whats with all these necros RVRing ?
Originally posted by The Archer
and in zerg, i hide on a hill in trees and nuke the crap out of everything i see
Originally posted by old.Atrox
Necro is very fun to play aslong as there is no Casters or Mezzers around.
Buffed ofc, I think Necros benefits more then any other class from buffs.
Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Aye, not met a tank that could kill my pet with MoA4 buffs, 1.65 will make it even better
Originally posted by The Archer
heh, i usually go pwn a couple of solo tanks... until i get pwned by an overbuffed stealther...
and in zerg, i hide on a hill in trees and nuke the crap out of everything i see
Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Most of them need just some realm points to get MCL/Serenity/WildPower. There are a handful of active Necros at the moment incuding mine who intend to use the class for RvR. Should be a bit more useful come 1.65 but they are still quite good now for small skirmishes.
Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey
p[fft, u dont got 80% abs yes afaik