94
DPS: Bonus:
Effect 1: 15 Strength
Effect 2: 15 Constitution
Effect 3: 40 Hits
Effect 4: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 5: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 6: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 7: 5 Style Damage
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 30.00

Imbue Points: 0.0 of 10 (94 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0.00

Name: beaded
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 10 Body
Effect 2: 10 Crush
Effect 3: 10 Thrust
Effect 4: 10 Cold
Effect 5: Empty
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 80.00

Name: feather
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 6 Crush
Effect 2: 6 Slash
Effect 3: 6 Thrust
Effect 4: 6 Body
Effect 5: 11 Spirit
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 70.00

Name: Katorii's Shadow Pin
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 18 Quickness
Effect 2: 15 Quickness Cap Increase
Effect 3: 2 Melee Combat Speed
Effect 4: Empty
Effect 5: Empty
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 12.00

Name: plaited hair
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 7 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 2: 7 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 3: 2 Melee Combat Speed
Effect 4: 18 Strength
Effect 5: 18 Constitution
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 24.00
Right Ring

Name: Leviathan Ring of the Deep
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 21 Strength
Effect 2: 21 Constitution
Effect 3: 21 Dexterity
Effect 4: 20 Hits
Effect 5: 7 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 6: 3 Melee Combat Speed
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 47.00

Left Ring
Name: ring of moira
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 24 Constitution
Effect 2: 4 Spirit
Effect 3: 40 Hits
Effect 4: 64 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 5: 8 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 34.00

Right Wrist
Name: cb quick
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 18 Quickness
Effect 2: 40 Hits
Effect 3: 5 Quickness Cap Increase
Effect 4: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 5: 6 Slash
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 34.00
Left Wrist

Name: cyclone
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 10 Crush
Effect 2: 10 Thrust
Effect 3: 10 Slash
Effect 4: 2 Melee Combat Speed
Effect 5: Empty
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 60.00

heres a cheaper one ...2 hand hero malice again...

LOKI Build Report
Two-Handed Configuration:
Build Utility: 770.3
Useable Utility: 757.0
TOA Utility: 283.0

STR:101/101 CON:100/98 DEX:15/80
QUI:80/80 INT:0/75 PIE:0/75
CHA:0/75 EMP:0/75

Body: 25
Cold: 26
Heat: 27
Energy: 13+5
Matter: 27
Spirit: 26
Crush: 24+5
Slash: 27
Thrust: 26

Blades: 9
Blunt: 9
Piercing: 9
Large Weaponry: 11
Celtic Spear: 9
Staff: 9

Style Damage: 11
Melee Damage: 9
Melee Combat Speed: 11

Chest (Guard of Valor (Tank)):
Imbue: 22.0
40 Hits
18 Strength
5 Strength Cap Increase
15 Dexterity
5 Dexterity Cap Increase
4 Melee Damage
4 Style Damage
Utility: 32.0
TOA Utility: 60.0

Imbue: 36.0/32 (Quality: 100)
22 Quickness
5% Heat
13% Cold
1 Strength
Utility: 51.3
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100)
22 Quickness
9% Heat
7% Cold
9% Slash
Utility: 64.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

Legs (arcanite Shadow-tainted Legs):
Imbue: 31.0
18 Constitution
7% Crush
8% Thrust
3 ALL melee weapon skills
7 Constitution Cap Increase
2 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 57.0
TOA Utility: 24.0

Hands (Mad Scalars):
Imbue: 20.0
40 Hits
15 Constitution
15 Quickness
3 Melee Combat Speed
3 Melee Damage
5 Constitution Cap Increase
5 Quickness Cap Increase
Utility: 30.0
TOA Utility: 50.0

Imbue: 36.0/32 (Quality: 100)
11% Matter
2 Large Weaponry
5% Spirit
28 Strength
Utility: 60.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

Two-Handed (Malice):
Imbue: 20.0
15 Strength
15 Constitution
40 Hits
5 Strength Cap Increase
5 Constitution Cap Increase
5 Style Damage
40 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 30.0
TOA Utility: 55.0

Neck (Necklace of Rapture):
Imbue: 39.0
8% Thrust
8% Slash
7% Energy
7% Heat
7% Body
Utility: 74.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Cloak (Flowing Antalya Shawl):
Imbue: 26.0
15 Strength
18 Constitution
4 ALL melee weapon skills
6 Strength Cap Increase
6 Constitution Cap Increase
2 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 42.0
TOA Utility: 34.0

Jewel (Gem of Lost Memories):
Imbue: 18.5
10 Constitution
24 Hits
4% Matter
4% Body
2 ALL melee weapon skills
2 Melee Damage
2 Style Damage
Utility: 38.7
TOA Utility: 20.0

Belt (Duamutef's Belt of the Dread):
Imbue: 38.0
9% Spirit
8% Body
21 Quickness
24 Strength
2 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 64.0
TOA Utility: 10.0

Left Ring (Ring of the Heavens):
Imbue: 26.0
24 Constitution
40 Hits
6% Spirit
10 Strength Cap Increase
Utility: 38.0
TOA Utility: 20.0

Right Ring (Zahur's Ring):
Imbue: 40.0
60 Hits
6% Body
6% Cold
6% Energy
6% Matter
6% Spirit
Utility: 75.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Left Wrist (Zahurs Bracer):
Imbue: 30.0
60 Hits
6% Heat
6% Matter
6% Crush
40 Hits Cap Increase
10 AF
Utility: 51.0
TOA Utility: 10.0

Right Wrist (Cyclone Bracer):
Imbue: 38.0
10% Slash
11% Crush
10% Thrust
2 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 62.0
TOA Utility: 10.0

Now....lightly Modified to include Malice or Matter/Spirit LW, Loss is 8 con and lower Spirit and Matter with Malice out, with Matter LW out, however, stats are better than orig temp, IMO, 8 less con is made up for by 21AF, which is about a 4.5% ish dmg redux.

STR:103/101 CON:101/91 DEX:15/80
QUI:80/80 INT:0/75 PIE:0/75
CHA:0/75 EMP:0/75

Body: 25
Cold: 26
Heat: 27
Energy: 13+5
Matter: 16
Spirit: 21
Crush: 26+5
Slash: 27
Thrust: 27

Blades: 9
Blunt: 9
Piercing: 9
Large Weaponry: 11
Celtic Spear: 9
Staff: 9

Style Damage: 11
Melee Damage: 9
Melee Combat Speed: 11

Matter/Spirit LW:

STR:116/101 CON:86/86 DEX:15/80
QUI:80/80 INT:0/75 PIE:0/75
CHA:0/75 EMP:0/75

Body: 25
Cold: 26
Heat: 27
Energy: 13+5
Matter: 24
Spirit: 29
Crush: 26+5
Slash: 27
Thrust: 27

Blades: 9
Blunt: 9
Piercing: 9
Large Weaponry: 11
Celtic Spear: 9
Staff: 9

Style Damage: 6
Melee Damage: 9
Melee Combat Speed: 11


Chest (Guard of Valor (Tank)):
Imbue: 22.0
40 Hits
18 Strength
5 Strength Cap Increase
15 Dexterity
5 Dexterity Cap Increase
4 Melee Damage
4 Style Damage
Utility: 32.0
TOA Utility: 60.0

Imbue: 36.5/32 (Quality: 100)
22 Quickness
9% Cold
19 Constitution
19 Strength
Utility: 58.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100)
22 Quickness
9% Crush
7% Heat
9% Slash
Utility: 64.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 36.5/32 (Quality: 100)
2 Large Weaponry
9% Thrust
7% Heat
11% Cold
Utility: 64.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Hands (Mad Scalars):
Imbue: 20.0
40 Hits
15 Constitution
15 Quickness
3 Melee Combat Speed
3 Melee Damage
5 Constitution Cap Increase
5 Quickness Cap Increase
Utility: 30.0
TOA Utility: 50.0

Feet (Sun Scorched Helm):
Imbue: 14.0
3 ALL melee weapon skills
12 Strength
11 AF
2 Melee Combat Speed
5 Strength Cap Increase
Utility: 23.0
TOA Utility: 31.0

Two-Handed (Matter LW):
Imbue: 33.0
8% Matter
8% Spirit
28 Strength
10 AF
Utility: 50.7
TOA Utility: 10.0

Neck (Necklace of Rapture):
Imbue: 39.0
8% Thrust
8% Slash
7% Energy
7% Heat
7% Body
Utility: 74.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Cloak (Flowing Antalya Shawl):
Imbue: 26.0
15 Strength
18 Constitution
4 ALL melee weapon skills
6 Strength Cap Increase
6 Constitution Cap Increase
2 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 42.0
TOA Utility: 34.0

Jewel (Gem of Lost Memories):
Imbue: 18.5
10 Constitution
24 Hits
4% Matter
4% Body
2 ALL melee weapon skills
2 Melee Damage
2 Style Damage
Utility: 38.7
TOA Utility: 20.0

Belt (Duamutef's Belt of the Dread):
Imbue: 38.0
9% Spirit
8% Body
21 Quickness
24 Strength
2 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 64.0
TOA Utility: 10.0

Left Ring (Ring of the Heavens):
Imbue: 26.0
24 Constitution
40 Hits
6% Spirit
10 Strength Cap Increase
Utility: 38.0
TOA Utility: 20.0

Right Ring (Zahur's Ring):
Imbue: 40.0
60 Hits
6% Body
6% Cold
6% Energy
6% Matter
6% Spirit
Utility: 75.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Left Wrist (Zahurs Bracer):
Imbue: 30.0
60 Hits
6% Heat
6% Matter
6% Crush
40 Hits Cap Increase
10 AF
Utility: 51.0
TOA Utility: 20.0

Right Wrist (Cyclone Bracer):
Imbue: 38.0
10% Slash
11% Crush
10% Thrust
2 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 62.0
TOA Utility: 10.0

think the second one wins.

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